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David Hingtgen

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Everything posted by David Hingtgen

  1. It's difficult, but the VMFA-314 is doable: http://www.arcforums.com/forums/air/index....c=91272&hl= Most of the links don't work now, but there's a few good ones left. And he did it in 1/72!
  2. The belly pics also show that the lower belly plates are shorter than the beaver tail. (there basically has to be some sort of gap due to the design)
  3. I never knew the KC-10's were required---but I took them down every time anyways because they were easy points.
  4. Quick question that I can't find an answer by googling: If I'm downloading a really big file from the net, can I put the PC in standby and have it continue downloading? Or will making it "sleep" stop the download? (Just plain old MSIE downloading, not FTP'ing or anything)
  5. The British may have given the P-38 a good name, but utterly ruined its performance.
  6. I would love to see a VF-11MAXL. Especially if Mylene's MAXL Kai tagged along somehow.
  7. Anime 2D fighter=Guilty Gear. (it's got every stereotype and weirdness too)
  8. Personally, I think the colors are a little too pale. I'd like a bit darker blue, yellow, and grey. Blue Angels blue is the color a YF-21 should be, IMHO. Or maybe even a hint darker than that--getting into British Airways Oxford blue.
  9. Crusader continued Vought's trend: F6U Pirate F7U Cutlass F8U Crusader If they'd made a F9U, it'd probably have been Buccaneer, if that hadn't already been used.
  10. The YF-22 was for a short time, the Rapier. I liked it a lot. Lightning II was meh (but far better the -22 gets the name than the ultra-slow -35), but Rapier's good, as there's a history of US fighters named for swords, like the F-86 Sabre and F7U Cutlass.
  11. Ah yes, Sean Connery. He can play any ethnicity it seems...
  12. I kinda fail to see the point, when it looks so similar to the HD remake of SF2. "But it's 3D---that looks and plays 2D".
  13. French news: 1st Rafale crash. Libya wants to buy lots of stuff from France. Airbuses, Rafales, and nuclear reactors.
  14. Frankly, the OVA isn't considered that "canon" for M+ valks, at least as far as Yamato is concerned. Yamato follows the Hasegawa kits, for shape, details, and markings. And the Hase YF-21 has those triangles red. Also, the OVA's aren't that detailed. If you went by the OVA, none would ever have any markings but the US Spacy logo.
  15. Dante--I assume you've never had any of the other YF-21's? Basically, the "outer forearm" slides down over the wrist (and if it was human, over the radius and ulna). The fists do not retract in like many transforming robots. The wrist/fist stay in place, the forearm slides down over them, extending the length of the arm. On the old YF-21, this left a long exposed "sliding track" where the forearm used to be. The new one has much better belly plates that cover up the area. What you think is a "lengthened arm" is actually the forearm slid to the rear, and belly plates folded up into the space to where the forearm used to be.
  16. Guld has thumbs! There's one notable marking missing though. Just to the side of the intakes, in the yellow area, there's a triangle engraved. That should be red.
  17. Is that really different than casting a French guy as a Russian, etc?
  18. Both trailing edge and leading edge can be reshaped on a plane, though usually easier and more common to alter the trailing edge. (Since basically getting new flaps and ailerons will accomplish that)
  19. We could talk about anhedral, but adjustable anhedral is part of the YF-21's transformation, so it's required. (Plus, there are very good sketches perfectly head-on of the -21 showing its anhedral, unlike the -19 where it's left up to animator interpretation)
  20. Initial thought: Same problem as Van Helsing. It's half serious, and half cartoony. (I mean that in every sense of the word)
  21. I swear I have a VHS or two that actually look better than the DVD I bought later--due to really sucky encoding and someone apparently not understanding "framing" and "widescreen".
  22. Well, Malaysia just took delivery of their Su-30MKM's. Not exactly a threat or anything (I'm unaware of Malaysia being aggressive to anyone, much less Australia) but it is "yet another nation in the area with really advanced fighters".
  23. He doesn't launch off the Aigiaon, he just shows up. Near the end. Can be miles out, but by that point, he's probably the only enemy fighter.
  24. David Hingtgen

    Graham's Sig

    Really, I'd rather have a new, good, Escaflowne than just about any valk.
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