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David Hingtgen

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Everything posted by David Hingtgen

  1. Everyone get back on topic, or the thread's closed. (that includes mentioning Zardoz)
  2. I would tax on length/height. Nothing worse than when two VERY long vehicles park directly across from each other in a parking lot, or even worse---a parking ramp. Just BARELY squeeze by with 1mm to spare... (In my country, it would actually be a law that vehicles beyond a certain length cannot park across from another one of that size, nor may they occupy the last spot in a parking row, thus blocking vision for people trying to pull in or out of that row)
  3. I was just at Hisstank.com, and it seems my Snake Eyes is from a brand-new wave (first seen 2 days ago). Fixed crotch, and 2 pegs on the display stand. (I thought 2 pegs was just a Joe thing, as all my previous figs were Cobras)
  4. Possibly they're only quoting auto numbers. The 5-speed auto's .83 final ratio means it can't be geared that well for acceleration without killing highway mileage. Even an old GM 4-speed has a .70 final, so they can sometimes have decent gearing on the axle. I wonder if a 6-speed auto would help a lot--make 1st even lower, give it like a .6:1 final ratio for highway MPG...
  5. Today was a good day. Found Cobra lackey (and an officer--but his paint sucked so I passed), Beachhead (corrected waist), Storm Shadow (hooded/grey stripes), Snake Eyes (visored, grey Timber).
  6. Yup, and they "pulled a Braniff" at the end---took and sold tickets up until the very last hour (literally), without telling people they could end up stranded. And a lot of people were/are stranded. It's VERY bad to allow people to book round-trip tickets, when you *know* there's not going to be any planes to fly them home 4 days from now. Aloha at least gave several day's notice, and the entire last day of operations was SOLEY to get people/planes/pilots home.
  7. I still haven't seen a G8, but based on where I live, that's not surprising. My brother is SERIOUSLY considering one--it's basically that, or a Charger R/T for him in the next couple months. I'm curious about the Challenger R/T's exact numbers. 0-60 "under 6 secs" doesn't say much. My car does that---I am not going to buy a slower car. (I'd be happy with equal---RWD alone will make it handle/launch better than mine--and it'll sure look cooler) But it depends HOW "under 6" it is. 5.1 vs 5.9 is a huge difference. As for the interior--by the time I can get one, I'm sure it'll at least be revised, if not totally redesigned. Also, sheer "size" makes it appealing to me. Based on the numbers, it should have at least 1 more inch of head and knee room than my car, which I desperately need. (Most cars are REALLY not designed for guys who have long torsos---I'm only slightly over 6 feet, but my proportions are such that my head/arm positions when driving are more like someone 6'3 or 6'4---so I generally need about the biggest cars there are to have any chance at getting comfy)
  8. I was thinking it was kinda FB-22ish, crossed with a Cobra Night Raven.
  9. Pre-emptive mod warning: Don't ask for a direct link, don't post a direct link. If you can't find what you want from all the hints/discussion so far, either: A. It's not out there yet. B. You suck at the internet.
  10. Umm, erm... >>>Northrop tanker motion denied - Updated Northrop just announced that the Government Accountability Office has denied motions filed by it and the Air Force calling for a partial dismissal of Boeing's protest of the tanker decsion. Northrop says the denial of its motion came "after a supplemental filing by Boeing Corporation that streamlined its original protest and eliminated many of the elements that were central to the Air Force and Northrop Grumman motions.'' It's not clear what Boeing may have removed from its original filing. Quote: "Boeing's decision to abandon the public relations rhetoric contained in its original protest filings is in keeping with our motion," said Randy Belote, Northrop Grumman vice president of corporate and international communications. "We are encouraged that the company has streamlined its approach. We remain convinced that the Air Force process that led to Northrop Grumman's selection was fair, open and transparent, and we look forward to assisting the Air Force defend its selection decision before the GAO." UPDATE: Boeing says it has no idea what Northrop is talking about. This is the Boeing response. Quote: We have no idea of the basis of the Northrop Grumman statement. We continue to press every ground in our original appeal. We have neither abandoned nor narrowed any ground. In fact, our supplemental filings have added additional grounds to our original filing based on the information we have received from the Air Force since filing our protest on March 11. Any assertion to the contrary is a blatant attempt to misrepresent the facts. Boeing also had this to say about the GAO denial of the Northrop and Air Force motions: Quote: The GAO has denied both the Air Force's and Northrop Grumman's motions to dismiss our claims. This decision is consistent with our view that full consideration of all appeal grounds is warranted. We view today's decision by the GAO as a significant development in our appeal of the tanker decision.>>>
  11. Hey, with more and more 5000lb SUV's out there, you need a 4000lb car now not to get vaporized when the soccer moms hit you... IIRC, part of the reason cars are getting heavier (and MPG isn't going up much) is because of the constant increases in safety equipment/requirements. Tire monitors, stability control, a dozen airbags, thicker door beams, etc.
