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David Hingtgen

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Everything posted by David Hingtgen

  1. I find it ironic that the one character who SHOULD have a black latex/leather outfit doesn't really look that "iconic", especially compared to all the fan cosplay of her etc.
  2. Ok, that's weird, because prior to just a few days ago, it says he hadn't been here since 2006. Is he psychic and knew people were discussing this thread and came back? Or maybe the forum's just wrong.
  3. Snake-Eyes looks way less cool in good lighting. Why? Because now you can tell he's wearing Dockers. His top half and bottom half just don't mesh. Should have done pure commando style, or pure "ninja".
  4. On the various forums there's about 50 posts screaming that TFA Blitzwing is a Voyager and always has been, and another 50 screaming just as passionately that he's been downgraded to a deluxe. I'll wait until we get a Wal-Mart or Target price listing. Though if he has been downgraded, that'd both explain everything AND suck. We all know he needed just a little bit more to be awesome. ::edit:: New pics, less suck: http://www.actoys.net/bbs/read.php?tid-260118.html Plus, other known Voyagers for size comparison. Tank mode's definitely mis-TF'd. Does the owner not realize there are big hinges in the wings for a reason?
  5. I thought "Flint" the moment I saw him, too. Anyways--I'm surprised/disappointed that I'm not liking the Baroness outfit that much. I actually think Scarlett's would work better for her. Finally--hard to say, but I think the X-Men ones were more "realistic". There's just something about them that says "costumey"---as in Halloween/fetish.
  6. I'll wait for a properly transformed one. Compared to the rest of the line, I can't believe it "really" looks that off from the animation and early design art in jet mode. Especially for being a Voyager. I mean, seriously. G1 did it a lot better. (It helped that the MiG-25 itself is boxy as hell)
  7. When footage of them flying in formation shows up on Youtube, you can bet a lot of USN people will still say "every Iranian Tomcat was rendered unflyable 20 years ago due to lack of tires".
  8. http://www.aviationweek.com/aw/blogs/defen...mentId=blogDest Super Gripen's coming. Also, Iran has at least 6 Tomcats that are flightworthy, as of today.
  9. Yeah. I mean, the animation has the entire front half of the plane (torso) only as long as the SHIN...
  10. Even the X-Men movie costumes at least had each character's "traditional" color in SOME amount, as piping/seams. At this rate--what will Storm Shadow look like?
  11. Nobody's interested because the only "movie" toys Hasbro seems to have produced in the last 6 months are: Guy not in the movie #1 Guy from Cybertron, repainted Guy not in the movie #2 Guy not in the movie #1, repaint Hasbro just totally dropped the ball for Christmas. They should have shipped entire cases of nothing but Bumblebee and Prime--would have sold tons. But they didn't, and now most kids just don't care. So instead Hasbro's trying to eke out the last few bucks from collectors who have to have every repaint and remold.
  12. Top Gun deleted scene: (IMHO, it'd be even better if someone re-did this, but with Beaker)
  13. Well, my car's available performance mods just went from "almost nothing" to "the only thing you'll need": http://www.pfyc.com/pc/WB3007/04NEW/Cartun...+V8+Engine.html Still, 600HP would blow apart the factory tranny and is more than I could handle I think. (part of the reason my next car will be RWD---no FWD transmission can handle the power, my car is notorious for having bone-stock cars blow their trans all the time at 10K miles or less--even upgraded trans tend to fail with only minor performance mods done)
  14. Kinda late to reply though--Garoquel hasn't been seen on the forums for years.
  15. Checked Target and Wal-Mart quick at lunch--found several IG Destro (snagged one, and his elbow joints are fine, thankfully), lots of Cobra Lackeys, a few CG's, a ton of Snow Jobs, a Duke, and a V1 Storm Shadow. (Got Storm Shadow, left the rest) (still waiting for a "fixed" Duke--but the upcoming one with the flag has the wrong coloring IMHO). Target also had another HISS in. Random annoyance: The new Roadblock with vest has the "cartoon" sticker/logo on it like the blue Baroness etc, yet it's totally NOT the cartoon colors. I'll wait for a "truly" cartoon colors Roadblock (maybe they'll call it movie colors)---a DARK green vest, etc. (I want movie Cobra Commander too---with cape and scepter) If you think about it, a movie-version Roadblock and CC 2-pack would be incredibly appropriate.
