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David Hingtgen

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Everything posted by David Hingtgen

  1. Nope, but the 757 line is closed. 767 barely struggles along---it's only open because they're hoping for the tanker contract, otherwise it just pumps out like a freighter a month (because the MD-11F is gone, and the 777F is still "in the future ) Rumor is the 797 will be the 737 replacement, but that's a ways off.
  2. Either I'm the only one who's seen it, or I missed the reports. But about 3 days ago I found a new version of Ultimate Bumblebee, with Deluxe Brawl and (can't remember, Barricade?) packed in. That's a heck of a pack-in, 2 full-fledged main-character deluxes. Still doesn't make Ult BB worth it, but it's out there. I couldn't find a price tag, I presume it's the same as regular BB's.
  3. 737-800. Will be the P-8 Poseidon. World's only missile-firing 737. http://www.boeing.com/defense-space/military/p8a/index.html http://www.navair.navy.mil/mma/
  4. All right, I need people to play the Co-Op missions with. Nobody ever seems to play them online, but they're easy achievements. Co-Op 1 can be done with 2 people I think (I did it with 3), but there's no way just 2 can beat Co-Op 2. It took me days of trying to find people to do both Co-Ops with. My brother wants to get the achievement points, but I alone can't help him do it. So if anyone wants to earn some easy achievment points in the Co-Op missions, we need to set up a time to meet-up online in the next couple of days. 3 people will help Co-Op 1 be easier, but it takes 4 for Co-Op 2. My brother and I will count for 2 slots.
  5. Ehh, I rarely see the Su-47's "stop". My current main issue seems to be "armored" F-22's. Multiple hits, yet they still have 3/4 life... And they seem stealthier than F-117's----they can not even move, yet avoid missiles... My fave moments are still taking out the ENTIRE other team (3 on 3, and all 6 of my XMA's hit) and gunning down CFA's. (I used one for the first time online tonight--not worth it. You get so few points for killing people with it, and they get so many for taking you down it's harder to win with)
  6. Yup. Edwards has old Raptors (technically "LRP" Raptors----really close, but not quite production versions---testing only, will never see action) And they don't have the nifty metallic paint that all of Langley's do, and most of Tyndall's and Eglin's do.
  7. FFN---I just posted some pics of Langley's F-22's, showing them to be both dark grey, and metallic--just like the toy. See here: http://www.tfw2005.com/boards/showpost.php...p;postcount=159 The famous pic showing all the cars and the F-22 used for filming actually is the wrong paint scheme--but you can't tell because they only used it for the one shot at sunset on the ground where you see SS's "pilot". F-22's have several paint schemes, and SS is supposed to be one of the silvery metallic ones from Langley.
  8. I heard the "flightstick" faceplate was an F-22, but here's a pic--it's another (better) F-15: http://hidef.com/images/media/news_images/...faceplate-2.jpg I want that one!
  9. One of my most-likely-3 is down 100 bucks this week at BestBuy. We'll see what happens as we get closer to Xmas.
  10. Whoa, that's one heck of a street date breaking. I might have to go look. (I can always cancel the pre-order, or trade in the other copy, etc) ::edit:: Over at the official site there's all the info. One specific store in Virginia, they got a call from MS and Bioware very shortly afterwards, and only a handful of people got it if that (only one confirmed sale--though a few on ebay). Though it's really pointless to get a copy on ebay----it'll cost way more to start with, and unless you pay for uber-fast shipping (even more money) you're only going to get it like 48 hours before the other people. 100+ bucks for 2 days? Not worth it at all. PS---because of this Bioware also announced an immediate no-spoilers policy, especially for those who got the game early and want to talk about it. Total site ban if you get caught, not just the ME forum.
  11. True. No matter how much I may like the characters---just dying would have been better than slowly having no purpose for this season...
  12. Just a little note--XP's "repair install" can be VERY helpful/useful. A lot faster and easier than a true re-install, but easy to miss since it's NOT the obvious "recovery install" option it gives you at the first screen. Fixed my PC about a year ago when all else failed, and I was ready to format the entire drive. http://www.geekstogo.com/forum/How-to-repa...ws-XP-t138.html
  13. http://www.collegehumor.com/video:1788161 Scarily accurate to life in '94.
  14. 10 or so days until Mass Effect comes out. And just a warning---I will personally ban anyone that posts spoilers about it, starting now. That includes "first hour" spoilers and "stuff every review/site has already mentioned".
  15. That's probably the remnants of the inboard leading edge flap--technically the LEX vent. It physically still exists, just immobile. You can see it deployed on early models though. As for the vents on the upper rear fuselage---exhaust for the environmental systems. Here's an early F-18E with the LEX vent deployed--it goes down further than the LE flaps. Its main purpose is actually to dump the air and allow it to flow THROUGH the LEX at high alpha--basically the LEX can work TOO well in some conditions. Production models use the spoilers only, so they're apparently sufficient. But the LEX vent flap is still 100% there on production models, just unused. Easily visible when the LE flaps are down. I have plenty of pics of the production version's "remnants" if you want. As for the gear door edges--they're perfectly done from the factory, and the actual extreme "edge" of the door isn't red---but that only lasts until the first touch-up. Then it's pretty haphhazardly applied. The "actual" intended painted area is is the border area of the inside face--about 1 or 2 inches in. I do have pics, but no good ones, and most are of "atypical" situations so wouldn't be very helpful. Just paint the edges of the doors on the inside surface. Many people just use a red Sharpie marker.
  16. Hmmmn. I have some experience in stripping paint off of plastic with rubbing alcohol. And knowing he's got G1 colors underneath all that silver and dirt...
  17. David Hingtgen

