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David Hingtgen

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Everything posted by David Hingtgen

  1. The wings won't even attach in GERWALK mode without locking the torso. There's an upper pair, and a lower pair of slots in the sides of the chest. The wings peg into the upper pair in fighter mode, and the lower pair in GERWALK. The chest didn't lock in battroid, but it was diecast/heavy so it wasn't quite so floppy.
  2. Hey, that 3rd prototype has a TARPS pod. Well, I assume it's intended to be a telemetry pod etc, but it's clearly a slightly modified 1/72 F-14 TARPS pod. Hmmmn. All of us F-14 modelers always have tons of spare TARPS pods, since every kit ever comes with one, but most F-14's can't use them.
  3. And the Penny-Arcade response to A. Creed reviews: (not linking at the moment because it'll be a different URL tomorrow, but it's on the front page now, scroll down) Hmmmn. Will wait for more. Honestly, if it does depend a lot on "doing everything" vs "trying to beat it as fast as possible" then that does make a big difference--heck, Bioware RPG's are that way, and part of the reason I always do "lightside" first. Then you see everything and take your time, helping people etc. "Evil" is for the second playthrough, going as fast as possible and just blowing stuff up. It's actually never as fun the second time, as you do encounter a lot of "I just did this" and "this is slowing me down" moments as you're probably just re-doing the core plotlines, not all the side stories. I don't have time for a sandbox game now--ME is out in 6 days, and I want to get my last few achievements for AC6. I might snag (or rent) A.Creed when I have more time--like January, after I've played ME 2 or 3 times and there's nothing coming out for a while.
  4. You know, that's actually identical to how the ORIGINAL YF-19 toy did it. Still surprised Yamato "forgot" how they did it on the old 1/72 one...
  5. That was the most YF-21esque pic I could find, as the flaps were all out, kinda like the morphing wing.
  6. YF-23 #1 paint! All gunship grey with white/blue tail striping.
  7. I emailed my brother, will see what he says. Could easily depend on if he works late tonight/tomorrow.
  8. Ahh, Lil'formers: http://www.lilformers.com/comic0067.php
  9. MS does have a surprisingly helpful guide for Live, that is quite specific to your exact equipment. Not that easy to find nor well-known though: http://www.xbox.com/en-US/support/connectt...ivitywizard.htm Also--I'd suggest unplugging (not merely shutting off) everything you have that's connected to the net. Wait 2 mins. Then plug it all in to your 360, and not allow anything else to even be connected at all. Power on your 360 first until it gets to the dashboard. Then power up your router etc. That's what it takes for my 360 to connect, but it works EVERY time. (30 secs isn't enough of a gap, it will be messed up as it will "search" for the PC as it "remembers" being connected and ignore the 360) Basically, if it can 'sense' a PC in any way, the 360 tends to get ignored.
  10. Ok, the main issue is really beating Co-Op 2 before the timer runs out, but I did find in going through my last campaign that rockets really ARE that awesome against Aigaion (I took it down with an A-10), so much so that even just 2 people may be possible, and certainly could be done with 3.
  11. Anyone wanna set a definitive time for Wed/Thurs/Fri night for a co-op? Also---Ace Combat 5 is being shipped en-masse to Best Buy etc as a greatest hits title (PS2). It's the best in the series, so go get it if you don't have it. Got my no-damage and attacker-only medals tonight (same playthrough). Multirole and guns-only next.
  12. Basically--the sites I agree with often rate it low, the sites I think are full of it rate it highly.
  13. Just got back from the mall/grocery shopping. Switched pre-order over to Ninja Gaiden II. I'll rent A. Creed later. (I still haven't gotten around to Bioshock--I have a rental backlog). With games now costing 60 (when MANY triple-A PS2 games cost only 40 just months ago) I buy fewer and rent more, especially all these 10-12 hour games lately. Really, only RPG's are worth the money at this point, "hours of entertainment-wise". Or stuff you'll replay a hundred times or do a zillion matches online.
  14. Torpedoes were carried on planes many years prior to any helicopter doing so. It just hasn't been done for a while, with planes preferring anti-ship missiles.
  15. Uh-oh. Assassin's Creed is getting a lot of mediocre reviews, and they all agree on what's wrong. Maybe I should switch my pre-order over to Contra 4 for the DS. (The only other game I want that's coming out this year)
  16. What type/brand of paint are you using? And what are you using to mask with--just normal masking tape?
  17. Spock's mom is human. (That's why he's only half-Vulcan, though physically and mentally he seems about 99% Vulcan)
  18. Very true. I'm picking up A. Creed the day it comes out ('cuz I preordered the LE) but I might not even play it until after ME.
  19. Yeah Graham, show us all your pics! (And the half-dozen prototypes you were probably playing with while waiting for the TV ad to show)
  20. When setting a session, there are two categories for affecting plane selection---there's "Type" which limits to Fighters, Attackers, or Multirole (few people do this), and then the other category which I can never remember---that limits "how good" of a plane is available. Level 1 is F-16 and Mirage only. Level 2 allows up to the Su-33. Level 3 goes up to the F-22. PS--I'm annoyed at Bandai-Namco, many of their achievements are just stupid, because they didn't think about what they were asking. 100 team battle wins? Fine. I've got probably 50 or 60 now (only 30 credited due to it not saving). But 100 battle royales? You have to be good AND lucky to win just one (Ive got 2, none credited). But the worst? 100 siege wins. I doubt I'll ever have 10. Siege battles can EASILY last 40 mins EACH. 40 mins x 100 (assuming you never ever lose) is a LONG time. Not to mention the fact that nobody ever plays siege battles. I can only find a few per week. (Siege battles are dependent on number of people--if 8 are playing, it's like 15 mins--but I've only found that once---normally you're lucky to find 4 people, which means it takes 40 mins for both sides to get done) I won't be surprised if a year from now, only like 5 people in the world have 100 siege wins. They simply chose 10/30/50/100 for EVERY category, not taking into account the time/difficulty in winning the different categories.
  21. Just remember the P-3 was a converted airliner also.
  22. The EML is so cheap many people don't use the CFA-44 on purpose, as a lot of people will "leave the room" if anyone selects it. Also, it's not worth it---you get very few points for shooting people down with it, and people get almost double points for shooting you down if you use it. And the CFA-44 has a weak hull, it goes down easy. The CFA-44 is ungodly in the campaign, but cheap and not that good in online fighting. PS---it is VERY easy to ban the CFA-44, but I swear I'm the only one who ever sets up sessions to do so. When setting up a session, select "Level 3" for planes. That allows all planes EXCEPT the CFA-44. So the cheap people can't select it, and everyone else is happy. (And if you really need the CFA-44 to play, then you just suck--get something that's not designed to be cheap) I still think the F-15E w/XMA's is overall best online, but 2 nights ago I was doing horribly with it. Tried both -22 and -33 with QAAM's, did much better with the -33 w/QAAM.
  23. I knew it was somewhere---dozens of pics of the actual F-14: http://aircraftresourcecenter.com/AWA1/001...t2/walk070b.htm
  24. This might help--it's the F-14 scheme Dobber based his on (which was itself based on Ukranian Flanker camo):
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