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David Hingtgen

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Everything posted by David Hingtgen

  1. Part of the problem is that most people, frankly, are slobs and treat their systems and games with no respect. They're filthy when MS gets them. (Part of the reason I RARELY buy used stuff---I think 3 games in my life, and never a system or accessory). I always marvel at 10-day-old games being traded in, that are all scratched to hell like a 2-year-old rental disc. I wonder WTF these people do to their games.
  2. This pic shows the hands better---they only have a single magenta piece mounted on the back (very much like many gundams). The hands and entire wrist are black.
  3. Maybe I should change the title of this thread to 40GB edition based on the latest news. 400's still a lot though for a stripped-down version, when the same amount bought the best version of the 360 last year. I'd rather snag a emotion-engined 60GB for below 500.
  4. Most obvious (to me at least) are the chrome door handles, bunk vents, and running light strips. Plus all the chrome strips outlining the windows and doors. (Though on a modern semi that's all more likely to be stainless steel---chrome is usually limited to horns, stacks, and bumpers)
  5. They need to make spare Nora figs available to repaint into red. Or just make red ones. (Can't see the hair anyways so it won't matter)
  6. I thought the chest and heatshield looked off---they need to be grey too. Hopefully that's basically a "half-painted" prototype, and there's a lot of grey paint to be added---heatshield, hands, knees, etc.
  7. The pink hands do look very toy-like, if only due to being a single color all over. Don't know off the top of my head what color they should be, but I don't know of any valk that had "color matched" hands. They're either white or grey AFAIK, regardless of paint scheme. It just seems to have too much magenta overall. The knees, shoulders, etc--it's all magenta. But look at like a YF-19 or something--despite being all tan, all the joints are dark/grey/metal, and I think Nora's Sv-51 should be the same. Would have to go watch again to confirm though.
  8. Part of the reason I always shake a DVD/game case a little before buying it, to listen for loose discs. Doesn't happen often, but it has saved me from buying potentially scratched discs a few time.
  9. Thing is--even if Hasbro did do a repaint, it wouldn't look that good. The guy either knows trucks or used photo references--a lot of little "truck-specific" details are painted on it that Hasbro wouldn't do.
  10. My bookmark was set to http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?, I'll change it and see what happens.
  11. I want a quiet one. That's my main reason for upgrading. If I could get one for not too much out-of-pocket expense that was JUST quieter, and wasn't any cooler and didn't have HDMI--I'd do it in a second. But if I'm just going to have to sell mine and buy a new one anyways---might as well get the best version out there. So long as it's not fugly green. (Ironically, if I could have any color 360, it'd probably be green---just not THAT green. Clear green or something--and I've also considered white+green skins) PS---I kinda wonder why they made the Elite BLACK, and not dark dark dark green like the original Xbox. Or is the Elite actually "Xbox dark green" and most people just don't notice it's not really black? It took years before I realized what color my Xbox really was. I've never actually seen an Elite, just the box in stores.
  12. Yeah, but with the way they're going in that everybody knows/is related to everybody else I wouldn't be surprised. Plus, he's already done the creepy/eww thing with the spying on her while outside her window.
  13. 1J: Up. 1S: Back quite a bit, 30 degrees or so.
  14. I was commenting more on a genetic link to . And if ---wait till Claire finds out.
  15. For the past 2 days, if I leave MW for more than a few hours, I have to re-log in every time. I've cleared my cookies (both the mw.com and www.mw.com ones, which are all of them AFAIK) and it's not helped.
  16. True, after thinking about it for a few secs my guess was he was her greatx10grandfather or something. But still---that whole little plotline IMHO should have just ended there, and Hiro goes on and does the obvious thing. But about the kid at Claire's school---I'm guessing it's more random chance, no relation. I mean, Heroes is obviously "everyone knows or is related to everyone else", but if he's got a link somehow---that's just stupid.
  17. Never considered that, but it could be. My overall thoughts of the ep were that it was 30 mins of stuff stretched out to an hour. Especially Claire's stuff. Also--I kinda doubt "he" is dead. We have no idea what his power is. Maybe it's creating dead clone bodies to fool people...
  18. I'm still going to hold off for a month or two. Or three. I want to make sure any bugs are out on 65nm chips. And I don't want fugly olive green. Waiting for white ones. I may very well have a 360 for sale in the upcoming months. Doubt I'll be able to swap by the time Mass Effect is out.
  19. I'd not seen that clip before, so it was new to me. As opposed to the other "Lucas got this from that movie" stuff which has been seen a thousand other times.
  20. "New simplified heatsink". Am I the only who's thinking it's still going to be too hot, and 3-6 months from now they're going to have to go back to the bigger, improved heatsink seen recently on non-Falcon chips? Sigh. Cooling something down, but then shrinking down its cooling system---pretty much puts you back where you were to start with. PS--any news on drives on the Halo edition? Ben-Q?
  21. It's well-known that the M. Falcon vs TIE scene was taken from WW2 films of bombers, but this is new---but fits just as well.
  22. My point was that CRT 16:9 HDTV's have insanely low horizontal resolution. As in you can see gaps between each columns of phosphors. It's that bad.
  23. Just about every "hot young actress" in Hollywood has at some point been rumored to play Wonderwoman. Though IMHO none of the ones named would be a good choice.
  24. I think they're completely clueless. Live only makes money for MS when it's being supported and used by other companies. Yeesh, MS even has ISP-specific directions for hooking up for many companies. Have you seen/tried this? http://www.xbox.com/en-US/support/connectt...ivitywizard.htm
  25. If that were true, I would have bought one of the many CRT HDTV's at Best Buy a year or two ago.
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