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David Hingtgen

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Everything posted by David Hingtgen

  1. As they age, every plane gets flight restrictions. F-14's were down to 5.5G's at the end, maybe 5G's. F-14 speed restriction was M 1.88 I think, F-15's are currently at M 1.91. They really should comment on that when talking about old fighter planes needing replacement. Again---a B-52 has a "calm" life for an airframe----they don't pull G's or go fast in the first place, and are still 100% as good as new in that regard. And due to low cycles despite their hours, they have no load restrictions AFAIK. (C-130's now, have such high cycles the older ones have severe load restrictions, as do many KC-135's). But fighters age much faster, and lose sheer flying capability. There is no F-15A/B/C/D out there that can pull 9G's or go Mach 2.5 anymore. They are 7G, Mach 1.9 fighters now. New F-15's could help, but as they now cost almost as much as F-22's---we should just buy F-22's.
  2. Son of a.... This explains why NOBODY has any of the 30+ wins for any category, and why I don't have my 200+ kills achievement: IT DOESN'T AUTOSAVE ONLINE STATS. So if you kill 75 people, end the game, and turn off the console---then kill 30 more the next day---it says your total is 30, not 105. I got 100 kills because I played for 3 hours straight. Man, I would have my 200 kills, and 30 team wins by now if it remembered cumulative. Save manually after you're done online. Also, winning a free-for-all is tough---and I had 2, but now I know it didn't save them. (30+ will never happen on that, I plan to get 10 and stop)
  3. If you played Castlevania 3, and/or MegaMan 2 you know they have some of the all-time best VG music. And I discovered this part of Screw Attack's site way too late: http://www.screwattack.com/RetroRemix.html Skip the first minute or two (or five), trust me. But after that, they rock. Just fast forward past all the talking until you get to the music. For the first MM2 track (actually the second one listed--they're in reverse chronological order) you need to skip the entire first half. But if you're like me, and you could listen to MM2 for the rest of the your life and be happy, the rest of the track is gaming music bliss.
  4. ::mod hat on:: You know, we DO have a "warfare" thread that is generally allowed to be a bit more political (but this forum is still supposed to be "no political discussions"----we've come very close the last couple posts). http://macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?showtopic=22252
  5. Was at BestBuy again---I think the 1080 (vs 720 at 32in 5 feet away) only looks better with static text---images generally look nigh-identical. While that may be nice for video games, I don't think it's worth almost double the price of a nice 720. (BB changed settings again, the two 720p Sonys are on completely different demos, impossible to compare again)
  6. MW is unofficially PG-13, and we've received complaints about the thread. That's why the first post was edited. As for this time----without loading and saving each pic individually to track down which is which due to how MW stores attachments, it's nearly impossible to 'selectively' remove 'offending' pics---so they had to all go.
  7. Nice point---people keep talking about how much the F-22 is, but don't seem to realize that due to inflation, the F-15 costs just as much. (Makes me wonder---so was the F-15 back in the 70's seen as "horrendously expensive" as the -22 is now?) The F-15 was in response to the "MiG-25 threat", and they tried to get as many built as soon as possible. Yet now we have Super Flankers, which unlike the MiG-25 really are amazing planes that are a serious threat to our air dominance, yet they say we don't need -22's...
