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David Hingtgen

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Everything posted by David Hingtgen

  1. I just noticed my IP changed. It's been the same for months, but now I get two different (but close) ones in just a few days.
  2. ::mod mode:: Whew, here only 7 mins after the thread started. No flames YET...
  3. Amazon refunded my "overnight shipping charges" after I emailed them. They simply screwed up and shipped it second day. Still, I'd rather have it in time to listen to on my trip, than 5 bucks...
  4. Absolutely. But physical lack of large planes isn't really the problem. The problem is going from 1 757 to 5 ERJ's. Same number of people, but takes 5x as much runway/gate/ATC time. The airlines claim having more flights, more often, on smaller planes gives people more choice/convienence. Except, now that this leads to 3 hour delays all the time, it really isn't working. Best example: Some years ago I flew to Seattle via Chicago. It used to be 1 DC-10 flight for the 11AM-ish departure. But it had recently changed to 2 757's. Departed 1 min apart, same airline, same route. Gate agents announced every 5 mins to people which plane was which flight--as they had almost identical flight numbers, flew the same place/route, and were at adjacent gates! How is that helping the crowded airways? Also, there is almost no situation where replacing one old plane with two newer ones will make it more efficient---maybe 1 707 with 2 737-600's, but that's not going to happen. It's even worse now, we've got small cities getting 50-seat jets leaving half-empty every 45 mins, instead of a full 727 every 3 hours. I think most people would gladly trade the "convienence" of more departures, for fewer depatures that WERE ON TIME. How is 7 flights a day, 2 hours apart, but always 2 hours late, any better than 3 flights a day, 4 hours apart?
  5. If they're doing batt-op ones, Omega Supreme or Trypticon would be better choices. They're expensive, but big and worth it. Skylynx never impressed me. (He didn't really transform so much as "extend legs and tail")
  6. That's annoying/sucky: As I had placed the order early this morning, it was shipped out this afternoon---and I paid for/requested overnight delivery. BUT---since it was only guaranteed by Friday when I ordered (in case it didn't get out until tomorrow)----they shipped it via SECOND day according to UPS's site, so it's still not going to get here until Friday--and second day usually isn't delivered in the morning like overnight. At least it's coming--I hope. I won't be surprised if it's actually the soundtrack, and not the score. (Yes, I'm becoming fairly bitter at this point---I'm just trying to buy a CD that should be readily available)
  7. IMHO A350 simply isn't a threat. The 787 has a tremendous order book because airlines want a more fuel-efficient plane as soon as possible---not 5 years from now. Even if the 787 was delayed by 2 years somehow, it'd still be in service well before the A350. Boeing may be depending on the 787, but Airbus is depending on the A350. (Both REALLY make their money from their small planes though---737 and A320 are still going strong) CO, NW, ANA, QF, etc are not going to cancel due to a 6-month delay, to order a different plane that'll arrive 60 months later. The only real questions (big order-wise) are American and United---American is utterly undecided, and the rumor was United might go for the A350 simply due to the 787 order book being so full that if you order now you won't get any until the A350's out. Early 787 customers won't give up their delivery slots for anything, but if you haven't ordered yet---it's going to be a long wait.
  8. Long story short----officially no, but very easy to implement with some, but not with the specific stereo mine has. So no.
  9. I was thinking about closing this thread a while ago. 93 pages---gotta be a record for a "formal" Macross thread. And it'll get WAY too huge with Nora. So watch for "Sv-51 part 2" soon. Though, there's a lot of hints/tips/fixes in the later pages of this thread, would hate to split that apart as they'll probably be needed when Nora comes out.
  10. It'd be easier to put it in the coolest part of the room if: 1. Power brick wasn't so huge with such a short cable. It doesn't help to have a 6ft cable to the wall, when the cable to the system is only like 18 inches. 2. Cables weren't so incredibly thick. They have like a 1ft minimum turn radius.
  11. If there's another delay, it'll still be a year ahead of the A380 delay-wise. And it's still years and years ahead of the A350. Airbus isn't laughing. The 787 needs about 5 years of delays to fall behind the A350's service entry.
  12. I don't own an MP3 player. Mainly due to hating headphones of all styles. I need an external speaker.
  13. Gah! Just got emailed from Suncoast that the CD's backordered. WTF? Why is this so hard to get? Just emailed them to cancel it--I'm not waiting 30 days. (especially since they'll probably still ship it overnight, but weeks in the future) PS--so much for "in stock and ships within 24 hours". ::edit:: OK, now Amazon says in stock again. ::orders:: We'll see. Of course, now that it's many hours later it probably won't ship until Thursday, and unless it shows up at my door at like 10AM, it'll still be too late.
  14. I prefer black. If the 60GB drops again here, I'll probably get that.
  15. I've noticed that "next week previews" always seem to end up being just the last 2 mins of the ep--which thus only hints at the NEXT ep...
  16. Pure spoilers for the end of the last ep:
  17. Most of the characters in that movie were worthless. If it was only Sam and the TF's, it'd have been even better. If there were no humans at all, it would have been amazing.
  18. The movie score is out, but NOWHERE has it. Online seems to be about the only place to get it, but Amazon's already sold out. I just ordered from Suncoast, one of the few places with it in-stock and shipping, and with next-day shipping available. (I'm going on a road trip in like 48 hours, and really planned on listening to it on the way---I was going to just snag it at my local Best Buy today until I found out they didn't have it, nor did any store within 30 miles) Sigh---everywhere has the craptastic "songs NOT in the movie" soundtrack, but nowhere could be bothered to order the "songs actually in the movie" score for one of the biggest movies of the year?
  19. Also, once anything's old enough--it's generally up for sale. There's privately-owned (and flown) F-104's and F-4's now. 20 years from now, you'll might see private F-16's.
  20. There's no way my 360 will ever surpass my PS2 in hours. My PS2 surpassed my SNES years ago. PS3+360 won't surpass PS2.
  21. Sheer size is an issue, too. If they made an even better, $100 version, I'd definitely buy it. Sigh---Ultimate BB is such a waste. He's just a giant electronic box with Camaro bits stuck on it. Imagine if they'd abandoned the electronics, and made it Barricade instead. Would cost less too. Or---flashing lightbar. That can be done for $2 now, and wouldn't affect transformation at all.
  22. Shia's a guy, but you came amazingly close to spelling his name right. The "official hot chick" is Megan Fox, though personally I like Rachael Taylor (the Tasmanian chick) better.
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