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David Hingtgen

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Everything posted by David Hingtgen

  1. Another "meh" episode. Next week looks good though. Also--more Star Trek. My guess for what's going on at the very end---
  2. "The F-16 is an evil, menacing scary sound" That's a new one. They sound very generic IMHO, having heard both GE and PW ones. Super Hornets have a pretty unique sound.
  3. Just waiting for an even cheaper core with 65nm, so I can upgrade without spending TOO much money.
  4. I'd like all-black due to the fact that my dad's last truck was a "sapphire black" 379, with even a similar light package to movie Prime. It was dark blue, but only barely "not black". (and I doubt they'll do a "very very dark blue" repaint)
  5. As I said----plan to wait for a G1 repaint. Or maybe all-black. You KNOW they're going to milk that good of a mold forever.
  6. Found a site like 2 days ago, but can't remember the name at all (so my web history won't help) and can't get the right results from google. It's a site that'll evaluate your PC's ability to play specific games. The site has a big pull-down menu listing of many popular games. Anyone know that site?
  7. Looky! http://www.acecombatsix.com/?utm_source=Pe...rcade+Home+Page (near the upper left side) I believe there's at least one real former F-14 pilot at the main Ace Combat forum.
  8. UPS still delivers, I just got a little package today.
  9. Hey, mine's not on the carpet. (My SNES has been fine on it for many years though) (and my 360 didn't get the RROD, it had other issues)
  10. Nope, no movie Prime yet. Still waiting for a G1 repaint. And if that never comes--I haven't seen the regular one since June. He is the hardest to find TF after 2009 BB. (I've even started seeing Barricade again lately)
  11. It's not like the 1/32 of an inch of air space that ones sitting on a flat board gets is all that critical. They get hot regardless. People who play theirs in the winter in Alaska have theirs overheat. It's completely open on every other side, and all vents/exhausts are clear. That should be more than enough for any system. If MS really wanted space on *all* sides, then there would be feet to raise it up an inch or two and they wouldn't allow vertical positioning--systems sitting vertically almost completely block off a side of openings. MS just wants to blame everything on us IMHO, not their flawed design. Sitting on carpet directly vs that millimeter of airspace underneath it on a board probably does raise it by 1 degree. But that doesn't matter much when the system is WAY too hot regardless.
  12. That's from the "Generations" book. Page 89. (No, I don't own it, but I have quite a few scanned pages)
  13. Depends. Are the Best Buy exclusive Ratchet and Megatron metallic repaints going to be there too on that day? If so, I'm going there. If not--Wal-Mart. Either way I'm buying the cheapest normal DVD version possible, as you KNOW there'll be a "super ultimate edition with 4 mins new footage" in a few months, or a year. And eventually Blu-Ray.
  14. I thought all Halo versions had 65nm. It's not like MS has publically released a detailed list of exactly what processors started going into what systems when. Just a few sample numbers from people who've opened theirs up.
  15. I'm obviously the only Piranacon fan here. One of my all-time fave TF's.
  16. Coolest PC mod ever? The Incredible Hulk: http://fusionmods.net/?theCase=viewThread&...=919&page=0 It's not static, the arms move via motors and shake the system.
  17. It flew! For about 3 seconds until it went boom. http://gizmodo.com/gadgets/boom/x%20wing-r...p?autoplay=true
  18. That's nice: http://theknightshift.blogspot.com/2007/10...ansformers.html Steve Jablonsky (the movie's composer) sent signed copies of the CD to the guy who started the online petition to get it released.
  19. I was waiting for this to come out before I bought a MP-5. Still, $150 for one TF is a lot. Anyways---so after all was said and done, what places had "easily removed with no glue residue" MP-5's? Because now I want to buy one, and need to know who will (probably) have the "least altered" MP-5's coming in the 2nd production batch.
  20. Get the 360 version if for no other reason than the achievement points.
  21. Mod power---we get automatic priority in posting replies.
  22. Nope, gestalt is a fan-made term that post-dates any G1 toy. German word.
  23. Ratchet---the Concorde stretches about a foot in length at Mach 2, due to how hot it gets. All planes stretch a bit when they're that warm/fast, but the Concorde does notably so due to its extreme length and shape. It's not so much on a 40ft jet as on a 200ft jet. Similar to how an SR-71 only achieves its "true" shape and the fuel tanks seal once it gets going hot and fast. PS--and a point is, that FEW planes can beat the Concorde. Yes, there are some out there--the fastest planes ever built. But the sheer fact that a PASSENGER plane can go faster than 90% of military combat interceptors can--is pretty remarkable. That'd be like if Ford made a family sedan that could out-race 90% of Indy or NASCAR.
  24. SR-71---ok, technically it does fly for hours on burner. But its afterburners are completely unique, as are the engines. The burner itself acts like the engine---it has its own air supply and compression, every other afterburner out there just dumps fuel into the turbine's exhaust. An SR-71's burner at Mach 3 is basically the ramjet itself, with the turbine section practically idling along just to keep the accessories going with most of its air supply bypassed to the burner. Blackbird burners at speed are doing far, far more than what your typical burner does--they're not even really operating on exhaust. They operate as normal burners sub-sonically, but once the engine starts acting like a ramjet---they're the main component.
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