  12. I want to see more than a video--show me an actual mission.
  13. Nope, nothing beyond what I posted. But it's from a very trustworthy source.
  14. If there weren't pics to prove it, I'd think this was an April Fool's thread: http://www.g8board.com/forums/showthread.php?t=1691 18-year-old without a license gets a brand-new G8 GT, #5 off the production line. Lets his friend drive it, who immediately spins it into a street sign (or two). $10,000+ in damage. Car was owned a good 18 hours it seems. (And that was the first estimate, later in the thread it seems they found more damage when checking underneath) So beware if an 'almost new' G8 GT ends up for sale with only 300 miles soon... PS--who buys their kid who's never driven before, a brand-new 360+ HP car? ::edit:: Wow, the 30th was a bad day for new cars: 08 Viper totalled only 1/8 mile from where it was bought: http://www.srtforums.com/forums/f12/idiot-...er-pics-432661/
  15. The simple fact that the 80's were the last time we saw your basic "jet-age" system that's been used since the 60's being installed at new terminals. In the 90's, we started getting "new" stuff like Denver's. The 80's were the peak of old-school (yet working and reliable) baggage handling.
  16. Dodge already has full specs for the 09 Challenger up at their site. The more I look/read, the more I like---much more than the Camaro or any Aussie car at this point. If I can pay off my car a year early, I think I'd like a '11 Challenger. (or maybe if I can find a nice used '10 at that point--it'd be a lot easier to afford) (and it will be blue)
  17. They keep trying to re-invent the baggage system. I don't think any have been successful. If I designed an airport, you can bet it'd have 1980's style baggage handling.
  18. Now it seems they ARE considering making a Pontiac out of the Holden 60: http://www.leftlanenews.com/pontiac-mullin...-gxp-coupe.html I'd much rather see it as a GTO or Firebird, not a FIFTH G8 variant. (We already have the base, GT, GXP, and El Camino) Though of course, using G8 parts would get it over here cheaper--and thus, more likely to come over, period.
  19. Well, he's broken now. And the joint still won't move! I've emailed Hasbro and will bitch at them until I get a replacement. The joint is in pieces, boiled, pulled, pliers, and slicing with an X-acto. And it's still stuck and won't move. Very defective. (There's stuck joints, and then there's this thing) I think I found like vinyl in and around the joint, COVERING the seams between the joint and the arm. It's more than just "a bit of paint" in the joint.
  20. My first Destro ever. Anyways--he can't bend his right elbow. It's REALLY stuck. Any suggestions? I can BEND it almost 90 degrees at this point, but it's just the plastic bending, not the joint rotating. If I could remove his forearm and elbow joint from the upper arm, I think I could free it. But I also think trying to take it apart will simply shear the elbow joint apart.
  21. First KC-45 arrives in Dresden, Germany: http://www.aviationweek.com/aw/blogs/defen...dd-5b52bc2bec8a
  22. Drove out this evening to one of Iowa's many smaller, older, rural Wal-Marts. Often good things hidden away in them. In addition to their "stuffed full of Wii's" video game case, I found a Crimson Guardsman. Yes, I know that's a peg-warmer everwhere else. But not here. First I ever saw. (there are no 25th Joe figures at all in most stores locally--none) Also, snagged Iron Grenadier Destro.
  23. Trade one losing format for another: BetaMax to HD-DVD converter: http://www.thinkgeek.com/stuff/41/betamaxhd.html?cpg=70H
  24. Ebay pics of Wave 8 at Hisstank. I *really* hope that Cobra Commander has a chromed face plate---hard to tell--it's definitely reflecting the light better than other releases, but doesn't IMHO look QUITE enough to actually be chromed. Maybe just "shinier silver paint". http://www.hisstank.com/forum/attachment.p...mp;d=1206927112 Roadblock: I'll wait for a cartoon-colors repaint. (Dark green vest instead of bright lime)
  25. No, the Grand Prix is gone. Last one was built in November. The few remaining ones on the dealer lots are the very last of them. And the Solstice is SO not a Firebird replacement. Right myk?
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