  8. I do see a lot of those, and they do quite well. I still go with the F-15E. Incredible raw speed and power, and 6 AMRAAMs. And a good defense rating----not an A-10/Tornado, but better than a lot. Long-range missiles suffer from the same problem as the last few games---you have to fire from SO far away to take advantage of them, that you pretty much only get one chance, then you're in the merge and have to go for guns. Plus they don't seem as agile as medium-range. (Which is/should be true) F-14 doesn't do as well in this game it seems---SAAM is great off-line in missions due to "super homing", but in a melee against a lot of other people moving crazily---I've only seen one kill with it. (Someone got me)
  9. Best controller ever is an early US Saturn's. Also, for a Dreamcast--buy the ASCII pad! (Which is basically a Saturn controller that plugs into a DC). I also bought one for my PS2. (though the PS2's isn't as nice)
  10. <<<<< The Royal Australian Air Force is facing a six- to 18-month gap in the availability of operational in-flight refuelling aircraft, as a result of plans to withdraw its final Boeing 707 tanker from service in July 2008. The service is not expecting to achieve initial operational capability with its new Airbus A330-based KC-30B multi-role tanker transports until late 2009, with this milestone set for the availability of two of its five aircraft. Australia's Department of Defence announced that only one 707 tanker will be in service for the next eight months, following the 31 October retirement of the RAAF's only other available example from an originally five-strong fleet. The retired aircraft are being cannibalised to provide operational spares for the sole remaining platform. The first converted KC-30B made its debut flight last June, but phase one flight testing is only just starting. "The test readiness review is expected to occur by the end of October 2007 in support of commencement of Phase 2 test activities in early 2008," the DoD says. "The in-service date - for two aircraft, qualification tested and issued with military airworthiness certificates - remains as planned for late 2009." >>> How about waiting until you have the replacement before retiring the old one? Though the RAF already got rid of its Sea Harriers, and they still don't have any JSF's... (nor will for quite a while)
  11. If the C/D's are having issues, what about the A/B's still in service? There's been a lot of swapping/upgrading since the F-22 came into service, but there's still some squadrons that have the early models. As for structure: Go look at any F-16 block 40/42. You'll see retrofitted reinforcement plates to stop the cracking on them. The increased weight was too much for them. (block 25 and 30 also have some, but far fewer)
  12. I've been annoyed by the number of total noobs on AC6. They have NO achievements (and you get 1 just for playing the prologue mission---how hard is it to shoot down a B-52?) and pick like an A-10 with Mavericks for a 4-on-4 dogfight. I just think "please don't be on my team, please don't be on my team". Of course they just get shot down and never shoot anyone else down, making it harder for everyone else on their team to win. I'm not some AC6 elitist, but c'mon--at least pick a FIGHTER plane and AIR TO AIR weaponry when you're playing with other people in a pure air-to-air mission.
  13. That's kinda what I was worried about---based on my rough estimates of "TV distance at BestBuy" compared to my at home distance--I think it is visible (720 vs 1080)--but not a lot. But I don't want to go down to a 26in, as they almost all are of inherently lower picture quality, the 32's are the start of the "good technology" stuff. Though Sony and Samsung seem to have some 26's that are almost as good as 32's. 26S3000 is a possibility. The Sharp 1080 sets cost a lot more than the other 32's I was looking at though, and nowhere around here seems to have the non-game-mode one (which I have yet to see any review say makes any difference--yet adds hundreds to the cost). Of course, getting it online brings the price down to the same as the 32S3000---but then introduces all the hassle of if there's anything wrong with it it's hard to exhange/return.
  14. Simple basic question: 32in HDTV, 5 foot viewing distance (maybe as little as 4 to 4.5 at times). Good, bad? 1080p worth it? (Do 32in 1080p's actually have 1080 pixels, or just accept 1080 and show it with 768 pixels)
  15. I've seen 3: 2 at a Super Target a few months ago, and 1 at a Wal-Mart a few weeks ago.
  16. Instead of removing the nosecone paint, why not paint it blue to match the tailfins? That'd be semi-canon.
  17. God no, she's one of the ones on the list of "not convincing at all, and took a role away from a real redhead".
  18. HD-A3 is/was going for 170 some places---might just wait for that to come down a little.
  19. Mainly because 95% of colored/dyed reds are easy to spot as such, and ruins the effect.
  20. I'll second everything Tober said. Takara made an awesome, perfect MP-3 proto/sample before Kawamori got involved. He only delayed the project (and increased its cost) by making changes, and in many people's eyes, either made it not as good as before, or even ruined it.
  21. I liked KOTOR's music a lot. Not enough to buy the soundtrack, but well above average.
  22. That gets a "fail" as it's utterly impossible to identify as a 727 at that point---every distinguising feature has been removed. It could just as well be a 737 chopped up. 95% of the plane is gone--everything behind the cockpit windows. IMHO, that's not a converted 727. That's a bus, with a new cosmetic shell on the outside, with a Boeing cockpit grafted on the front. I could add a 727's #2 intake to my car, and have a much more 727-ish vehicle.
  23. I'm waiting for the Wii to get cheap at this point. I still like 10x more Virtual Console games than Wii games, and I'm not paying $250 to re-play stuff I played years ago. Mario G alone isn't worth it. Maybe 4 years from now, when Wii's are 99 bucks and include Mario Galaxy and Metroid 3 as pack ins...
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