  16. Too much to refurbish--B-2's are like pure carbon fiber--incredibly difficult and expensive to build. You'll note the plane looks kinda "melted". (also, the entire left wing is missing) Many "refurbished from a crash for a musem" planes are usually the back half of one plane and the front half of another, or something along those lines. There's no spare B-2 parts to use to restore.
  17. Why Russia still doesn't get that much respect for selling "1st-rate" aircraft: http://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/India/F...how/2951948.cms Su-30MKI's grounded due to lack of tires. Customer service/support has always been the #1 issue with any ex-Soviet plane etc. Even newly-built ones. Sure they'll sell/build you a plane, but good luck getting the parts you need to keep them flying. Australia doesn't expect to be able to field the F-35 until 2018: http://www.theaustralian.news.com.au/story...5013871,00.html At that rate, you guys may need to do like the USN and buy replacement Super Hornets for your first batch of Super Hornets when they get old.
  18. Frankly, I wonder why people expect M:F to come out here, when we're still waiting on M:0.
  19. I think you mean "chocked". On a side note---a gear-up landing with an A-10 shouldn't be THAT bad---the wheels don't fully retract anyways.
  20. Oh, you don't need to tell me about "creation screen vs actual working in game". 40+ attempts taught me that. Ok, here's my "near final" own attempt. Sorry, but photographing a non-HD CRT TV just never looks good--best pics I could get. I've matched the angle as best I could. I would like honest opinions on my version---when you see your own work enough, you start to miss flaws that are obvious to others. I'd like (if possible) people to rate mine compared to the one up above. I've tried another couple different "base" face structures, and none seem to come any closer. Though if his original IS based on another one, it's the "maxed out" position on the bar. (I'm currently using #6, which is also his base for his new one, and most likely the base for the original, since it's the default preset for both standard Femshep, and the 1st option for a custom Femshep) Please consider: 1. Overall attractiveness 2. How close I came to the one above 3. Does it look more or less like Scully, in any particular area, especially compared to the one above. 4. Suggestions? I'm still tweaking "face size" (basically the jowl area) and "cheek gaunt" (self-explanatory). Cheek bones are how they will be--any changes tend to result in "doesnt work in game" issues with polygon jaggies. Jaw width (corners/rear, by the ears), chin/mouth position can still be tweaked without messing up anything. Eyebrow height still up for debate, as is eye height and separation between them. (also eye socket depth/protrusion)
  21. Here's the Gillian Anderson I'm basing mine off of: http://flat-life.com/masseffect.php He forgot the makeup settings, I emailed him and got them. Photo is attached. I'm going to "start over" today and try just a few more using a different base face structure to see if I can match the nose on his original (I don't know if it's just the angle of the photo, or he actually got something different/better that time). If not, I'll just go with what I have now and post my "tweaked" numbers. I mean, the nose is certainly "furthest right" it's just that the facial structure used affects the nose shape independent of the nose selected. Also attached is the best photo of his very first (and IMHO overall best) creation, for which the numbers are lost and I'm trying hard to re-create.
  22. Spending *way* too much time trying to make the best Gillian Anderson Cdr Shepard possible. (Remember the guy who made the first good one, and put it on Youtube, but didn't save the stats? Well he fairly recently tried again, and came very close, and he says it's actually better than his original). I disagree, still think his original looks better, and I've been tweaking his new one to make it as good as I can. I'm now at the point of "I can't make it look any BETTER, just different" so I'll stop soon and have my "final" numbers, so other people can try/comment/tweak. (You've gotta compromise at some point---you just CAN'T match some things, and sometimes making it "match" will cause some weird polygon issue and look ugly--happens a LOT with the cheeks--making the face "smooth" takes priority over matching the shapes) Just a few nudges can really affect how "polygonal" some spots look. I am still officially on my "no new 360 games until I get my HDTV" hiatus but simply replaying the first 5 mins of ME over and over again doesn't count. (seriously, I estimate I've done it about 40 times now over the past 3 days trying to get her to look "just right") PS---if anyone wants it, I found a Jennifer Garner "recipe" that is IMHO the best match for any celebrity so far. Not my thing, but if anyone here's a fan of her, it should make you happy.
  23. Saw that a few days ago, awesome. But not awesome enough for me to re-buy an entire series...
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