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David Hingtgen

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Everything posted by David Hingtgen

  1. If the Trident sub actually is an Ohio, and it's realistic--best toy ever. If the Night Raven truly is classic-looking: best revised toy ever. I just REALLY hope they're "too scale with themselves" like the old toys were. Every Joe toy in the last 10 years is SD-kiddie style, all bulbous and 90% canopy. The old toys, while not always totally to scale, at least looked very realistic in many cases. (Notably the Night Raven, and almost any tank/boat/copter) Night Raven had probably the best gimmicks/features of any toy plane I've ever owned. Landing gear, air brakes, missile pods, spoilers, etc. If they simply re-released the mold again, I'd be ecstatic. (But since it's "classic-looking" I think that discounts the possibility of a re-release)
  2. I need a Milia too. IMHO, only "weird" stuff like non-canon stealth and low-vis colors etc should be rare/limited/hard to get. Common, normal, desired-by-many schemes should never hard to acquire. (that goes for everything in the world, not just valks/revoltech)
  3. That was one of the bigger wastes of Naval plane money. Spend millions to re-wing the planes, then send them straight to the desert.
  4. Looks like the USN may need to buy a lot more than 69 Super Hornets to make up for the JSF delays: http://www.aviationweek.com/aw/generic/sto...n%20Predictions 10,000 hrs on a fighter? Even Canada doesn't think a Hornet can last THAT long. (and they don't smack theirs down onto carriers every day)
  5. I saw the slightly shorter version yesterday, but this one's even better: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jcOYZy1HcLE Michael Bay's awesome stuff. (the fact that he'll parody himself gives him big points IMHO)
  6. Yeah, but aren't they just academy ones? Maybe "fleet" skirts will be as short as the originals. PS---the boots aren't as high, either.
  7. Try some MicroSET in the future. It's not as strong as MicroSOL.
  8. Seems everyone likes the G8 (Holden Commodore), even the pro-Europe auto mags. Good odds on this being a 2010 or 2011 GTO. PS--G8 is out and for sale in the US now. Monday was about the earliest anyone actually owned one. But a lot of states still have none.
  9. If I don't buy an HDTV, and someone loans me 499K, I can snag a very nice ex-USAF 737: http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/1973-T-43-7...tem170201044910
  10. IDE vs SATA is the main reason I don't want to use the old one. (and it's more of a cable mess/room/airflow thing than anything) I've ordered one DVD-ROM for now, will see how that sounds. (I like having one read-only and one burner----read-only are generally faster/quieter/better at reading than burners) PS--as it often is with me, it's not really the volume of the noise--it's the pitch/type. The new ones are quieter than the old---it's just at a different pitch, that "high pitch that annoys me". My older, "better" one is definitely louder much of the time---it's just at a much more "medium" pitch. (Same with the new hard drive---MUCH quieter overall---but the noise itself is a bit more annoying--but it's overall so quiet and so "barely" annoying compared to the old that it doesn't bug me 90% of the time)
  11. Need opinions on DVD-ROM drives and burners: I can't find any as quiet as what was in my last PC. It's "best" burner is an Asus DRW-1612. No longer made. I bought both an Asus DRW-2014L1T, and a E-818A for the new one. (I like having both a burner and a "pure" reader). Both make high-pitched noises when initially starting up and reading a disc. Lasts a minute or two. Am sending one back, am about to send back the other. Could try the previous models, the 1814L and E-616A3. I'm hoping they're more similar to the even older 1612. Basically--I am looking for drives that are "low-pitched/ultra quiet" when doing simple/low-speed reading and seeking. Every drive is loud at max speed, but that's not the problem---the problem is a very high-pitched and annoying noise when they're just "reading the name" off the disc, and the initial 60 secs of loading to play a DVD movie, etc. They are "quiet" but the noise they make is irritating. A more "rumbling" noise when idling/seeking, even if louder, would be much preferred to what this year's Asus drives apparently sound like. Any suggestions?
  12. Lenneth? Surprised. I think almost everyone expected Hrist. Unless they're saving Hrist's story for a "full" new VP game on the PS3.
  13. I like Seraph, and it's got to be Seraph, not Seraphim. I can't think of any plane that has a "plural" name. (Of course, a Seraph is supposed to have 6 wings, but I doubt any valk will conform to any of the known angel-wing configurations, besides the low-ranking 2-winged ones)
  14. Yup, bright blue just ruins it. I was looking forward to it until I saw it in person.
  15. I'd buy a diecast *1/72* VF-1, YF-19, VF-11MAXL Kai, etc. Or a PG-style kit of almost any of them. (must transform)
  16. Trying to decide if he's trolling, or simply truly clueless.
  17. Being that cheap (what I paid for my Trendmasters one a few years ago) I may just pick that up.
  18. I'm typing this on my new PC which is about 48 hours old---built it from scratch myself, and bought a copy of XP for it, not Vista. (and doing that is cheaper than downgrading)
  19. ANA has a bad taste in their mouth for Airbus though--tried them once, and got rid of them all quickly, apparently only because of customer service/support (or lack thereof).
  20. I like Scimitar---since we've had the Cutlass and Excalibur for valks, I was thinking of another sword, so suggested Rapier, but couldn't think of any more "already used" real-life "swords for planes"----until Scimitar was mentioned. (F-86 Sabre, F7U Cutlass, XF-108 Rapier, F.1 Scimitar)
  21. Meh. They could delay it another couple *years* and it'd still be out before the A350. The airlines really don't have much choice--wait for the 787, or wait longer for the A350. (and it'll still be a lesser delay than the A380---though the A380 is now in service, it's still being delayed----there's still only 2 delivered, with many still being reworked with a lot of labor to go)
  22. I thought the VF-0 was determined to have been named "Zero", like the Mitsubishi A6M.
  23. ::yawn:: 1-day delay for new PC. Spent much of the night trying to install CPU/cooler (the one thing I've never done before, so I have to go extra slow and careful). Found that my first two ways (mobo--bracket--cooler, vs bracket--mobo-cooler) will not work. Going to try bracket--cooler--mobo tomorrow, hopefully that'll work. Getting tired of removing and re-installing the mobo. Was hoping to have CPU+cooler installation be the last task for tonight, instead it'll be the first task tomorrow. Big cooler+not a gigantic case=not enough room for hands and screw drivers. (I know it fits, I checked before I ordered it--I just have to figure out the exact assembly sequence to make it happen)
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