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David Hingtgen

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Everything posted by David Hingtgen

  1. If you want a stockier Battroid, then pick up one of the many cheap, used, first or second release Yamato YF-21's. They were sold off by all the people who want a skinnier fighter. There's no need to compromise, buy the version you want. But there will never be one that matches the anime. The YF-21 actually has the most anime magic by far if you really analyze it, surpassing even the YF-21 or most Transformers™ in how much stuff "magically" appears or disappears when transforming.
  2. I was thinking the guy's name might be meant to be "Guillaume". Just, romanized and pronounced literally or something.
  3. It's the essence of pure evil from the future, given form and brought back to our time.
  4. Absolutely. I have over 200 model planes all to the same scale. I often show them for comparison. (and then they inevitably ask if they're to scale right I tell them that they are--no one ever wants to believe that planes actually do vary that much in size in relation to each other). All my model fighter jets are 1/72, my airliners are 1/400. Having a 1/60 F-14 and a F-48 F-15 and a 1/72 F-16 would defeat the point. And my United Express regional jets SHOULD be utterly dwarfed by a United 747 jumbo.
  5. dnd--I'm guessing you tried it AFTER Hurin made his little change. Now "SV-51" works. 24 hours ago it most certainly didn't.
  6. I'll take pics next time I transform it.
  7. I haven't watched the subbed version yet---is the VF-25 specifically NAMED Valkyrie, or is just "called a valkyrie". I'm not sure if it's canon in Macross to call "all transforming jets" valkyries, but we the fans sure do. If the -25 is NAMED Valkyrie, it should be the Valkyrie II. Unless we've got a new/retconned universe where the VF-1 never existed, and the -25 is the first to use the name. VF-0 never did get a name IIRC. As for reusing names on planes---all the time. F-4 Phantom II, A-10 Thunderbolt II, F-35 Lightning II, F-5E Tiger II, etc. And---VF-4 Lightning III, VF-22 Sturmvogel II.
  8. Maximiria--the number 1 complaint of all previous YF-21's has been the belly. From SHE to version 1 to version 2 of the old Yamato. Yamato was simply listening to its customers. And what's the number 1 thing for which praise is heaped upon the D'stance? Its skinny belly. Also--it's not a "slight bulge" under the belly on older ones. The older ones look 2 or 3 *times* thicker.
  9. The rear nosegear door does/affects nothing (it is in, by the way). It's the front edges of the front doors, that start getting in the way well before the nosecone gets anywhere near the rear door. It's not that the nosecone "won't go down that last 1mm" but rather "once you go past 90 degrees and start getting between the open front doors, it starts encountering problems". Knightdramon--mine is more than just "won't stick"---more like "actively repelled".
  10. Well, I have mine transformed into battroid, and while it *works*, I still don't like it----IMHO, the nosecone and nosegear doors shouldn't be in constant stress, forced into position by the locking of the torso together. I think I'll sand the pegs where the nosegear doors "grip" the nosecone a little, to ease tension. PS--does the heatshield have any sort of lock? It likes to "fall open" pretty easily. It'll stay if you don't bump it, but any little thing and it'll come apart, just like the lower part of a YF-19's chest. What is it with Yamato and not giving a peg/post for the lower chest? They really expect an un-pegged non-stiff-jointed piece to hold itself up against gravity?
  11. Saw something I'd never seen before tonight at the movie theaters---a gold 98+ Trans Am. I have the 98 brochure around here somewhere, and I don't recall gold being an option, so maybe it's a 99 or 00. (Didn't get a look at the wheels to identify it that way). It was in perfect condition and very clean and shiny, so I'm really kinda wondering who brings a rare-colored, super-mint Trans Am out in the ice and dirt. It's only the second 4th-gen F-body I've ever seen in this kind of weather (other was a silver Formula). (All the Corvettes etc are tucked away for the winter around here) Now, the weather was pefectly driveable, (and 100x better than the time I saw the silver formula in the snow) but still, if there's ice at all, you usually don't see anything that is a powerful RWD. Very little snow on the streets now, but a good bit of frost and some ice. No slush. (Saw a Cobra slid and spun off the interstate on the news yesterday) (Snow, slush, ice, and frost all are very different for tires)
  12. Hasbro instructions just suck. (I think Yamato's do too, but at least they use angled photos, and not perspective-less CAD lines) I'm waiting for the chrome repaint of Prime to buy one, or I'd help.
  13. I really liked the purple-striped VF-25, I hope we see it at some point. If nothing else, it's DIFFERENT. Personally, I'm getting starting to get sick of "pale grey/white valk with black and yellow stripes and a skull". I've got a VF-1 painted like that, I will buy no others. Same for "hero-boy's valk with red stripes". But purple stripes on white? That's new.
  14. What we REALLY need is Shin's blue VF-0D... (and a 1/60 Birdman head)
  15. If they bought it last week at BestBuy after cancelling, then got charged later by WB, yeah.
  16. Oh, that's one of the smaller GE90's, with the older blade style. The big ones are little bit bigger than that even. The blade shape of the newer GE90's is quite unique--they call them "swept" blades, though I think scythe blades (like some turboprops have) is a better description. No one wants to call them "wavy curvy" blades though. PS---while I haven't seen a GE90's bird ingestion test, I have seen a PW4080's on tape, which is of similar design/purpose, just a bit smaller/weaker. And it's like a world's biggest, fastest, deli-slicer machine. Sliced the chicken piece by piece as it flew through. I mean, titanium-edged blades at 3000rpm?
  17. Not that I have readily available, but the diameter of that fan is equal to the diameter of a 757's fuselage. So you could fit 6 people across in that nacelle, with cargo below and overhead bins above... Just google "GE90" and you should find pics like you want.
