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David Hingtgen

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Everything posted by David Hingtgen

  1. Try this: http://www.almansur.com/jollyrogers/bravoturkeys.htm In addition to what happened to VF-84 originally: http://www.almansur.com/jollyrogers/vagabondshijacked.htm There's more, but those are among the most detailed. But it won't happen any more. The Navy said "no more" and all names/numbers are forever fixed now. "103", even if it becomes "SVFA-103" in 2042 after being disestablished in 2019 as VFA-103, will forever be known as the Jolly Rogers. And no other squadron will become "103". (Squadrons were renamed and/or renumbered all the time in the 50's and 60's--could get VERY confusing, go read up on VF-211 and VF-24 back then) It's part of the reason the Sundowners are back as VFC-111. PS--what do you mean by "since at the time there was also a exististing VFA-84 hornet outfit, too." There never was a VFA-84. Numbers are unique, regardless of squadron type. If there's a VF-84, then there is no VFA-84, VMFA-84, VA-84, or anything else.
  2. IMHO, if you want more orders, add the other 1/60 valks. YF-19, VF-0, Sv-51, and the upcoming YF-21. There's more than just the VF-1 that suffers from nasty thick Yamato stickers!
  3. Either that, or complete and instant failure of all systems at the same time. Which would be one hell of a bug/glitch in the software. Personally, I think even the most face-saving pilot would admit if he ran out of fuel. It'd come out quickly anyways. Still---ripping the wings open with no fire...
  4. It's getting worse, not better. Live for PC's not working lately. And today, MS Messenger is down.
  5. Oh, well, honestly I have to say, the overall design IS the truck equivalent of ricey, or at the very least "very unusual". Sorry if it was mis-interpreted as saying it's ugly or that I hated it. I don't LIKE it, but it's not awful. It's just "obviously a generic design from some Hollywood guy with no sense of truck paint/design/history". It may even look nice. It's just, "not what any real trucker would ever do". I guess my main complaint is really "it's not very realistic, especially not a good "disguise" for a robot trying to blend in". Since it's so very atypical. (you know I like realistic vehicle modes above all else) But I said that many months ago, and haven't said anything more since.
  6. Best pic of the damage: http://www.flightglobal.com/AirSpace/photo...4/original.aspx The big pale grey vertical piece with ribbing? (just above the rescue vehicle with barricade striping's ladder). That's the connection between the left main gear mount and the rear spar/rear fuselage main frame (I'm unsure of the 777's exact design there). There is probably no stronger piece in a 777. And it's ripped through the wing and is pointing straight up. (it's supposed to be horizontal)
  7. Can't see/tell anything. But I think the font's wrong on the hull! PS---a "make you want to shoot the TV like Elvis" moment I heard/saw very recently on one of the many E!/Access Hollywood etc type shows: "A long time ago, in a galaxy far away---that's right fans, a new Star Trek movie is coming!"
  8. Revoltech Chun-Li, awesome. I just hope she's in scale with the "new standard" Fraulein style body. I don't want to end up with 4 or 5 different scales. Revy should remain the lone "odd scale" one.
  9. I only just found out about the BA 777. Normally everybody tells me, as they all know I'm interested. Current rumor is that it ran out of fuel. Also, the plane is totalled/write-off. First 777 hull loss. But still 0 fatalities. A340 has a similar record, with 3? losses but no fatalities. Newer-design airliners are either lucky, or actually safer in a crash.
  10. From talking to people, it seems they often don't have the slightest clue what their family member does in the armed forces. If they say "I think he's an F-14 pilot for the Thunderbirds in the Marines" it probably actually means they work on torpedo electronics on a submarine in the Navy. It's sad how clueless many people are about the jobs in the military of their closest relatives. Half the time I ask "what branch" and they'll say "oh, Navy or Army, the one with all the guns". Children however, are the exception. If a 12-year-old girl has a dad who's an F-18 pilot, she can probably tell the F-14/15/16/18 apart and know who flies what. My guess--Ranka may suspect something, but only because it was "a valk", not that she noticed what type it was or the squadron markings, etc.
  11. How is the F-35 more modern? Newer, yes, but that doesn't mean more advanced. It's a stripped-down F-22. F-22 has the absolute best of everything. The F-35 has "the best stuff the US is willing to sell to friendly nations". Arguing the F-35 is better due to being a more recent design is like saying a 2008 Ford Taurus is better than a 2005 Lambo Murcielago because it was built a few years later...
