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David Hingtgen

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Everything posted by David Hingtgen

  1. Wait-- "With FFIV getting the full voice treatment, we can only assume the upcoming remakes of FFV and FFVI will follow" When were FF5 and 6 announced? I passed on the GBA versions of most, though did get 6 advance. Ah well, full 3D is well worth the purchase again.
  2. Really good, big pic of the first SBD dropped by an F-22: (scroll down) http://www.edwards.af.mil/shared/media/pho...F-9999W-011.jpg It won't be long before we start seeing the following standard load: 8x GBU-39 2x AIM-120D 2x AIM-9X
  3. I transformed my first (and only) 1/48 once, then took it totally apart to do some tweaking--namely sanding down lots of parts in the backpack joints, so that it transforms smoothly and stress-free. Also a few paint apps. And using CA to make reinforcing fillets. Seeing all the stress marks from just one careful transformation will freak you out. (Though on any non-white valk like my Milia, stress marks stand out 10x more)
  4. I don't think Kaito Nakamura was pushed over the ledge as an attack--I think he flipped the bad guy over the ledge, and got pulled down along with. As for the girl--read the web comic. #51. http://www.nbc.com/Heroes/novels/downloads...s_novel_051.pdf The connection with her brother is unspecified, but the obvious guess is "if he's with her, it doesn't happen". Thus, why he's so desperate to always be right next to her. Makes me wonder if his power is like the Haitian's nullifying power, or if it only works with his sister. (They're supposed to be twins AFAIK)
  5. They say KC-30: "Northrop Grumman's KC-30 Tanker, developed for the US Air Force KC-135 tanker replacement programme, has completed its first flight. Aircraft "D-1", a green Airbus A330-200, flew for nearly four hours and will be the first aircraft delivered to the USAF if the Northrop Grumman team is awarded the KC-X contract. Contract award is currently expected in December 2007 or early January 2008. The A330-200 has been reconfigured as a strategic transport aircraft for the military market with aerial refuelling equipment installed. After its flight tests, the tanker will be ready to be outfitted for the aerial refuelling role. Australia, the UK and United Arab Emirates have selected the A330 platform to serve as their next-generation tanker. Its direct competitor is the Boeing's KC-767. Flightglobal.com reported on 23 September that Northrop Grumman may switch to the A330-200 Freighter version, which is in development and has yet to fly." On my main aviation forum, someone said they built it so as to have an aircraft ready very soon if it is chosen--and if it's not, it can easily be converted for the RAF, RAAF, etc--and they'll all be interested to get an extra, cheap, surplus tanker. Note that last sentence---it's what I was referring to about it not being based on an A330-200F. I expect "real" KC-30's will be, if they ever come to be.
  6. Hey look, it's the first KC-30. Personally, I would have waited until the USAF chooses between the 767 and A330 before starting to build them. Also, it doesn't look like I expect the KC-30 would---even ignoring the total lack of refuelling equipment (guess it's not a demonstrator), it doesn't have the revised nose gear/nose area the cargo-based A330's are supposed to get.
  7. Surprised I haven't seen anyone comment on this anywhere. It was freaky in Superman Returns, it's freaky here. Using your powers to hover outside a girl's window isn't romantic, it's stalking. At least he didn't use x-ray vision or super-hearing.
  8. Runabout was a black 98+ Camaro SS. Don't actually remember what Runamuch was at all. The same?
  9. I always thought he did a remarkable job with F-22 seekers, the best of his "updated" interpretations. (Though Runamuck and Runabout were good too)
  10. Graham was in Macau for a while, so he was too busy to do much. I think he's only just now getting around to writing it. Also, he wants to get more comfortable with transforming it before he does a video.
  11. The ep's title is "Four Months Later". Parkman got divorced somewhere in there I'd bet. Ack--haven't checked Yamagato's site in a while---they've got a documentary series about Kensei. http://yamagatofellowship.org (check the videos section)
  12. Hiro as Kensei is so obvious I wonder if it's a red herring at this point. Was I the only one expecting Sulu when he revealed himself?
  13. Dips are fun. Especially big dips in big planes. Best ride ever was an MD-11 out of MIA. Like a roller coaster, but at 250 mph and 500,000lbs...
  14. Also, if you spend all night in line, you'll miss the season premiere of Heroes.
  15. Oh, I haven't read ANY of the recent reviews---I'm trying to avoid everything possible from now until release. But the hot alien lesbian was mentioned in an article that was purely about how/why it got a Mature rating. Also, I highly suspected it would be the case based on previous Bioware games, and how the species was described in the prequel novel. And Penny Arcade had a comic: http://www.penny-arcade.com/comic/2007/09/19
  16. Yeah! And don't forget the recently revealed "hot alien lesbian sex".
  17. IMHO, any electronic item should be able to go 6 hours at 70 degrees ambient. 4 hours isn't at all uncommon when I'm playing a new RPG (or Ace Combat). Don't think I've ever done six STRAIGHT, but 3+3 with a 30-60 minute gap between isn't unheard of. Or 2+2+2. It's hard to find 6 hours in a day to play period IMHO. But systems should be able to take it. I know every other system of mine sure can, and not get any warmer than when it's only been used for 30 mins. Guess I'll just hope mine lasts until the new CPU/board comes out.
  18. Man, a refurb dying that soon? Or was it in fact brand new? (would be surprised if refurbed-but-new-drives were in the chain yet)
  19. They look to be better painted and with better parts fit than the original release. Most notably the wing stripes, and the hatch/cover on the underside of the radome over where the swing bar latches in.
  20. I'm getting my TV for Xmas. While Xmas 2008 will probably be THE "HDTV holiday season" due to the 2009 mandate, I expect this Xmas will be much bigger than the last. Football alone I think drives the market sometimes. Plus the PS3 and X360 being even more common than just last year, plus far more HD/BluRay players. I expect every TV to drop a bit in the next few months, plus big holiday sales. Sure it'll be even cheaper next year, with better TV's--but I feel I've waited long enough. I've got an progessive-scan DVD player and a 360---and watch it all on a 20in CRT. And will have a PS3 within a few months after I get the TV. (That TV is PURELY for movies and games--it doesn't even get cable, and usually doesn't have the antenna plugged in)
  21. That's the one. Kinda mis-named IMHO, since TV's and HD in general is discussed just as much as the "DVD successors".
  22. I've never seen a composite that was half the weight of conventional. The main purpose of composites (IMHO) is squeezing out that extra 2% of fuel economy due to a slight weight savings. It's not some miracle super-light material. Widebody airliners can save a few thousand pounds using composite--- but fighters--dozens, maybe hundreds of pounds.
  23. I'm currently leaning towars the Sony 32S3000, or the 32M3000---aka the 32ML130. The M3000/ML130 is supposed to be a cheaper version of the S3000---but so far no one's figured out how it's "cheaper" parts/features-wise. It simply costs less, and seems to be identical. A few hundred cheaper than the Sharp. Accepts 1080p, but won't display 1080. Not many 32's do. Big thing to look for lately--tearing when hooked up to a 360. Has eliminated quite a few "possibles" on my list for a 32in LCD. Might want to move this over to the HD thread.
  24. David Hingtgen


    It's hard to give an exact scale when it's not accurate in any dimension to any established figure (since the line art doesn't agree with itself, nor the animation), but I recall 1/64 or so being said by Graham way back at Alt.Fan.Macross, IIRC. Of all things, overall length is probably the worst thing to go by to compare scales of toys to the lineart/established numbers. The noses are almost always shortened on the toys, while everything else maintains size. Generally/roughly.
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