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David Hingtgen

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Everything posted by David Hingtgen

  1. Glad I'm not the only one that thinks it's fugly. Worst from the side IMHO. And where's the V-crest and beam swords?
  2. True, the dedicated wingmen were far better. Also, I'm starting to (lazily) fall into a pattern: Do all the work myself, as allies shoot down maybe 1 plane per hour. That's the first half of the mission. Then there's the 2nd half with "new enemy planes" etc---but now your "ally bar" is full to blue, so you use it---and the entire air force materializes out of nowhere and vaporizes everything with a million missiles in a few seconds. Mission complete, with "friends" counting for 50% of the kills.
  3. Somewhere, someone just green-lighted the live-action Evangelion.
  4. They're not the problem, Yamato's the problem. 1/72 is the defacto scale for all planes, and now a common scale for tanks. Especially in Japan. Yamato chose 1/60 I believe as a compromise between 1/48 and 1/72. And nothing else is to that scale--expect MP Starscream, which I believe its scale was intentionally done to copy Yamato.
  5. Nope, this is the most boring one in years. 4/5/0 are FAR more interesting. 4's a step below 5 and 0 for "involvement" but I do love 4's story. As for music--nothing notable yet besides the main/first mission theme. I'll complain about "hard to read". This game REALLY wants an HDTV. It's in widescreen, and on a 20in TV that means each letter on the HUD is about 2 pixels high. I'm worrying about Mass Effect now, as the demo disc has some pretty small fonts. "We played it on a normal TV and it's fine"---if you used a 37in, doesn't mean it'll be OK on a bedroom 20in. Overall, I think they spent ALL the money on trying to make super-detailed stuff, and kinda skimped on everything else. PS--regarding immersion----there's actually too many planes now. In 4 and 5, you could easily "follow along" on ground missions---see people, help them out. Now---"there's a transport leaving the field, protect it"----that field may be WAY far away, and there's 500 other planes----it took some 6 mins, but I never found it and it was shot down. There's so many things you feel disconnected from everything.
  6. If anyone wants a diecast model Jolly Rogers F-14, do NOT buy the Franklin Mint one. Paint scheme is way wrong, plus a lot of other small issues. Save a chunk of money, and get a MUCH better (though slightly smaller) model. Get one of these: http://www.aimhigherjets.com/Century_Wings..._p/ahj-4185.htm http://www.flyingmule.com/products/CW-587199 http://www.aimhigherjets.com/Century_Wings..._p/ahj-4180.htm Note: AJ203 has the wings permanently extended forward, to allow the flaps and slats to be deployed---it's posed ready for a catapult launch, and has the nose lowered. AJ210 has the flaps and slats up, but can swing the wings back and forth. Both have moving stabilators and gear up/down options.
  7. C'mon guys, it's midnight--somebody post they got it/played it etc. Quick review: Lacks the "heart" of others. No plot in the missions/briefings IMHO. AC 4/5/0 (especially 5) had stuff happen during the missions, each mission was as important to the plot as the cut scenes. Nothing like that here. "Blow up this, blow up that". Maybe the final missions will start tying in, but they blew a PERFECT opportunity for mission 6 or so to start meshing with the cut scenes, or have a "this is important" moment. (Well OK, the opening mission is a plot/event mission, but haven't seen one since) A LOT of achievements are online, including the vast majority of points. Well, I have a 1-month Gold card for Live, and Mass Effect comes out in 1 month. PS---I think we should also list gamertags in this thread, for people who specifically intend to be online soon playing AC6. I'll start: David Hingtgen--- Xenogears Id (and I just found a cool fighter-chick avatar to use too)
  8. IMHO, there's no way Frenzy fits into a small boombox. Nor could his head make a cellphone. There was "noticeable" mass shifting (the Mass Effect?) involving his transformations. Should have made him even smaller in bot mode.
  9. ZX 2 came out today? Yeesh, I'd only just first heard about it a week ago or so. Capcom needs to advertise more---I'm a huge Megaman fan and didn't even know if was out today. Ah well, guess I'll pick it up next time.
  10. Got my pre-order face plate, saw all 4. Went to the mall to get lunch and the game. There were 4 pre-orders, and only 4 plates. Luckily we got all 4 different plates and I was first so got to pick. F-15E, A-10, Tornado IDS, Sea Flanker. Not surprised at the choices, they're the "stars" of the game. Went with the F-15 as I thought it had a better "background" than the Tornado and worked the best horizontally. (The A-10 is a very "vertical" plate, the Sea Flanker is what I've been staring at on my 360's theme for a month) F-15E has blue-pink "dawn" background, Tornado is pure blue. A-10 is white/pink "dawn/sun-rays", Sea Flanker--can't remember. So is it just the flightstick plate that's delayed? Hmmn, if they ship separately and there's extras I may be able to snag one. PS---this is the first game I've got that seems to be a US/Canadian English/French version. The manual is doublesized--one English, one French. And the back of the case has everything in French too. New MS thing, new Namco thing?
