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David Hingtgen

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Everything posted by David Hingtgen

  1. A-6F would have helped a lot. Cheap and easy. Heck, new-build A-6E's would have worked decently well.
  2. ARC's down so can't ask our resident F-22 pilot. (Dunno if he could say or not, but he surely knows if anyone)
  3. I found normal with a soldier to be very easy. Died a few times early, but then never died more than once in the same place--generally I only ever died from: 1. Mako. Sometimes you'll take 6 rocket hits and have no idea where they're coming from. Far more Mako deaths than "on the ground" deaths. 2. Unexpected Krogans. If you blindly stumble into one turning a corner, you are likely dead, as they will charge you. I don't know if any geth ever killed me, maybe once or twice in the game once I got past Eden Prime and had the slightest clue what I was doing. Oh yeah, the only real "boss" of the game besides the final one--the very cold planet. Took 2 or 3 tries before I figured out it was your standard "kill the lackeys, not the boss" type of fight. But since it was my first run, being a paragon--I wanted it to be quick and easy. For my 2nd run, I might skip straight to hardcore, to use that character later on insane. (If it's way too hard, then I'll do veteran then hardcore) (my 2nd run is always my "master" run in Bioware-type RPG's)
  4. I avoid team battle 1 for that reason. People don't seem to understand that every stage is played different, not just a different ground texture. Your other team members just fly around randomly. Of course, if you're the ESM-carrier, the other team always seems to know and they ALL come after you. Really, all I play is team 2 and 3 (3 with NPC off, so it's just "open and free" to dogfight in). I'd play battle royale a lot more, but it's rarely going on. And if it is, it's set up for 20 min battles with 16 players and the host won't start it when only 15 are ready and waiting...
  5. Looks like FAST packs and stand at the moment. We haven't even seen a drawing of a fold booster for it.
  6. I used ONLY the assault rifle my first run. Not a single point into other weapons. (Had I known about unlocking stuff for future plays, I would have switched to sniper rifle--by the time I knew, it was too late to make it worth it--I wasn't going to try to learn and put points into a new weapon at the end) By the end with high-end mods, the AR simply wouldn't overheat. "Overkill" became worthless. And I found just running right into the middle of the pack was the best, fastest way to take people out. I'm going to play as a vanguard next time.
  7. And using that scheme is basically cheating. I don't know WHAT it does, but it makes the missiles trail green smoke, and they're like super-QAAMs. I died like 5 times in 10 secs. They HOME and TRACK like you wouldn't believe. In a week or so maybe the novelty of it will wear off, but for now---online sucks if people are using that.
  8. I support the F-35 as a Harrier replacement and that's it. For an F-16 replacement---for how much it's costing just buy F-22's! If everything's going to small-diameter-bombs anyways, there's no need for big external 2000 pounders.
  9. I know what I missed (that's how I know I missed it) but want to see it for myself. I thought having won there'd be no spoilers, but I keep encountering stuff I hadn't seen, or am already spoiled for some funny lines, renegade-only events, etc. I need to stop reading "I won the game" threads. Annoyingly, I keep reading Wrex has all the good lines (and of the few I've heard they are), but I'm not bringing him along until the THIRD playthrough. (It'll mess everything up unless I decide to play as an Infiltrator on the 2nd run--but I don't plan to)
  10. I bet they could get the rights to Dobber's scheme pretty easily.
  11. Anyone playing ME, awesome sidequest easily missed (I did): Attican Beta Cluster / Hercules System / Eletania Go there. And bring the thing you get from I don't know if "the thing" is easily attainable as a renegade (it can be done but many don't have it) so it might be a long while before I get it. Darn, and I found every other and none of them did anything other than get my hopes up for something cool. Apparently the one in Eletania does something. Though I swear I was there, but didn't find anything.
  12. Graham--the Super Nova schemes are clearly based on the F-15 prototype schemes (IMHO). Just have them do those. Though the Super Nova schemes have extra striping. Or hey--how about the ACTIVE scheme? That's awesome, and well-known in Japan. (It has to be, Namco puts it in every Ace Combat game from the past couple of years)
  13. Doesn't a Sith Lord have "Force Persuasion" or something?
  14. Hey, they're finally going to take off all those 0-point, played for 5 mins arcade game demo-only versions off people's achievement and gamercard lists. (It's been bugging me for a long time--simply because they were played more recently, it means games I actually spent time with are 40 slowly-scrolled slots below junk I hated after 10 secs) http://www.1up.com/do/newsStory?cId=3164575
  15. I have two different lists of them. (I never completed the quest, too much of a Paragon) I'm betting you're missing one in the Citadel Tower, one is up high and WAY off to the side by the council chamber.
