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David Hingtgen

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Everything posted by David Hingtgen

  1. If they made a 0D, then they could (assuming it all fit) use the 0D's cockpit with a 0A everything else, and have a 0B. C'mon---that's two new variants for half the cost of an all-new mold. Plus the fact that Shin's 0D is not some minor lackey background valk. It's the featured mecha of several episodes! It's Shin's! Which he flew more than the 0A! (Technically, he only flew the 0A once)
  2. Cut player prices to insane levels. 50 to 100 bucks. Make it so people think "I'd be stupid NOT to buy one of these". Then offer ANY 5 movies, not "5 from 15 sucky ones". ESTABLISH, then profit. And try to buy off Lucas's support. And it needs to be posted again, as it's that awesome: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=friS4OOcdgQ
  3. See, I'm the opposite. On a 1/1400 Ent-A, I'd have everything decaled, nothing painted. Anyways----anyone here buying the 38in Star Destroyer? The thing looks amazing just in primer: http://randycooper.blogspot.com/
  4. It's basically an A, but with the 2-person cockpit of a D. http://www.macrossworld.com/macross/models...a/vf0b/vf0b.htm
  5. Basic rule of the world: Prototypes are always better than the final version. (Since safety/cost of a mass-production version doesn't get in the way) PS--"that shade thing" over the windshield is simply a visor. "Toy battery cover"--the part behind the fuel tank is a spare/extra tool box. (spare as in, more tool boxes than are normal on a semi, not spare as in spare tools) Ironically, a semi's real batteries are right in front of the fuel tank. (Battery box) ---While "air filter" may be sorta technically correct, they're always called air cleaners---the air filter is just the actual filtering medium inside.
  6. The following comments were NOT made by Jack Thompson: <<<<<< I know that they all probably assume they have better, much more important, urgent, timely, things to campaign on, but I sure would like to get their individual takes on the new video game that one company is marketing to fifteen year old boys. It's called "Mass Effect" and it allows its players - universally male no doubt - to engage in the most realistic sex acts ever conceived. One can custom design the shape, form, bodies, race, hair style, breast size of the images they wish to "engage" and then watch in crystal clear, LCD, 54 inch screen, HD clarity as the video game "persons" hump in every form, format, multiple, gender-oriented possibility they can think of. And because of the digital chip age in which we live - "Mass Effect" can be customized to sodomize whatever, whoever, however, the game player wishes. With it's "over the net" capabilities virtual orgasmic rape is just the push of a button away. >>>>>>> Man, I even pre-ordered the Limited Edition version and didn't get any of those features... http://www.townhall.com/columnists/KevinMc...e_for_president
  7. Are we sure that's a final production version? The early pics looked a LOT more shiny/metallic. This looks "barely more silvery than the first release's grey plastic".
  8. Should have announced this at CES. They waited too long, and now it's just pointless. Cancelling the CES conference was just flat out saying "we lost and have given up". It would have taken 5 mins to decide to cut the MSRP and write up this press release at CES. Have a shorter conference, but at least have SOMETHING, and not abandon the biggest show of the year.
  9. And it's the only way we'll get a little Edgar figure!
  10. In the US, the act of watching planes (often through binoculars) and likely recording registry numbers, is "planespotting". The same thing, but involving trains, is not called trainspotting, though the public thinks it is. Watching trains and recording locomotive road numbers is "railfanning". "Trainspotting" is not a term/verb here, but it was the name of a movie. The word is well-known here due to said movie, but it does not actually describe anything--but the public thinks it does (they think it means railfanning, since "planespotting" is fairly well known).
  11. Ask Anasazi37, he might be willing to share his artwork.
  12. Each thing has its place. For general putty, I like Tamiya basic type. Mr Surfacer is used for---well, surfacing.
  13. Over at ARC it seems nobody can get any of Tamiya's putties any more, even the more exotic ones. (I never did get the light-curing one, though I'd love to try it). Squadron can't get it either. What if Tamiya masking tape's next? Modeling around the world will come to a halt...
  14. Trainspottting does not equal planespotting. That'd be railfanning. Trainspotting is a movie.
  15. I haven't bought any VF-0 because I'm waiting for this. And we need it, to go with the just-released Nora! Shin's 0D is the only VF-0 I'll buy, and I really want one. Delta-winged valks are very rare.
  16. All-red would have been awesome. All-black with a red-painted upper half of the top piece is just lazy.
  17. At this point, I wouldn't buy any equipment that wasn't upgradeable in some way. Whether it's a TV or player, it better be able to connect to the net, or have a USB port, or something, so that it can get the latest updates/software/drivers. The days of just plugging in a TV are long gone. New TV's have as many odd quirks and compatability issues as a PC of the early 90's. A lot of 2007 HDTV's are on their 3rd or 4th driver update. Except the ones that can't be upgraded. (interestingly, the ones that can't update don't seem to have any/many issues) (just from my 32in research)
  18. I would pay a lot of money for that, even if it was DLC. (Xenogears is the only game better than Valk Profile)
  19. Every plane is cannon fodder at some point. Those same planes were likely top-of-the-line at another. We just have never seen a Macross show set in the time period where the VF-11 is top of the line. But it certainly was for a good chunk of time.
  20. A fully-armored VF-11C was seen and even featured in M7. Lt Kinryu used it. Not some 2-sec cameo like in DYRL, it was probably the most important scene in the ep. Well, 2nd-most important, M7 firing its main gun is usually pretty important... Episode 26, one of the best in all M7.
  21. They've already said those aren't the real headlights. Semi-quote: "went down to autozone just to have something to put in the holes".
  22. Personally I'm sick of the M+ scheme after owning the original and FP 1/72. I'd like a new VF-11, but not "grey with orange stripes". And the M7 scheme is just incredibly bland. Best is the VFX-2 scheme, that's awesome. Or Milia's.
  23. Angle them on. Rear first, then front. Push them forward as you attach them.
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