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David Hingtgen

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Everything posted by David Hingtgen

  1. Second one is for SIA as well. I *so* need to go to St Maarten some day, it's like Mecca for airliner buffs: http://www.airplanephotozone.com/photos.php?id=9998
  2. The SECOND A380 has been delivered. At this rate, I expect to see a dozen 787's in service before a dozen A380's...
  3. Note I said "quickly becoming", not "is". Time will tell the final rankings.
  4. Namco is quickly becoming the king of nickel and diming everyone to death via DLC. First AC6, now SC4. Stuff that SHOULD have been in the game is now DLC, and overpriced. You can bet Vader/Yoda will not be 100, or likely even 200 points.
  5. Me too, I was wondering if it'd ever show up for you guys!
  6. Unconfirmed, but very likely to be true from AVSforum: "BestBuy is having a promo next week, where you get $100 off a PS3 or 360 when you buy a HDTV" Man, if I only was ready to buy next week...
  7. Plus the fact that everybody and anybody made SW characters in SC3's customization menu. Heck, I still have my Darth Revan saved. (not exactly, I went for more of a "Sith Lord esque" look than directly doing Darth Revan---mainly I just got as many layers and robes and hoods as possible and did the dark reds and browns instead of pure black/grey)
  8. Personally, I want to see a darker YF-21. They've all been too light, but the new one looks the lightest. Give me Blue Angels blue or thereabouts, or maybe even slightly darker than that. It needs to be DARK blue, not a dark version of Max blue.
  9. What about him studying the new comics? Are they considered canon by the old fans? (At this point, I've read far more of the new comics than the old ones)
  10. I could talk for a LONG time about Xenogears, then lose my train of thought and have to go play it again. When I played it through 3 times straight in the space of a few months I had it all figured out, but not so much any more. But I do believe I "get" it far more than most people. (You CANNOT get it from just playing once---way too much stuff is only explained with foreshadowing, etc)
  11. The only possibly confusing issues are the shoulder hinge linkages. Basically--move it all the way forward for fighter, back for GERWALK and battroid, and then angle the diecast parts down to lock(sorta) them in place. Also, the shoulder armor DOES move directly upwards (position reference is for battroid)---it's just quite tight. It's only a millimeter or two, but it does and it makes a difference for articulation/clearance.
  12. Really? 200 bucks? ::eyes copy:: I'll accept offers at that rate! (hey, it's in the big pile of import SEGA stuff, Saturn and DC kinda overlap) Wondering about Soukyougarentai. (probably spelled it wrong)
  13. Wow, so did the previous QC guy really suck? Hope he didn't get a job with Boeing or somebody...
  14. Radiant Silvergun----hmmn. ::thinks:: Yeah, I'll have to say that edges out Ikaruga. But they're both at the very peak of "awesome import shmups for the DC". And both are vertical.
  15. I've tried the Shin Megami Tensei family, but lose interest after a couple hours. It all comes down to this: EVERY fight is a boss fight, difficulty-wise. It's just insane. New ones any better in that regard?
  16. ZOMG Treasure! is the only company that deserves such.
  17. Air Guitar Hero! http://video.ap.org/v/Legacy.aspx?partner=...mp;&f=wasee Seriously, and it works.
  18. http://www.aircraftresourcecenter.com/Gal8...Taggart/00.shtm ::edit:: Checking around, it seems this actually is a kit. I was 100% convinced it was part of ARC's silly-week, which often involves kitbashing. http://cgi.ebay.com.hk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?Vi...em=140051911280
  19. 1/72, then 1/48, now 1/35. Then 1/32, 1/24, 1/12, 1/2, and 1/1! Fine Molds is sure milking their X-wing license...
  20. I do too, but I still plan to buy it for live. My first XBLA purchase actually. (because I don't plan to lose access to a bunch of paid-for content when my 360 dies) (Mainly because my DC is rarely hooked up---and if I'm going to play Ikaruga again, I might as well get some achievements for it)
  21. MP Grimlock would just blow away anything else.
  22. Ikaruga coming to XBLA. Like shmups? Buy it. Don't HATE shmups? Buy it. Never heard of it/know what shmup means? Buy it anyways. http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showthread.php?t=225771
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