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David Hingtgen

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Everything posted by David Hingtgen

  1. I'll almost certainly sell my 1/60 Milia, as there's no point to keep it now that I have a 1/48. And really no point to buy a 3rd one--the new 1/60. My 1/60 DYRL Roy---maybe. I need to see just how good the new 1/60 is. Either way, I'll likely only buy one new 1/60, if that. Roy or Max. (Roy because it's THE valk of valks, Max because I've never had a Max)
  2. I finally caved in and picked up movie Thundercracker today. I just knew I'd probably never see it again (first time I've seen him in months) and would regret not picking up a blue F-22, regardless of kibble/bulkiness. I've only transformed this mold once before, but he took a surprising amount of fiddling/effort to get all the parts lined up in fighter mode--mainly getting the arms to latch onto the "support bars". It's like the notches just aren't in the right place by a few mm. Did get it though. Haven't TFed to robo mode yet. Also, he takes 2nd place all-time for "most annoying to free from packaging". (BW Depth Charge is THE worst).
  3. I want to see some more DECEPTICONS. Seriously---the bad guys are always far more interesting characterwise, despite their often limited screentime. G1--Megs and SS, even Rumble and Shockwave. BW----yeeeeeessss. I fear the show will quickly become "Autobots animated, and those bad guys who occasionally show up". Why was JLU/BTAS etc so good? Good villains who are fleshed out, and not merely punching bags for the well-developed heroes. Why was the premiere of TF Animated so good? Starscream.
  4. From another forum I visit, the best theory I've heard so far on the BA 777 crash: <<<<<<< He is checked out on the 777 and currently works training pilots on the type. This is just his 2 cents, and he would be the 1st to admit it might not be the reason at all. Please keep in mind it is only an opinion and not fact.; "Just thought I'd give you my 2cents on the British Airways 777 short landing in Heathrow last Thursday -- - running out of fuel - highly unlikely, unless that Captain & F/O are the world's worst pilots - more likely the engines spooled way down below normal idle because they made a prolonged thrust-idle descent from high altitude and kept an un-interrupted descent going all the way down to final approach. Only at the last minute (600 feet) did they try to get power from the beasts and by then they were so asleep that it is quite feasible it would take more like 2-3 minutes to get them up to power producing RPM -- just not enough time with 1 minute to landing. I also think some form of icing in the engine intake was responsible for the engines going way below idle rpm. Anyway, that's just my theory at the moment -- like everyone else in the business, I'm anxiously waiting to hear the official reasons BOTH engines did not respond to throttle movement.">>>>>>>>>>>>>>
  5. Too late for Rei? LAFtoys hasn't even gotten theirs yet and is still taking pre-orders, as is BBTS. It JUST came out and a lot of places are still waiting to get their first shipment. http://www.laftoys.com/product_info.php?cP...products_id=261 If you want one NOW though, ImageAnime has them, if you'll pay more: http://www.imageanime.com/reayreip.html
  6. In the system's ROM, there really should be "Achievement unlocked: 500 hours without RROD, read error, or freezing". 2000 pts.
  7. XB-70 had "gigantic ejection seats" with a sort of shell that formed a pill-shaped capsule when closed up, but they were individual seats still, no part of the airframe went with then.
  8. Because it's in Japan. Period. Same reason a Playstation 3 costs twice as much in the UK as here.
  9. And the F-111's control stick doubles as a water pump, in case the capsule lands in a lake/ocean and starts sinking. Seriously. Interesting video---never seen footage of a drone being launched off a Blackbird. Nor hitting said Blackbird and destroying it. (Video says SR-71, but it's actually an M-21, 60-6941, no SR-71 could ever carry a drone, despite numerous models, paintings, etc) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FYsMli570K8 The only other M-21 ever made, 60-6490, is at the Museum of Flight in Seattle. (the coolest of all Blackbirds you can go see, as it's the only one still in bare titanium)
  10. I need more than a silhouette of the G1 toy to convince me---Grimlock's been guessed/hoped for since MP-01. If it does come out, I have one request. That it's F-ing huge in dino mode. OK, two requests: Also that Kawamori isn't allowed to 'tweak' the design.