  11. I thought downloadable content that you pay for is console-registered. I'm sure XBL arcade games are. Is it JUST games? (Have read many reports of people having to sign into XBL every time to "verify" arcade games they own, because they're on their 2nd/3rd console, and the system knows that the HD/game is on a different console than it was originally downloaded to and won't allow it to be used unless it gets confirmation from XBL) Will have to check for similar things with Oblivion's expansion packs. For a lot of things, simply swapping HD's will not be sufficient--the console and MS know what exact serial number was the original console to download it. As for the planes---new paint schemes with different stats. Trade speed for payload, etc. ::edit:: Here's what Wikipedia says: <<<<<<<<<<<<<[edit] Problems with replacement consoles Per Marketplace design, the digital rights management license for downloaded content is tied to both a specific user, as well as to a specific console. This means that to access the content, the user either needs to be signed on to Xbox Live using their Gamertag, or be playing on the original console the content was purchased on.[3] As a result, users with replacement consoles (either as a result of a warranty claim, or due to an upgrade to the Xbox 360 Elite model) cannot use the content they have downloaded without being connected to Xbox Live. This has the effect of restricting usage of purchased content when no Internet connection is available. Currently (Sept 2007), Microsoft has no procedure for transferring ownership between consoles. However, if the replacement was due to a warranty issue, users can contact XBox support to receive a refund of the points necessary to buy the content again on the new console, removing the internet connection requirement. Also for some users if they had multiple accounts in one hard drive the downloaded content bought by one account would be shared with all the others. Meaning if account "A" downloaded something account "B" and "B" will and etc would also have the content. If your console is then sent to repair the other accounts will lose the downloaded content and the original account that downloaded it will be the only one able to use and even so it has the limitation of only working when online>>>>>>>>>>> In essence, you're either screwed, or seriously inconvenienced if you get a new console after downloading stuff. I don't want to have to get my 50ft ethernet cable and hook up to the net (and disconnect my PC and cable modem) every time I want to fly a certain paint scheme in AC6. (It's part of the reason I only have ever bought 150pts of stuff on XBL---I don't want to lose stuff, as I *will* upgrade my console as soon as I can get a cool/quiet one---or maybe mine will die as it doesn't have the newer heatsink) And I doubt it's easy to get MS to pay you back pts to re-download everything.
  12. The impressive thing about that pic, is that's practically a legal load. Unlike equivalent F-16 pics etc that show 50 weapons, of which it can carry 4 at a time.
  13. This is why we still have B-52's: (sorry to 56K'ers, blame the USAF for their gigantic pics)
  14. I claim "snow" for the main reason I have an automatic... (have fun downshifting while skidding on ice downhill)
  15. Aerialbots would work. Concordes ARE far larger than any fighter jet. Replace Slingshot with something a bit bigger and all 4 limbs are to scale with each other. Though Fireflight as an F-4 is a bit old. Hey, make him an F-14, paint him like Jetfire, and make everybody happy. (Yes, F-14's are gone now, but so is the Concorde---and hey, Bay is the guy who had Spruance-class destroyers in Pearl Harbor) Menasor---4 cars, plus a semi PLUS its trailer---works. Defensor has no chance---motorcycle foot, helicopter arm, the same size? Many of the others are too weird to work in "the real world"---Computron, Abominus, Piranacon.
  16. I am wondering about the 360's upscaling capabilities/quality. AFAIK the 360 only "renders/generates" at 720p, and up or downscales from there. If upscaling to 1080 takes a moment and the 360 isn't that good at it--it'd be pointless to get a 1080 TV with a game mode, as the game mode's lag-reduction would be countered by the 360's upscaling time. May be better to go with a 720 TV, which could take a 360's output directly.
  17. Downloadable planes are already up at XBL apparently. 200pts each. Dilemma dilemma---download everything, only to have my 360 die and have to buy them all again? Or sit back and watch everyone else use the new paint schemes... I'd buy 1 or 2 *really* cool planes regardless.
  18. More importantly to me simply than who's cheapest----who has a decent price and gets them in and ships quickly? No point saving 10 bucks if you get yours 3 weeks later. For those who bought Ivanov's----who got them first?
  19. If it's true, it'll be my first MMORPG. And I will spend every free minute playing.
  20. From the miniscule experience I have with non-US cars, I'd also go with the Mazda--they're the only ones that have had interiors I've liked.
  21. I'd certainly wait. Black Friday is right after ME comes out.
  22. Bioware has denied a Collector's Edition for months---but Gamestop etc have been listing exactly what's in it for a while. From what I can see, it truly will be "limited"---online only, not in any store. Check Gamestop/EB etc. http://www.gamestop.com/product.asp?product%5Fid=200404
  23. That's one thing I'd never order online--anything with an LCD screen. Not worth the effort/hassle if there's dead pixels. FAR easier to take it back and exchange for a new one, then wait a week each way plus the insane shipping charges of large heavy objects.
  24. Nope, no faceplates here yet. Don't even think they knew what I was talking about. (Different crew from who I pre-ordered from). And they're not getting the game until Wed.
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