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David Hingtgen

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Everything posted by David Hingtgen

  1. China not respecting copyright on a massive scale: http://seattletimes.nwsource.com/ABPub/200.../2004087045.jpg It's China's first "entirely home grown" airliner. Cough, cough. Any resemblance to the DC-9 (specifically the MD-90) is entirely coincidental. Can Boeing sue? PS--this is not an instance of "they just look similar". MDC did send some parts/tooling for China to assemble their own MD-80's and MD-90's from kits sent from MDC. China is basically building new DC-9's from that tooling. I mean, if Iran started actually building new F-14's from scratch, you can bet Northrop wouldn't be happy.
  2. Bluegrass=Basara. (c'mon, he flies his plane with his guitar while singing)
  3. I never realized until now how confusing Hasbro instructions must be to the "uninitiated". I mean, they're confusing to me, who's been TF'ing with their instructions since 1984... That's just evil, dropping hard-to-transform-TF's on unsuspecting parents. Send him BW Tripredacus! It'd be worth what you have to pay for it. THAT is the ultimate TF challenge IMHO.
  4. Nah, while I can totally blame the script/plot/writers/director for the original movie's mess, I think Ming-Na(Wen) was a great choice.
  5. At this point, I plan to buy a standalone HD-DVD player. Whatever I can get for a bit under 200 or so. (And Transformers, Batman Begins, Planet Earth, and Blade Runner) I will buy a PS3 when FF13 comes out.
  6. Remember the C-5 that crashed yet broke up into just a few very large pieces? Crash animation recreation: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fI5xTmmPbsY From watching the video, hopefully the cause isn't as simple as "they throttled back the wrong engine". (which has happened before, and will likely happen again) Watch N1, and throttle position. #2 is what failed and is holding at zero N1 (almost---the small amount shown is probably just windmill effect). Seems ok as they reduce thrust, but once they start throttling up to get back up on glidslope, they throttle up number TWO instead of number three. Effectively having 2 engines failed. Low, slow, with two engines out---not good.
  7. Repaints are stupid at this point, the regular movie line deluxes alone could support Hasbro for the next 6 months---if they made them! Remember when Hasbro shipped entire cases of Darth Maul due to demand? They sold. They should do the same with concept BB. Or more accurately, they should have done it in November. Hasbro is just costing themselves sales with weird repaints kids don't wont, when parents are desperate to buy normal Jazz/BB/Prime/Barricade etc.
  8. I could actually use that, but I'm keeping my old sony. You just can't find high-quality 20in CRT's anymore. I need to keep mine forever, to play lagless PSX and PS2 and SNES games forever on a screen where they'll actually look good... (same reason I'm keeping my PSX and PStwo---you never know when some obscure incompatability will crop up)
  9. Finally found deep magenta wrapping paper, so here's my Nora all ready for Xmas: (I wanted to use dull gold ribbon for striping, but could only find bright "chrome" gold--was hard enough to find a dull bow)
  10. I just might. However, I don't think the new versions fix any of the issues I currently have. I straightened out the landing gear and gunpod.
  11. The 3253H at the other BestBuy has the exact same problem. ?!?!?
  12. No, I'm not sure. However, I don't ever recall having this problem with any MW attachment before. I doubt yesterday was the first BMP attachment I ever encountered here.
  13. Heavy Duty HAS no character. Road Block is an awesome character. Having Heavy Duty instead of Road Block is like having Bat-Mite instead of Bat-Man.
  14. That's part of the problem--there's no thumbnails anymore. I'm wondering if MS did something during the last windows update or something.
  15. I didn't find out until recently it was MadCatz, but JB0 already made the necessary comment.
  16. Just started noticing it tonight. Was a board setting changed/updated? BMP's no longer thumbnail or anything, and I cannot successfully open them in a window in any way--not "within MW", not in a new window, not in a new browser. They MUST be "right clicked and saved as". Windows (XP, SP2) keeps giving me security warnings about them. (the files are fine, it's EVERY bmp file that it doesn't like) Just me, or someone else? I've attached a very small BMP file for testing.
