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David Hingtgen

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Everything posted by David Hingtgen

  1. Hmmmn, Coffee Lake was my “next year major upgrade/quasi-new-PC” idea. Any rumblings of new sockets etc? That’s the #1 thing that really bit me with this one, the 1150 was short-lived while the 1151 has been going on for years.
  2. Yup—-Shatner’s and Peter David’s TNG stuff is very entertaining and “you remember them”. I can only recall the story of like one other TNG book, despite having read a decent number of them.
  3. I still just want a VF-0D in proper slate blue and pale grey, not "practically Max's 1J, deep blue and white".
  4. Of the zillion box sets out there, what does this one have inside: It’s an old ADV releas, so that’s a good sign IIRC. But if I were to buy it and select Japanese with subs (of course) is it just “Robotech with dubtitles” or is it actually a decent proper release of SDF:M?
  5. Hmmm. A bit bigger than O. (Surprising, it doesn’t look nearly that big) I wonder if it’s out of scale with itself, like many Lionel trains are. (As in, different areas are different scales).
  6. Please measure the distance between wheel flanges (basically axle-length, not wheelbase). I’ve been curious for a while if it’ll fit any model railroad track.
  7. The DX toy YF-19 has black above red, unchanged from the DX VF-19Adv. The 'real' YF-19 has red above black.
  8. It at least had air horns and proper fuel tanks, so it beats all the MP’s at “being a truck”.
  9. I would like an MP Prime that has an accurate vehicle mode, closely following the G1 toy. Do that, with “as good of a robot as you can make from that vehicle” and I’d be ecstatic. “Skinny flat angular fuel tanks” are fugly and just plain wrong. And no air horns? No narrowing of the frame behind the cab? Full fenders instead of the G1 quarter fenders? It’s like they’re not even looking at the G1 toy nor the real thing, and just “copying previous takes” and moving ever-further from the source material.
  10. Yup. And though it may just be an early sample on display--the chest-stripes are still backwards. I'll wait for an "anime-accurate-colors" version. (that may end up being never, but I'm not paying $$$$$ for huge ugly tampos that are wholly inaccurate/inappropriate and would be extremely hard to correct due to overlapping multiple colors)
  11. I hope the arms and legs lock together better in fighter mode—-the rear-view especially looks gappy/crooked. Both legs and both arms are all angled in different directions.
  12. ::edit:: Well, eVga just put up a batch of new 1080 FTW’s on their ebay store for like $120 below MSRP. I took it as a sign, and bought like the last one before they sold out. Still a hundred bucks more than I was planning, but I basically got a 1080 for a 1070 price*, and I think I’ll be pleased. *prices highly variable/insane the past few months. ::edit 2:: supposed to come with “Destiny 2 and two expansions”——anyone interested in that? I’d sell it cheap to anyone here.
  13. Despite multiple molds, both official and 3P, it baffles me why no one can come even CLOSE to simply having his mine-plow fold up against his chest properly. And the new mold is the worst of them all. It makes his robot mode look so stupid to have “giant forks” sticking out of his chest, when all it’d take is another hinge with a simple ball joint to make it look so much better. (Perfect accuracy would take a lot more, but you can get a lot of improvement with little effort)
  14. Despite always designing my PC's around upgradability, I always tend to wait so long to upgrade, that it's kinda pointless---sockets and RAM have moved a gen or two ahead, and nothing's compatible anymore. So, opinions wanted on what I should do. Current specs: i5-4690 on Z97 board, 8GB DDR3 12800 RAM. GTX970 (from Azrael!). 256GB SSD for boot/windows/programs, 1TB HDD storage. Z97 board is LGA1150 socket. Doesn't seem at all worth it to upgrade to any 1150 CPU based on cost/age. Same for RAM. If I want to upgrade CPU/RAM, then it's pretty much a whole new PC at that point---mobo+CPU+RAM, and not cheap. So I'm leaning towards a GTX 1170 when it comes out (or a 1070 Ti, depending on prices this fall). That a worthwhile move, or do I hit the point where the rest of the PC is seriously holding back the GPU? Would probably go the "new mobo etc" route a year after the GPU. (likely new case then, too, at which point it truly is a new PC)
  15. I really hope if they ever do release a DX, they outline/shadow the crests on the wings, and don't do like the anniversary YF-29, where it's "white printed on very slightly off-white". The logo/design is far too cool, to be invisible.
  16. I need a lot more pics of fighter mode, but right now I'm thinking the 1/60 is better in that regard.
  17. P/CP, and BlastOff, are both in the "if I saw them at retail, for normal/sale Deluxe prices, I wouldn't even have to think about it". But $50 for two deluxes at Amazon, is just plain "no". I'll just put the money towards Ox/MMC's BlastOff. PS---I loved my G1 P/CP, and really hope for a 3P version. You could do so much more, if you actually, had, you know, a budget...
  18. Is your F-16's canopy scratched/nicked, and no longer rated for Mach 2+? Just buff it out with some Tex-whiz!
  19. Clear plastic is always more brittle than opaque*, and frankly shouldn't be used for any piece under stress, that's a tight fit, is a hinge, or bears weight. It WILL crack, and then break, eventually. It simpoly has no "give" at all. It won't bend 1 degree, it'll just microscopically crack. *we're talking among the normal ABS/PS/PE/PC used for figures, not "miracle plastics" like F-16 canopy material...
  20. Not 1/10 as a bad as the new Thundercats, but not half as good as I was hoping/expecting. Odds of watching it just sank 90%.
  21. That doesn't even LOOK like a VF-4, from head-on. I've had some issues with the master files before, but this is the worst by far. Even ignoring wing/fin angles---it looks like they used the F-15 or something for the nose/fuselage/canopy head-on.
  22. Look closer. They’re both triple-changers, with their aerial-mode kibble present. Not as much, but totally there. Red one: shoulders are a Harrier’s intakes, wings are coming off the shoulders, abdomen has the nosegear, knees are the rear exhausts. Shins are the wing’s underside bulges where the outrigger gear retract into, with the gear struts going down into the ankles. Blue: cockpit chest, rotor blades and hub on back. Triceps? I suspect he’s an Apache, but there’s not a lot to go by.
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