    SV-51 CF!!!

    Yeah, it looked distinctly bronze/gold to me in the animation---not plain "tan".
  18. Meh, looks like the VF-0. Which looked like the VF-1. All of Kawamori's recent valks are too similar, both plane and battroid. I like the Sv-51 because it's DIFFERENT. (Much how the YF-19 and -21 were). And -4. And -17. But the last 5 years---all variations on the VF-1.
  19. White F-15E is SP. CFA-44's ARE fun to shoot down--I think I *gunned* one down yesterday---they're worth double points, and few people can aim the EML well, so I usually like when there's *one* around. (A ton is bad) Also, the CFA-44 STOPS in mid-air when pulling high-G's. Even if you only do it for like 2 secs, and engage full burner at 350kts---you'll still continue to decelerate and fall like a rock until you hit 0kts. It's just they way it is. So watch for it and nail them. (If you have like 500+ kts left when you stop the high-G turn, you should be able to pull out of it with like 150kts remaining----but with the rate at which airspeed it lost, that's like 1 sec of turning---but that's really all you need with its turn rate). The CFA-44 is basically the opposite of the F-15E----very short duration, high-rate turns. The F-15E can hold the turn longer than any other plane, but doesn't turn as tight. To ban the CFA-44, just set the plane limit to "Level 3". That allows all but the CFA-44. Level 1 is F-16 and Mirage. Level 2 is up to and including Su-33. Level 3 goes up to and including F-22. (about half the planes in the game are level 3---not many are level 2) Sigh, with probably 25+ "wins" lost due to the game not auto-saving, I'm ONLY playing 5 min matches now. Otherwise it'd take a week or two to get back my wins. Tonight didn't go well.
  20. I really just want a "model" trailer that's the right scale and proportions. (Prime has a very short van-trailer, 'cuz he's a 70's truck----but most stuff out there is very long) I've always thought both the KO and official trailers looked weird, because they copy MP Prime's chassis/suspension design--which is the least-accurate part of his vehicle mode. It's just wrong, entirely. And it looks worse when applied to a trailer. They should have totally ignored it, and used just the wheels and tires, if that. Prime's wheels are not to scale with himself, and when used with a trailer they look even more so, especially using "robot legs" for the axle mounts etc.
  21. Well, I'm going to be online a lot tonight, trying to get what the game "owes" me, achievement-wise. Probably be hosting, as no one ever sets up decent matches (it is SO easy to ban the use of the CFA-44 without affecting ANYTHING else, yet people don't ban it then bitch when someone uses it) Gamertag: Xenogears Id. Will be flying a white F-15E. PS--don't worry, it'll probably rank me as "red" for host suitability. But my connection is rock solid with no variation, I've never had any issues hosting. As opposed to last night, where a bunch of people rated yellow had problems all the time--half my matches ended early due to host failure. (AC6 rates few people as having good enough connections to rate "green")
  22. You mean ID4's depiction of drunken crop-dusters flying F-18's wasn't quite right?
  23. Found this article there, which is the true answer to what the second season needs--- more HRG: http://www.ew.com/ew/article/0,,20036782_2...0152506,00.html At least Kring realizes exactly what's wrong--Claire in love is sappy and pointless, Hiro was in Japan *way* too long, and the big "plot of doom" took too long to get to. (And I also think Peter was in Ireland without his memory too long)
  24. Noyhauser----F-18E? I really don't have that many pics of the E model. (I've never seen one--just F's---I keep trying to see an E) Try here: http://www.s205409446.onlinehome.us/AWA1/6...aub/walk606.htm (there's a lot more cockpit pics for F models, as their rear cockpits vary and there's much interest in the differences, and there are more F's than E's in the world). I think any early F's front panel should be the same as any E's. Afghanistan load? I can probably get you exact for early operations---what squadron? PS---look at this photo, trust me. http://www.s205409446.onlinehome.us/AWA1/0...es/18ftoprr.jpg That's how that area is---part bare metal, part vents, part "black gaping opening", part metallic grey heat-absorbing blankets... If you want, there's a very good fairly cheap book out there with lots of useful modeling pics: http://store.spruebrothers.com/shared/Stor...et=products.asp
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