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David Hingtgen

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Everything posted by David Hingtgen

  1. Same here--while none of the toys really appeal to me, I think kids will love them. (plus they have among the best "toys match show" appearance ever) (I like realistic designs, which is why I bought almost nothing from Energon/Armada, but tons of RiD)
  2. Best example of buying what you don't understand---the guy who buys the $3000 camera with 5 different lens adapters and just leaves everything on "auto". Don't buy more camera than you understand how to use. I just went up to a $350 one recently, and I'm still learning/fiddling with basic stuff like ISO vs f-stop, etc. (It always annoys me when the picture I took on auto comes out better than the one I tried to do myself--means the camera is still smarter than I am)
  3. As for connections: My NES was originally hooked up via RF. Next TV? Composite! New, better, and looked a lot better. (TMNT was the test). Next TV had S-video, but didn't use it. (It was one of the TV's that didn't like SNES S-video----they're out there). Next TV almost had component, but that particular sub-model did not. But it was in the manual and I knew about it and knew it was better. And that's a 1998 model. Component certainly isn't new (for decent TV's in the US at least---my 1999 20in lacks it, but that's expected). DVI/HDMI is effectively one new connection since then. If you can't handle 1 new connection per decade, you're pretty hopeless. PS---those "DVD-player connection kits" that sell for 40 bucks at Wal-Mart should be banned. It only encourages stupidity. But the profit margin has to be insane. "Connect your player to any TV!" Yeah, it's a composite-to-RF-splitter. And you KNOW they're being sold side-by-side with the one Sony Bravia Wal-mart sells. And they're part of the reason people are having problems--instead of educating people and encouraging them to use 1980's standards of connection, they just keep engraining it in people's minds that RF is the way to go, and the only way. I can't wait to see a HDMI-RF adapter in stores... PPS---oh man, February '09 is going to be insane. Stock up on food, water, and ammo. PPPS--marketing error. Component sounds like composite and also uses composite(RCA) cables and jacks. Try explaining THAT to Joe sixpack. (At least Toshiba called it colorstream for years, as they invented it--but even they usually call it component now)
  4. I've always wondered about the truth of that. I mean--they probably do sell better because there are many lines where production/availability is 5:1 good:bad. Look at current GI Joe. But I mean, for my brother and I in the 80's: Combined, we probably had 90% of all G1 Decepticons. Seriously, not exaggerating. And Prime, Magnus, Omega Supreme, and some Dinobots. And Gears and Huffer. Deceps had about a 10:1 advantage. GI Joe: Dozens and dozens of Cobra. Televiper, Stratoviper, Technoviper, Lackey Viper, etc. And Snakeyes. My brother and I always wanted the bad guys. Our parents knew that any Decepticon or viper would be welcome, but we were very picky about the few good guys we wanted. I still think the current GI Joe is the worst ever for "no bad guys". Who exactly are the 15 different Dukes supposed to fight? So---do good guys sell better because that's what kids really want, or just because that's all that they make?
  5. And the counterpoint: Truth is sadder than fiction. The woes of trying to get people with 5000-buck TV's to use HDMI and not RF: http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showthread.php?t=222962 Read and be frightened. And this particular post really says it all (that's a 360's AV cable, BTW--launch ones didn't have the big obvious sticker, but most do) http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showpost.php?p...mp;postcount=73
  6. With the rate of advancement for HD electronics, 1 year is not "brand new/cutting edge". It's early, but not nearly as "beta-tester" as it used to be. HDTV's are now on a 9-month product cycle I think, if not shorter. The models that hit the shelves in March are already going away.
  7. They need to make WAY more than one female fig a month. I mean, 2 more months until Asuka? We'll never get characters from more than 2 or 3 anime series per year at this rate. Plus all the ones we need from video games. (Revoltech KOS-MOS would sell big)
  8. I always wondered about clearance with those, especially with inboard drop tanks.
  9. Actually, few (if any) threads will go to the hall of the super topics now. It was more a limitation of the board than a sheer "we kill big threads" thing. But with the latest updates, threads can get HUGE. We have a few over 100 pages now. ::off to rename topic::
  10. Here's my award-winning (literally, got a medal) run through the game: 1 4:02 2 3:05 3 3:54 4 6:24 5 8:18 6 8:19 7 10:49 8 8:11 9 5:14 10 6:31 11 7:10 12 7:07 13 10:17 14 12:34 15 11:05 (table would look nicer if not for stupid message board ignoring all my formatting) Total: 1:53:00 CFA-44 for most missions, can't remember the exceptions. Good odds of using a Typhoon in mission 9, though A-10 might be even better.
  11. A7---why post in this "dead" thread, and not the big main TF thread where everyone's talking about it? ::mod note to self:: Should rename the thread, as the show's name changed. Or maybe we should designate this the "official" thread, as it might clutter up the main TF thread. Thoughts/opinions?
  12. I thought I got renegade points for running over a monkey, so I avoided it in my first run. Next time though---hunting in spaaaaaaaaaace!
  13. YF-19: save the world single-handedly VF-19F: just a VF-11C in different paint
  14. I could easily be mis-remembering/imaginig, but I think the new Sideswipe and Sunstreaker work kind of like how Punch/Counterpunch did.
  15. I got on about 2 days with no problems, and finally got the dashboard update. But that was after days of NO connection at all. Haven't tried since.
  16. Ultimate awesome article about the "new" look of Ryu in SF4: http://www.destructoid.com/save-ryu-from-l...hes-61172.phtml (plus about the best Cammy cosplay ever if you scroll to the bottom)
  17. It's common for F-16's that have AMRAAM rails on their tips. They've started going away from it recently though---too heavy, they're cracking the wings and causing fuel leaks. F-16/18 seem VERY sensitive to weight at the tips---they're fine hauling 1000lb loads on the outer pylon, but 100lbs extra on the tips really mess them up.
  18. M7 too! Gamlin took Milia's 1J into battle and got it destroyed--but he lived to fly again!
  19. Link to wallpapers from the japanese site? I never go to capcom.co.jp, it's impossible to navigate (even by "websites I don't know the language of" standards)
  20. No combining=no purchase. What's the point of being big and bulky if it's not to form the torso of a larger robot? Energon Barricade (should have been called Onslaught) did all 3 modes wonderfully IMHO. You can make combiners that look good with minimal compromising.
  21. And here I check in hoping things had calmed down. Next person to cause trouble in the thread gets a banning. And that goes for if you're responding to something someone said just 2 mins ago and you haven't had a chance to reply yet. Feeding a flame is as bad as starting the flame itself.
  22. Yeah, I noticed the lack of a "proper" Zero as well. Why two nigh-identical MMZ versions?
  23. To everyone asking about "the show": Are you aware we have two huge threads about it? Top two pinned threads in the main Macross series discussion forum: http://macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?showtopic=24559 http://macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?showtopic=24318 I mean, the mods are continually updating the main post several times a day with multiple links to free copies, even subbed ones. Just click and watch. Free, brand-new episodes of Macross. Personally I'd currently recommend the Shinsen subbed one at the Flyupload link.
  24. In case Mike hasn't seen this, and if anyone knows of a bigger version, please let me know:
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