  18. While some people like using the NPC's to fill in for what they lack, I like using the NPC's to supplement what I have to be overwhelming in that category, basically "ignoring" one category. As a soldier, I always took along Ashley. My next run is vanguard, going to take along Liara. PS---comboing? Using either one person or three, it's very effectively to use singularity (clump them all together) and then a tech attack---shield dropping, etc---since many techs are area attacks, if they're clumped together from a biotic power, you can hit them all at once. Or, singularity+shotgun carnage. Etc. Note that the AI is pretty good IMHO, and it will often do well on it's own if you want to let the computer use your NPC's party's powers, and you focus on shooting.
  19. Sv-51 Nora (you all know what it looks like) and a bunch of diecast airliners (which you probably wouldn't recognize unless you know regional US airlines of the 1980's well)
  20. I was wondering if that might be the case---clarification requested: Does yours want to "spring" out if you let go? Or does it merely "not hold itself in?". Still, pushing the nose in between the gear doors spreads them wide, beyond what they will open to themselves----they are stressed and flexing the plastic all around them. I'm going to go see "I am Legend" soon, to take my mind off it. (Hey, expensive valk on Xmas, and there's just one critical point that's really not working and I'm wondering if it's broke or something--I'm stressed) Asides from the nosecone, it's by far the best valk I own (searching the site, I haven't found anyone mention the nosecone at all, which also worries me--I'm apparently the only one to ever have an issue)
  21. So has everyone else's SV-51 you just open the nosegear doors, push the rear one in, and the nosecone easily folds a full 180 degrees and it stays? I'm the only one who's ever had an issue? I can get mine to 180 degrees, but it springs right back out. Now, I did somehow get it to stay in position once, but I have no idea how. Question: the door hinges seem to be cutting into the plastic of the forward fuselage, getting worse as I press harder and harder to try to get the doors to spreads to allow the nosecone enough room. Anyone elses? But even with that the doors don't go wide enough that the nose won't spring back out. Also--how does the nose stay folded? All the pics I've seen (both Yamato's and official) show the nosecone staying in place quite nicely, but mine just keeps springing right back out. Also--has anyone been able to take the nose apart? I've found the screw covers, but they don't want to come out, and I'm not going to damage them. I'd like to try thinning the door hinges, but I can't get to them without taking it apart. The alternative is to thin the fuselage near the door hinges, but that'll become visible quite quickly. (Plus I can't imagine that mine's that messed up---it looks fine, but I need like a full millimeter of plastic taken off to get enough room for the nose). And if I do that, then I think there won't be any door pressure/friction to hold it in place. Sigh, everything was going so well when transforming to GERWALK, best Yamato I've owned. But the nosecone just will not go in place, not even close. The doors are actively fighting it and springing it back out. And I'm sure they're opening as wide as they can, I've pushed them out far enough to start widening the fuselage itself. Am I missing a step? Some hinge that extends that I still haven't found? A track the gear doors move along that repositions them? (though I've looked and looked)
  22. meh_cd----you're only that far? That's like, 15 enemies in. Of course you're just shooting enemies now, that's about all you've got. And if you forgot about the 1 power you probably have, then it's probably not going to be all that effective. Wait until you're at level 3 or 4 or something... But if you just want to shoot everything, then yes, a class that emphasizes gun will probably have been a better choice. Soldier is the easiest class to play/win.
  23. Try searching. Not from the little "quick" search boxes you find near the bottom of every thread and sub-forum, but the main search from the header menu between "members" and "help". Try something you KNOW has many results, like "sv-51" or "yf-19". You get zip. Nada. This affects both the main search form, and the advanced search form. And it's not a case/caps thing.
  24. Abusing my power as a mod to make a new thread. Anyways---opened up my Nora, got it to GERWALK mode, but am having trouble getting to battroid. I've opened up the nose gear doors, and have pressed the other nosegear door down and in--but the nosecone doesn't want to fold very far. It'll only hold at 120 degrees, nowhere near the 180 I think it's supposed to. Pressing it down to 180 spreads the gear doors apart but then it just springs back out. Looking at this page: http://firebomber.sakura.ne.jp/M7_2/SV51/SV51_G_B.htm My nosegear doors simply aren't that far apart. They open fully AFAIK, they're just inherently closer together, and the nosecone won't fit between them. But I've looked and pressed as much as I dare, and I don't see any sort of slot/track for the doors to move up/out or anything to make more room for the nosecone. The photo on that page shows the arrows going up then out--is that accurate? Because the nosegear doors seem like all the others, in that they simply "rotate" open.
  25. Adept apparently gets really good late, not early. Engineer is the only class known to actually be harder to win with. Basically---the more powers you get, the more you can cycle through them while waiting for them to "reload". Eventually, (especially if you go with 'nemesis' specialization) you'll be fast enough to constantly use biotics, as you'll have so many with such quick cool-downs. Lift a geth, singularity the other, warp it, throw, shoot it, repeat. Adept (and its hybrids) have a high emphasis on controlling enemies with stasis and lift, to prevent them from hurting you, while focusing on the other enemies. As opposed to soldiers, which attack an enemy while letting the others fire on them, and just taking the hits. PS---are you using Liara in your party? Most everyone agrees that having 2 heavy biotic users is the way to go, then you can REALLY set up some lift/singularity/warp combos that can immobilize entire enemy groups while taking them down. If you really want info, nothing will beat Bioware's own forums. There is a thread devoted entirely to maximizing use/powers of the adept: http://masseffect.bioware.com/forums/myvie...8&forum=104
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