  17. And said lineart is the only way you'll figure out how the wings transform into the chest, as the game will ONLY show you a view from the rear.
  18. 90 bucks? Sell your premium console while keeping the HD, and buy an arcade system. About the same cost.
  19. A request for anyone who's going out looking at HDTV LCD's soon: Could you check the Samsung LNT-3253H for white stuck pixels in the upper right corner? I just noticed the very same TV that I stared at yesterday, had a GROUP of pixels stuck white today. AFAIK stuck pixels are usually "set" when the TV is new, and don't generally start appearing later. The absolute upper-right one is stuck white, with the next 3 or so to the right "trailing off" with less degrees of whiteness. It doesn't really look like a stuck pixel, more like the pixels themselves are somehow peeling off the backlit area or something. So then I go to BestBuy---same thing! Same place! I have no idea what's going on. I doubt I could have missed such an obvious flaw on the multiple times I've stared at these TV's, but I also doubt 2 TV's could have an identical stuck pixel patttern. The one at BB also has the extreme upper LEFT pixel stuck white. Now, in the thousands of posts at the AVS forums on this TV, no one's ever mentioned it. And you'd think they'd complain about multiple stuck-white pixels. I'm driving to the BB 30 miles away tomorrow to go check theirs and see what's up. I'm wondering if this TV has an inherent "stuck white pixels in the corners" flaw, or "backlight leaking in the corners" or what. Darn. I was *this* close to finally deciding on that TV. PS---I had considered that maybe it was an underscan issue or something, that it was trying to show something "beyond the edge" that it shouldn't--but it's not, the Samsung was actually overscanning compared to the other TV's there.
  20. I tried getting the lower leg halves closer together, but only made it worse. Yamato plastic doesn't really seem to respond to glue. (I tried both normal styrene glue and ABS glue). (this really should go in a -19 thread)
  21. My like of *natural* red hair is known on several forums. As is my dislike of blatantly fake hair. It just ruins the effect. It's the same as some strippers with literally M-cup chests or something---5x larger than humanly possible, with literally gallons of silicone inside. So impossibly fake that there's no attraction--it's freaky, instead of attractive.
  22. I just transformed my YF-19 for the first time in months. Time to get out the nail polish again. V.stab won't stay up (keeps sliding back down the leg), bottom part of the chest won't stay up, right wing REALLY won't stay in place in fighter mode, etc. It just plain needs more hooks/tabs to start with, and those that do exist just don't work well. Honestly I'm pretty disappointed with the YF-19, it just doesn't hold together in either mode and is loose/floppy at all times. Hopefully Nora is better (I think it is, by a lot, based on reviews)
  23. What about POTC? Wrong framing. But that's Disney---do the various companies' engineers/encoders etc just not understand Blu-Ray, or is it simply random screw-ups? Have any HD-DVD's had similar problems?
  24. One of the first results I got googling her was this quote (very recent): "Even one redheaded Rachel Nichols is too many. Now we have two. TCL hasn't ever worked out why a woman would dye her hair some variation of scarily fake red. Whether the hue aspires to "auburn" or "deep strawberry blond" or "sassy ginger," the result always looks slightly "fright wig." Let's get this straight, ladies: No dye job exists that credibly replicates real red hair." My sentiments exactly. BLANTANTLY FAKE RED SUCKS. It's no different than having bright green or blue----it's WAY off the 'realm of possibility' and just looks weird. Might as well wear those contacts that give you yellow eyes or cat-like pupils---you look inhuman, and its unsettling. (It's just that fake red is so prevalent, people have learned to accept it and it's not as disturbing to some--but those of us who like real red, know real redheads, etc, it's really distubring) Well, there is one positive note to choosing her: at least she's fairly fair-skinned. Not like, you know, Jessica Alba as a blue-eyed blonde... Honestly, I don't know why Hollywood types etc pay for stuff like that. I bet I could make a girl's hair more realistically red with a few packets of various Kool-Aid colors. But they pay like a grand to some "stylist to the stars" with years of experience and training, just to end up with hair that's a pretty close match to Ronald McDonald's.
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