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David Hingtgen

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Everything posted by David Hingtgen

  1. Like, 3 years later and they're just now revealing Admiral Scully? (I remember watching the video-interview showing her mo-capping it long ago) (personally, I find it kinda boring when they mo-cap and record an actor "just to look exactly like themselves in the game"----was really hoping her character model would look very different, just for the novelty etc)
  2. I don't remember that sequence THAT well, if they were that inconsistent with what happens in that situation with two occurences just a minute or two apart...
  3. Saw it Tuesday. Generally agree with mikesz. It’s not awful, it’s kinda campy fun. If you like Venom, go see it. A sequel with a whole lot more Eddie-Venom action could be pretty good thing. Kajnrig——they made it clear that it’s a certain (high) frequency range—-jet engine whine, speaker feedback etc. “ending scene” noise is a much much lower pitch. Finally——my fave scene actually has Eddie and Anne. More with her, please.
  4. An official English version of “A Blue Dove for the Princess” would be a much better book, ESPECIALLY if the HD remaster is AC5. http://acecombat.wikia.com/wiki/A_Blue_Dove_for_the_Princess Chapter 7 - Old Tree It was when the dove finally made its way to the rocky mountain that an old tree began to murmur to itself. "An ominous wind is blowing. It is about to reveal itself, I suppose. It doesn't seem I can make it through alive this time around. Demon of Razgriz... Hmm? A hero, this time?" "What is it?" the dove asked casually. "When history witnesses a great change, Razgriz reveals itself. First as a dark demon." The old tree began to tell the same story that the dove heard at the castle. "As a demon, it uses its power to rain death upon the land, and then it dies. However, after a period of slumber, Razgriz returns. This time, as a great hero."
  5. They shouldn't tilt up at all, but that's another thing...
  6. That's all I really need, honestly. Just done well/lineart-accurate, and not like the Yamato 1/48. Moving flaps are a negative, because they're totally inaccurate. A VF-1 has double-slotted Fowler flaps--they don't pivot up/down, they move BACK. Ever watched an airliner's flaps slide backwards and split apart? That's exactly how the VF-1's work. Not many fighter jets have flaps like that, but the VF-1 does.
  7. Same here—-they are fighter jets, that also can turn into robots. Not the other way ‘round. I believe Kawamori also starts in fighter mode, then later figures out a battroid for them.
  8. At first I thought "wow, he got every reissue"----but then I saw the Horrorcons, and was like "OMG, those can't be reissues..."
  9. So is everybody BUT the US getting the better engines at this point?
  10. ::watches opening again:: Dang it, it is horizontal there. ::animation error, cough:: Ironically, right after it's put down to launch (its designed purpose)---the very next camera-shift, as it actually launches--it's up again! (fully up). Obviously the launch-bar is really just there as a decoy to hide the secret, that the launch is actually done using protoculture...
  11. OVA-accurate-markings YF-19 would be nice...
  12. Watched trailer, but can still never ever un-see “Ben 10 with a blonde wig” in every frame. First time someone pointed it out, I was blown away by how spot-on it was.
  13. That pic shows what I noticed in the video the first time I watched it——there’s something off with the nosegear, because the launch bar (it’s not for towing) can’t angle upwards——-it hits the gear door if it goes past horizontal. Either the bar attaches too high up, or the door is too big (I’m betting on the latter). You only have to watch the original TV opening to clearly see the bar should angle upwards most of the time, never being horizontal and only being put down moments prior to launch. (Just like a real carrier plane).
  14. I think the -25 is the overall best design, of the 25+ generation. Every design after goes into the HUGE backpack category (not that the -25's is small, but compared to what came later, it looks better now). The -31's weapon pod is in the way more often than not, and is a rehash of a rehash of a rehash IMHO (29 to 30 to 31). And regarding "wings ripping off in GERWALK/battroid"---the -25 does pretty well in that regard, and I think has one of the best GERWALK modes ever. For me, I always look for that perfect "50/50" balance of plane vs arms/legs, and the VF-25 does that better than anybody. I want them "mixed" very well if that makes sense---not a plane IN FRONT OF the robot (-19), and not a plane ON TOP OF the robot (-21), and not the plane mostly hanging out behind the robot (-31).
  15. Am I the only one getting this on some people's posts: [[Template forums/front/global/embedTopic is throwing an error. This theme may be out of date. Run the support tool in the AdminCP to restore the default theme.]]
  16. They're flying as slow as they can for that photo, based on flap position.
  17. If you put all 22 VF-1's on display together, do they combine into a VF-22?
  18. Heck, wonder if it's enough time to re-render her eyes back to normal in every scene...
  19. Highest demand (or nearly so), lowest availability, and even more F5-tapping than normal. People are still waiting on N-Y orders from many months ago. (they are slowly, slowly dribbling out orders). I may snag one if they ever do a re-release in Arad's colors, and offer super-parts for it.
  20. Gah, how'd I forget that? It caught my eye again in the last comparison pic I saw, just a couple posts ago. Yeah, that bugs me even more than the wings at this point.
  21. I think that's about the best bet for me, personally. Fix the overall color (and pink-ness of the white bits), "lock" the wings in fighter mode, and it'd be pretty great. (Fixing the issues with Bandai's would take a major redesign of the wings/wingroots, and convincing them that graffiti--like levels of non-canon markings everywhere is a bad thing---AND they'd have to actually make more than 3 dozen to sell...)
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