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David Hingtgen

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Everything posted by David Hingtgen

  1. Yeah, and deny us all our fun comparing the two. Of course, they can't really "risk" even one "shoot down" of any plane by a Flanker, or congress will cut all funding. "Why are we paying for this when INDIA can shoot down our billion-dollar planes?"
  2. Not much more than that. The F-22 is not confirmed, but you KNOW they're going to be there anyways, especially with the MKI's coming. Basically: India says they're coming to Red Flag, and bringing their MKI's. They are also making a big public fuss that the MKI's radar is so advanced, it will not be used at all, so that its frequency etc cannot be monitored by the Americans.
  3. I'm looking more at "all" movies, not just "recent blockbusters". I'm going back to the 80's when I'm planning my purchases. Yes, Blu-Ray is better for 2007+. But for 1980-2006, I see more HD-DVD's I want.
  4. Yeah, but not Transformers on HD-DVD. Seriously---HD-DVD has the one release that really matters to the age group most likely to "pick" a format soon. (like me, and every other PS3/360 owner) Especially considering its still notably cheaper price. Currently "what I want on next-gen discs" is split about 50/50, maybe a slight edge to HD-DVD. Warner does comprise a good number of those, but #1 is still Transformers, and they just signed an 18 month "not on Blu-Ray" contract.
  5. I'd be happy with UNO or Pac-Man, (which are likely since they're the free ones with the arcade SKU)
  6. August 2008, Nellis AFB: Su-30MKI vs F-22 at Red Flag.
  7. I'm wondering if a lot of people here don't have a 1/60 VF-1, and don't realize just how small it is compared to the new "giant" 1/60 valks like the Sv-51 and YF-19. The *1/48* VF-1 is dwarfed by the Sv-51. The 1/60 VF-1 looks like it's a baby that'll some day grow up into a valk when put next to a Sv-51.
  8. Because a lot of the past 3 years was writing the story, the background, the setting, the history. And developing the engine. ME 2 will use the same story, background, characters, and engine. They spent 3 years developing the entire trilogy/system, ME 2 and 3 will be more like "expansion packs" than anything else. Think of the LOTR movie--they were all made and filmed together, but released spaced out as they were completed. ME will be similar. They've already got the story, and the engine, and the texture maps of Tali's environment suit. They just need more story, a few new people/places, and more recordings from the voice actors. They can't take 2+ years between games on a single system for a "single story told in a trilogy". MGS has spanned the PSX, PS2, and now PS3. ME will all be on the 360, they can't take that much time. Especially when each game is set right after the other. (Never stated as such, but pretty much has to be to retain characters, especially your Shepard---unless they have a really advanced "age any custom-made Shepard 5-10 years without looking funny" algorithm.
  9. Because people LOVE to jump on speculation from websites as fact. Plus the fact that their "wishlist" is pretty darn close to what's being rumored lately, and may be more than just a wishlist, and actually a disguised article of "what was leaked to us". The best part I've seen rumored, is that due to the HD-DVD integration, Toshiba will actually be making them. More of an "HD-DVD player that plays 360 games" than vice-versa. And that way, it wouldn't be MS hardware, and would have a totally different design--hopefully no more RROD and super-annoying loud noise.
  10. I think the counter just got messed up somehow, noticed it yesterday. Alternately, I wouldn't be surprised to see ME 2 in Dec. (Though July '09 is more likely)
  11. NBC's going to have extensive coverage it seems, even going to broadcast the nightly news from there. They're treating it just like the Olympics, building a new studio there and everything. http://NBCatCES.com
  12. CES starts monday. All will be revealed then. Plenty of rumors of Bill Gates "announcing something big" for the Xbox. Could be a new 360 with HD-DVD built in, or it could just be a rumor. Or yet another "exclusive content on Live" deal nobody but MS really cares about.
  13. Just to make sure---have you checked Macross World's own info on those kits? http://www.macrossworld.com/macross/models..._m/vf11_172.htm (sorry, no pictures of the Retppu one)
  14. Oh yeah. Mineral deposits. Those suffered from severe texture pop up. I swear I could have the things scanned and be driving away, THEN the final details would load. Worst in the game. Asides from that, water, and Normandy consoles, environments did pretty well.
  15. Tire pressure question: The federally-mandated tire-monitoring system in new cars was clearly not designed for midwestern states that experience wild temp swings. PSI is changing faster than I can keep up due to weather changes, and the car keeps beeping at me. (4PSI per day or so, while 5-6 will trip the system). Now, my car's tires are supposed to be at 30PSI. They were at 29 a few days ago. They're at 24 now due to losing 25+ degrees or so over the weekend, and the car's beeping at me that they're low. However, if I fill them up to 30PSI soon, we are supposed to see a 31 degree increase in temperature by Friday afternoon, and then they'll be up around 35PSI, and it'll be beeping at me for over-inflation. So--what's better? Overinflation, or underinflation? Because I do not plan to bleed/inflate my tires daily. (currently I plan to leave them about where they are, as I expect this to be the coldest week of all winter----and the PSI will naturally raise to about the right number as we warm up over the next 2 weeks)
  16. I really only saw environment pop-up on the Normandy--mostly displays/screens on the bridge etc.
  17. I usually just do it manually. Just have "spoiler" in brackets, then "/spoiler" in brackets.
  18. <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< Boeing Gets $1.3B Deal for C-17 Fleet Wednesday January 2, 10:50 am ET Boeing Gets Five-Year Pact Worth Up to $1.3 Billion to Upgrade C-17 Aircraft Weapons WASHINGTON (AP) -- Aerospace manufacturer Boeing Co. has won a $1.3 billion deal from the U.S. Air Force to upgrade weapons on the C-17 military cargo aircraft, according to the Defense Department. The five-year pact awarded to Boeing's McDonnell Douglas Corp. unit is an add-on to the company's original contract awarded in January 2001. Boeing has received $13.6 million under the new contract. The company will provide planning, design and development of prototypes to improve the aircraft's weapons, the Defense Department said late Monday in a statement. <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
  19. Could you explain (as spoiler-free as possible) what/where the split is? I assume I got Paragon/Paragon. The "choice" for the first one is really obvious what it is if you've seen the end with really obvious Paragon/Renegade implications. Is the second choice "who" you pick way near the end? I wouldn't really class that as Paragon/Renegade. Plus there's the fact that you can also do a "neither" option so there should be 6 really.
  20. When I finally got broadband (cable) the guy who came was very professional--switched out everything needed quickly, custom-made some lengths of cables, changed a lot of things in the junction box outside, and checked and set-up all my settings on Win XP and setup the initial account. I can only hope than when (if) I get HD cable, their HD installation guys are as good as their broadband installation guys.
  21. Trust me, I mean EXTREME viewing angles. (Also, I'm very sensitive to viewing angle brightness---I don't like a lot of screens just standing dead center, as the edge of the screen is a few degrees off from my eyeball, relative to the center of the screen--I notice that 3-degree difference on many screens) 170/178 is pure BS. Notice how all of a sudden they ALL did that? Not because of some amazing new technology, but because they revised the definition so that they all "improved" to 178.
  22. Imagine if they'd just completely cancelled the stupid movie "fast action battler" toys, and used the money to fund a $40 Barricade instead... (or Starscream)
  23. Honestly, a nice new 32 or 36in SDTV would be nice to have in the living room. Due to the extreme viewing angles and giant windows, no HDTV AFAIK would look good. Plus the fact that it will only ever see SD cable and VCR, with occasional DVD. I don't think I've seen a SDTV bigger than 24in for sale for over a year.
  24. Bad guys look cooler. Basic law of the universe.
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