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David Hingtgen

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Everything posted by David Hingtgen

  1. That's what I meant---I'd buy them regardless of "on-screen canon" status, but they're unlikely to ever be made if they only exist as cover-art and not on-screen.
  2. Relatively, or absolute? I loved Frontier, hated Delta. I liked the first Frontier movie more than the second, but overall still prefer the series. (though there are definitely some good scenes in each movie).
  3. Zero chance, but give me a PG Delta Gundam, since they still haven't done an MG 2.0, and I want a shiny gold transforming kit...
  4. Is that just a raw Go-Lion copy, or are they making improvements? (are the ears normally metallic gold, and not yellow?)
  5. Darn, I was really hoping Mirage’s was on-screen like that with a likely release. Will just keep hoping for Arad’s 31A or something....
  6. Google "push-button transmission". They're (not)awesome.
  7. So really it should be more like "Armed Siegfried" vs "Armored Siegfried" based on the specs/discussion there...
  8. “Mega Force” was my fave line of the era. Had pretty much the entire Triax military. Loved those toys. http://www.toyarchive.com/Megaforce/Series1.html
  9. The cynic in me says their sentence is self-evident/redundant——“it’s not polite to be rude” isn’t really saying anything. “Red isn’t blue” and “up isn’t down” are similar statements.
  10. I forgot about the hands until mentioned—-but yeah, they don’t even “come out of the forearms”——I don’t think they could store there—-they just “appear” and they couldn’t have come from anywhere around the wrists....
  11. Agreed on Atlas—-the whole “legs” part was blatant “swapped in a whole new model from one frame to the next”, they didn’t even try to animate it. It went from “one big block splitting” to “2 cylinders” in a single frame.
  12. I feel much better about buying my 1080 now: 2070 $600 2080 $800 2080ti $1200 (real actual prices at nvidia.com—-2070 already pre-sold out) https://www.nvidia.com/en-us/geforce/20-series/
  13. Of course there was a ton of shelf-warming, half the line was non-combining lions...
  14. The router is always warm, but didn’t seem hot—-this is one of the coolest days in weeks. (Still hot midwestern summer, but not peak)
  15. ::edit:: ok yeah of course, after 2 hours of nothing, it just pops open the admin screen while I was typing this. Yeesh... Think I’ll buy a new one Black Friday—-I do NOT like random multi-hour failures... Do WiFi routers just up and fail, yet still seem ok? All of a sudden I lost all connectivity——but if I connnect my PC directly to my cable modem, all is well. But if I have the router involved—-nothing. Can’t even get to router’s home/admin page. But all the lights “blink the right way”. Tried swapping around all the cables——not the cables. Tried other ports/jacks—-nope, works fine if router is taken out of the loop. I have done every method of a factory hard reset I know of——and it cycles through, starts blinking away—-but won’t do anything. PC’s Ethernet port activity light blinks when hooked to router, so the router seems to be talking to it. I’m out of ideas, really don’t want to run to bestbuy tonight and buy a router if I don’t have to, but there’s nothing left to do. (Though it irks me that all the router indicator lights say things are fine). PS——-Asus N56U. It’s 5+ years old, could even be 10.
  16. I like the Discovery Enterprise, comparatively. 10x better than JJprise, and still much nicer than what a pure NX-01-esque version could have been. I’d probably be “ok” with a Discovery-Excelsior. But a JJcelsior would be an eldritch horror.
  17. They are very metallic in person. F-35, not so much (but not dead-flat either, kinda like the newer F-16 paint is). Seeing F-35 next to F-22——the 35 sits up higher off the ground, but is still shorter overall. And F-22 canopy is yellow-orange, but F-35 canopy is orange-purple or orange-pink. Have noticed the purplish canopy on the -35 several times now. (You can see it a bit in the formation pic).
  18. Best of what I got from Offutt today: (and today was the first time I finally got to see the full F-22 demo--every other time it's had to abort mid-way for a tech failure) Other highlights: First time seeing a P-40 Sat in KC-10 captain’s seat Sat in KC-10 boom operator’s seat (steep entry ladder, low ceiling!). Also, there’s an interesting optical effect—-there’s a series of mirrors set up, that basically shows you “through” the rear fuselage. It basically looks like there’s a hole through the back of the plane. Your mind knows you should be looking at a wall/bulkhead, but instead you can see perfectly well what’s right behind the tailcone....
  19. Offutt airshow tomorrow, I plan to be there. Great lineup this year: F-22, F-35, P-38, B-52, B-2.
  20. I did use DDU. I might try it a few more times---I know it took a while before my 970 really "acted like a 970"---it went from "faster than the 960" to "WAY faster than the 960" after like the 3rd uninstall/reinstall session. I have to do some work anyways to install my new PCI-E cables, I think I may literally uninstall the card itself (physically) for a few reboots, clear everything out. Reboot a few more times for good measure, clear it all out again, then install it. (that's pretty much what it took for 960 to 970...) Semi-related--evga Precision OC, in addition to just generally sucking, is the slowest-loading program on my PC by far. It's like 45 seconds after everything else. Off an SSD. I can be in a game from a cold boot before it's up and running---and that screws everything up---if anything "GPU-intensive" is started before OC loads, it won't load. So I find myself "booted and running, but waiting around to actually start anything while waiting for Precision OC to actually get going". I found a few references to similar issues online, but no fixes. All the evga tech official responses were "it always starts up super-fast for us". And it doesn't seem common enough to have a bunch of discussion. (this is part of the reason I'm considering clearing out everything and starting from scratch---SOMETHING is delaying it I think, but I don't know what---I have as many non-essential services disabled as I can so as to have very fast boots) PS---CCleaner is awful now, since avast bought it a few months ago. Ad-filled bloatware that nags you constantly for extra services, and auto-runs even when you disable everything in the options. It's not "run on occasion to clear up junk", now it acts like an anti-virus, and runs 24/7 trying to find things to sell you a premium service to fix. Do NOT update it if you have an older version.
  21. Is “reinstall Windows just to clean things up” still a suggested practice? I remember people used to do so like every year, just due to bloat, registry junk from deleted programs, etc. I feel I have too many processes running lately, and I see things that make me think that despite utterly uninstalling the old drivers, some aspects of my new GPU are being limited to the old one’s capabilities/stats. But—-I tweak the heck out of my windows installs, it’ll take days to get it set just how I like it. (I feel a repair install may be pointless—-sure it’d remember a lot of settings, but I also fear it’d keep a lot of junk, defeating the point). So I really don’t want to do it if it won’t help much. Plus of course—about 10,000 windows updates to re-do... ::edit:: this’d be 7, BTW. I’d still be running XP at home if I could.
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