  16. Ok, maybe a stupid question, but as you can tell I haven't even looked at printers in many years. Why would one buy a printer that's not a photo printer? Photo printers seem capable of printing "normally" as well and don't seem to inherently cost any more. Or do cheap photo printers suck? (Because the high-end ones greatly surpass normal printers in price) Or, since photos are the only "upgrade" I'm looking for, should I just buy a small, cheaper photo printer and only hook it up on the occasions I need it, rather than buying an all-new printer for everything? PS---a lot of time I'm just looking more for "raw ink/color density" than "smooth glossy finish"---as in printing a photo as best I can on normal cheap paper. Are any printers especially good at that? PPS--I do have a ZIP disk here somewhere, leftover from college.
  17. Hey, I like having all the cables look different--makes it easy to track them when hooking and unhooking things. Plus even new PC's only have so many USB ports. (though all my Firewire ones are unused) This PC's old, it'll be replaced in a year or two. Might be my longest-used PC ever. Almost nothing'll work with the motherboard anymore. Hard enough to find AGP graphics cards... I plan to re-use this one's new DVD-ROM and possibly power supply in the new one, but probably nothing else.
  18. A little OT but close enough: Suggestions for a new printer? My current printer is years (and years) old. (HP 832C) It still works perfectly, it just isn't really capable of printing photos well (nor at all quickly). And since I haven't had a film camera in years, my printer's the only way to get hard copies of my pictures without heading down to Wal-Mart. Budget? 200 bucks maybe? 150'd be better, but if 200 gets way better photo abilities, that'd be worth it. Speed isn't TOO much of a concern, anything's faster than what I have now when it comes to printing a photo. (All inkjets print out reports and spreadsheets equally well and fast IMHO, how they print photos is the real test) I like to print BIG though if I'm printing a hard copy, full 8.5x11 sheets when possible. Not a bunch of litle 3x5's. I have a couple requests/requirements: 1. Not very tall. My printer's in a sliding drawer, so it can't be more than 7.5 inches tall. (And it can only be 16 inches front to back--but most printers are fine in that dimension) 2. If it could scan, that'd be nice, but most "all-in-one" things are quite tall and deep. 3. Separate ink for each color would save me money. For as long as I've printed in color, I've only ever had "CMY" cartridges that run out of yellow, but red and blue are still half-full. I'm always buying new catridges that are still half-full, but out of yellow. Don't know why, but I go through yellow way faster than the others. 4. Good with printing envelopes. Some printers are very finicky, I like a dedicated envelope slot or tray spacer or something that's quick and easy to have it print envelopes without a fuss. PS---I still like big parallel cables on LPT1 for printers. USB-only is ok, but not preferred.
  19. I might have to go make a uber-password for my Live account. It's currently one of my "high level" ones. But it's not one of my "totally random mix of letters and numbers" which I reserve for really important stuff. (I can only memorize so many totally random long character strigs)
  20. Exactly--Congress etc wouldn't understand that there's much more to the F-22 than just agility etc. They'd read reports that the F-15ACTIVE can out-fly the F-22, and say "well then we'll just buy new nozzles for F-15's and 16's and save billions". As for stealth---I say the F-22 beats anything but the B-2. The F-117 is an angled compromise limited sheerly by computer processing ability of the time. The B-2 is utterly perfect 3D curves, as it has no need to fly in anything but a straight line. The F-22 is a "slightly compromised" 3D curve design, as it needs to be able to dogfight. Though the F-23 would beat the F-22.
  21. I vote for the F-15ACTIVE beating even the F-16VISTA, as the ACTIVE has twin 3D nozzles and canards, which is far more than simply adding a vectoring nozzle to a single-engined non-canarded plane. Some say ACTIVE can out-fly the F-22. Supersonically I doubt the F-22 can out-do the ACTIVE. And it's very cheap and easy to add just the nozzles, the ACTIVE nozzle was designed to retrofit every F100 engine out there. So of course it never happened. (If you could get F-22 performance from old planes, why buy F-22's?)
  22. I've personally see a mach shadow, though I didn't photograph it. Lasted several minutes. Took years before I ever found a mention of the phenomena (and its name)----thought I was seeing things or was nuts for a while. (Most people doubt you saw a hovering shadow of a non-existent object above a plane's wing) http://atmospherical.blogspot.com/2007/09/...ridescence.html (bottom 3 pics) I can't find any references to a "mach shadow" using google, but I'm pretty sure that's what it was called---it was specifically more of a shadow/darkness than a simple mirage-like "transparent distortion) But that link's the closest thing I could come up with. Though if you look, you notice everything to the right of the shock in the photos is slightly darker. What I saw is more like a clearly defined "line of darkness".
  23. Well from the promos for next week, at least they learned one lesson--don't drag it out. Looks like , instead of 6 eps from now.
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