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David Hingtgen

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Everything posted by David Hingtgen

  1. I just saw LAF is already pre-sold out! (I usually don't pre-order until I'm sure of when it's coming in and am sure I'll have the money)
  2. Ah, that. Very nice figure, but I'm much more of an Ayane fan. (My Kotobukiya NG Ayane is the best statue/figure I own, period)
  3. They were available at TigerDirect from about noon to 4PM or so Wednesday. (I kept checking hoping my order went through before they were gone) If you don't need a retail box/fan/heatsink, they have the OEM one NOW as I type: http://www.tigerdirect.com/applications/se...u=CP2-DUO-E8400 Anyone who's looking for one, in addition to checking the obvious places for daily stock updates, I suggest here: http://www.hardforum.com/forumdisplay.php?s=&f=5 There's a new "looking for/found" E8400 thread there every day. It's how I got mine. PS--don't forget Amazon. They come and go just as fast as everywhere else, but they do show up.
  4. Wha what? DOA Kasumi? Not that I'm aware of.
  5. I had posted some news/rumors on the competition here just a few days ago, to give a heads-up on the likely results for people who don't have the time...
  6. Got my E8400 today. Probably won't have everything else until the end of next week though.
  7. Wasn't a shock to anyone following the news over the last few days---the constant delays and secrecy meant it wasn't Boeing. Apparently the Wall Street Journal reported that Boeing won, however.
  8. Yeah, I want to know all about how they got the landing gear to fold up and tuck away...
  9. I like the Jenius girls----1st Mylene, 2nd Emilia. Sharon's 3rd. Note that this purely rating the singer, not their songs. Sharon has the best songs by far.
  10. Dutch Apaches showing off: http://www.dumpert.nl/mediabase/43060/df3b...n_in_stijl.html
  11. For some nations, having a carrier is 99% prestige, 1% actual force projection. Look how many nations have ONE carrier. How many could actually use it to DO something? Here's a famous drawing showing all the world's active carriers, one by one. http://www.globalsecurity.org/military/world/carriers.gif And half of those are VTOL-only.
  12. Plenty of other ships. I bet the Ranger could be hauled out of moth balls and ready for service quicker and cheaper than the Gorshkov.
  13. 1. MS's demo 360 at the Game Developer's Conference RROD'd. 2. Did you grow up playing 2D platformers? If so, Fez is the greatest game EVER: http://www.1up.com/do/newsStory?cId=3166388 It's much deeper than you think, once you realize how it ACTUALLY works you realize the potential. Physical location means nothing, it's all about perspective. Don't try to make the jump to the platform--bring the platform to you. Even if it's 5 screens away, if you can SEE it get closer--then it is. It's like The Matrix---bend the world to your will.
  14. I keep noticing that more and more of the "pins" in my Rei's joints get loose and partly come out all the time. Is it just mine, or are they all like that? Rei's the only Revoltech I have---do the mecha ones etc have *identical* joints, or just "similar"? Because I'm thinking revopliers must be a pointless thing to own, since I have to keep pushing the pins back in...
  15. Actual footage (as opposed to a slideshow of pics) of the Cathay 777 low-pass: http://www.liveleak.com/view?i=00a_1204000744&p=1
  16. Because you're already a close ally, and we don't need to "appease" you.
  17. We ARE doing the conventional SLBM thing. 4 Ohio class have already been converted, including the Ohio itself. 154 Tomahawks per sub. (7 missiles times 22 tubes---the other 2 tubes are converted to diving chambers for SEAL deployments etc) Also, the treaty restrictions are actually "total warheads deployed/available", not actually dictating how they are assigned----to effectively meet the requirements, the Ohio class always had 10 per missile, 24 missiles. But now that some Ohio subs are not carrying any nuclear warheads, we can bump up the Trident II D5 to its full capacity of 14 warheads per missile on the remaining subs, and still stay under the total number of deployed warheads required. The first 8 Ohios only had the 8-warhead Trident I C4, while the remaining had the 14-warhead (only carrying 10 due to treaty) D5. 4 of the C4-equipped ones were the ones converted to SSGN's, while the other 4 were upgraded to the D5 to fill the gap and retain the total number of warheads in the fleet by increasing the remaining ones to a full 14-warhead load. (I have an uncle who served on several SSBN's as a missileman, so I have quite an interest in them) Finally----for quite a while, the majority of the US's nuclear destructive power has been in the SSBN's. The B-2 and B-52 may be more visible, but their actual capacity etc is nothing compared to the Ohio class. The 18 Ohios have more power than the entire rest of the US military put together.
  18. Checking around today: Found one, but wasn't sure if the site's stock was "live" or not. 2 hours later, it's gone, so apparently that site did have second-by-second stock status. Found another place, but again--not sure if they ACTUALLY have them. Also, I'm kinda planning on waiting for the next batch---the first week/batch of production is never quite as good as the others from what I've been reading. Especially since my intended motherboard just sold out and everwhere else wants 20-30 bucks more than Newegg. One place expects some in on Mar 17. But they could be the last to get them, or the first. Who knows. I'm in no big hurry though.
  19. Look at the sticker on the box, look for "175W". That's the newer, smaller power supply, which ONLY can come with the new hardware. (There are some new hardwares that still came with the older power supply (200W or so)---but new power only can work with new hardware)
  20. Bought it, played first 5 mins to make sure it worked, then put it away until I get my HDTV. (I'm on a self-imposed gaming hiatus until I get my new TV--except for Gamecube games) Avoiding all spoilers/reviews until then.
  21. Kai Tak in Hong Kong had the turn on LANDING, which was very difficult. And rare. Turning after takeoff is easy and common. As for Aloha doing high-speed approaches now---no way. 250kt limit for all aircraft below 10,000ft was imposed many years ago after a United/TWA collision over NYC.
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