  11. Anyone heard of any new DLC lately? Also, I've dropped down a few spots: http://www.mygamercard.net/leaderboard.php...p;x=44&y=16 And someone got 1000. Not surprised at who, I flew against/with Nizmojoe a few times IIRC and he was good. And he was going up the ranks quickly. Still, that's several hundred more online battles than I care to play.
  12. The best, most informative article about 360 failures ever: http://blog.seattlepi.nwsource.com/digital...ives/129866.asp
  13. Whoops, didn't see them there. Luckily I can re-vote (cuz I'm a mod).
  14. Would it have been that hard to offer a few CHOICES? Like I mentioned earlier--how about some of the ones they already give away free with the Arcade system? UNO, Pac-Man, or maybe basic/old yet fun ones like Marble Madness.
  15. I like. Mostly. Front's a lot better than the back. Would like a SIDE view though.
  16. http://gizmodo.com/346462/lego-master-comp...-starship-model
  17. http://kotaku.com/346573/xbla-apology-game...aled-+-undertow The free XBLA game is Undertow. Download it free on Live from Jan 23 to Jan 27. If you already own it, you're supposed to call 1-800MYXBOX for.....something.
  18. meh_cd: My area/theaters too, though we just got Sweeney Todd finally.
  19. The 777 uses cables from the yoke/pedals/throttles to send the signals, the computer interprets the signals and commands the servos/hydraulics. It uses every system in combination. That is technically FBW, but a more mechanical version than most. F-18 is the same I think. Airbus uses electonics for both the signals from the pilots and computer interpretation (same as F-16), while the 787 goes all the way and even has electronic motors and servos instead of hydraulics for the actual movement of the surfaces. Current statement from the AAIB (UK version of NTSB) says the autothrottle commanded a thrust increase and neither engine responded. After several unresponsive commands the pilots took manual control of the throttles and the engines still refused to increase thrust, and the plane basically came down at idle. Don't know why/how electronics went out, 2 idling engines should be more than enough, though maybe it was just the passengers over-reacting to their TV screens shutting off---IFE is the first thing to go of course when the generators can't keep up. Just because you can't watch reruns any more in business class doesn't mean the pilots lost THEIR screens... Pilot's statement is misinterpreted a lot, he said he got no power when he needed it. That is not a LOSS of power, that means NO INCREASE. PS---the plane is so going to be scrapped. I got out my best 777 schematics and the inboard wing is similar to other recent Boeings, 2 of the 3 main wing-to-fuselage attachments are damaged/destroyed on the left (mid attachment has to be deformed/disturbed if not disconnected, aft one totally destroyed), I doubt the right wing fared much better. There is footage of it landing, but I can only find what I believe is the censored version: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CYwQ4EHQY8Y I doubt the tape actually stopped right there. Liveleak has more footage from a few secs earlier, but it's still just what was shown on broadcast TV.
  20. Red(pink) and gold Movie Starscream's out: http://page.auctions.yahoo.co.jp/jp/auction/109366097 Rare Japanese HD-DVD offer or something. Good luck getting one. Though it'd go well with a Nora...
  21. They could go for "makes sense for continuity" instead of strict established visual canon and it'd work very well I think: Make the Ent look like it actually COULD be fairly easily modified into the movie version through a long refit. (If you've ever seen any of the complaints/comparisons between TOS and TMP Enterprise, you know what I'm talking about)
  22. Yeah, looks to me to be chrome truck parts, grey robot parts.
  23. I find acrylics to be far better for preventing brush strokes, but it still varies brand-by-brand. I like Pollyscale the best by far followed by Testor's Acryl. Also--thinner's better, but don't go so thin it dries before it self-levels. Tried flow-aid? Hunt it down, it helps. http://www.liquitex.com/Products/addflowaid.cfm Found mine at a Dick Blick, but any art store etc should have it. Works for both brushing and spraying. Does reduce opacity just a tad. But 3 good coats looks a lot better than 2 "ok" coats. SOFT brush. LONG bristles. Minimal strokes (match brush size to area being painted). Assume 10 sec working time.
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