  12. Fort Max is BIG, but a fairly simple transformation considering its size. No Supreme Cheetor, but for that kind of money, I expect more than that. (Honestly, Trypticon's pretty simple too, it's mainly adding on 50 extra bits in the right places---he's worse than a seeker in that regard). I will give Fort Max points for having a good city mode. But he doesn't walk, nor have any light-up parts! Nice gimmicks though, and they don't seem to detract from anything. Never had Scorponok. Does he "do" anything? I think he's a little smaller than Trypticon, too. Trypticon=one of the best TF's ever. I never owned Metroplex, but I've seen it and played with it a bit. Meh. Also--Trypticon in full city mode with Motormaster and Onslaught attached is certainly the widest TF by far. PS--with all of Deltastar's "extra" Reprolabels---how come none for Motormaster's launch/base mode? Could really use some there.
  13. Is the Zelda gold DS Lite actually ultra-limited or something? (As opposed to the "limited" crimson/black). I have never seen one, nor evidence that a store used to have one, nor has anyone I've talked to. Were they like, Black Friday only or what?
  14. ??????????????? FFN---your comment [seems to indicate/is in response to] a derogatory remark about the real-life truck at some point. I don't recall making one, and certainly not recently. (maybe I did, it's been a while since it was first revealed) And what brought up that point in the first place? Nobody's talked about the movie truck's actual design in months.
  15. *Japanese* Premium Prime has tons of chrome. US version has none, and only small amounts of silver paint. I'll be getting a JP one. As for Trypticon: In addition to removing or losing EVERY accessory and piece except the chest-car (he can't do city mode, or battle mode, since he has no towers, no ramps, no radars, and no guns), they retooled his head. He's got a big horn. And bad paint like a Jurassic Park toy reject. http://www.tfw2005.com/gallery/showphoto.p...00/ppuser/39565 IIRC, lost his mouth guns, too. (They're not technically an acessory/piece, but they are removable). Should still have his heli-pads, as they can only be removed by breaking them off. (Trypticon is a way better city than Metroplex IMHO--Metroplex sucked) PS---hmmn, Omega Supreme's commanding a higher price than MP Megatron. Maybe I should go with Megs instead. I mean, OS is big and cool, but I did already own him many years ago. Never had Megs. But OS has one of the most fun alt-modes in TF history. He's like a combination toy train and battle-tank. Random fact: of all the childhood pictures of me with TF's, Trypticon is the most-photographed.
  16. Valk squadrons are often given designations that are simply current USN ones with "S" (for space/Spacy) added on. SVF-33, SVF-111, etc. But SVF-1 would be the Wolfpack. Quasi-canon, possibly canon. Due to all the grumbling over VF-84 vs VF-103 for the Sluggers/Jolly Rogers, after that debacle the Navy decreed that all numbers/names would be fixed forever more from that point, regardless of squadron duty.
  17. Nah, Foamer is to Railfan as Trekker is to Trekkie. Or the opposite. I forget how the Trek terms go. Back when I first started watching Trek, there was only one term, all-encompassing.
  18. *Rail*fanning. It's like hood vs bonnet, biscuit vs cookie.
  19. Lazily reposting from Alert5: RAM Block 2 missile tests: http://www.prnewswire.com/cgi-bin/micro_st...TE=Jan+14,+2008 When was the new UK CVF named Queen Elizabeth class? Anyways, looks like it'll be delayed: http://www.janes.com/news/defence/naval/jd...80114_1_n.shtml Looks like the first actual in-flight refueling of the Gripen: http://www.gripen.com/en/MediaRelations/Ne.../080111_aar.htm
  20. The Dominion war made DS9 the best Trek series overall. However, nothing that happened in the war would have been as good if we hadn't have had all those early seasons/eps establishing the characters. DS9 was really split between "soft and hard" for the first 3/last 4 seasons, but it was a good mix overall. TNG was always "soft" and pure characters while VOY tried to always be in danger/action but we simply didn't care about the VOY crew to start with.
  21. Omega Supreme! Though my least-desired of "big batt-op TF's I had" to be re-released, I'll take it. And keep hoping that Trypticon is someday fixed (read: un-retooled) and re-released. Chrome parts Japanese Prime---will buy if they actually get that version. And if I have to, find a broken original leader Prime without holes in the cab roof to swap parts around/from. Might use the original head if needed. (Yes, I prize vehicle mode over alt mode) Or maybe someone would be willing to swap parts to get the new-style head.
  22. When has "canon" stopped a Yamato release?
  23. No. People who DO it call it raifanning, which is 90% of the population that's even aware of its existence. But are never heard. The few people who know of it, but don't actually do it/know what it's really called, call it trainspotting. But they're the only ones ever heard. Before that movie came out, they would have been at a loss for words. Vocal minority. Kind of like nuclear vs nuke-u-lar. 99% of the public will call an elevator or rudder a "flap". Doesn't make it right or correct in the slightest, regardless of common usage. PS to FZero-One----we plane-spotters are well aware of what happened in Greece. Many nations are like that. Never mind that they were holding a public airshow at the time. "If you don't want people looking at your planes, don't show them off at a big public event!!!"
  24. 202 and 303 respectively, and assigned to the Prometheus. IIRC.
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