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David Hingtgen

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Everything posted by David Hingtgen

  1. "The main overall color" is not a small detail. Would people accept a rust-colored or wine-colored Milia? Baby-blue or midnight blue Max VF-1J? If you can identify an issue, through a very blurry, tiny 100x100 little pic, then it's not minor.
  2. Or, first nation to invent Stonehenge-style long-range railguns...
  3. That last line likely means "95% of future DLC will be idolmaster skins" Also----Boeing is ready for AC7, they've displayed a load-out that looks "typical for late-game Ace Combat mission goals": (model fail though---still has tailhook fairing, and the belly is not an E-model's)
  4. Very much so. See MP-03 Starscream. Kawamori seems to like "revising" things lately, that people are asking for "what we grew up seeing, and know exactly what it looks like". Frankly--I do not care if Kawamori prefers a Blue VF-0D. It wasn't blue. If he wanted it blue, he should have demanded it be so about 15 years ago. Also, and even more importantly IMHO---IT WAS PERFECTLY ON-SCREEN-ACCURATE AT THE SAMPLE STAGE. IT WAS *CHANGED* to be blue. It wasn't that "they tried matching the anime/canon/consensus coloring, and failed" ---they had it dead-on. Then the final production version, was completely different. More so than anything ever gets changed due to "final factory paint-mix was a smidge off from the sample"---it was changed, intentionally, to be inaccurate. Changing something to knowingly make it inaccurate, when the correct version has already been done/prepared. That irks me to no end. I pre-ordered this, this is what was shown at every retailer soliciting pre-orders: Slate grey-blue and ghost grey, not royal blue and white. (yes, the main color is just PART of it---the undersides shouldn't be pure snow white, but more like DYRL grey)
  5. Looks even cooler in battroid: Best image I have of the logo: And hey, super parts:
  6. Yup, mentioned it long ago, have zero hope of ever getting it. If anyone ever wants to sell their renewal Grace, keep me in mind.
  7. Considering the "Skywarp is Cyclonus" theory----I think "Skywarp lavender" is a good reference for the color Cyclonus should be. And those two guys look very different in that pic. And the bolded section---this, a million times this. It's probably my #1 complaint with every 3P Cyclonus, more than the overall color. It should be a SUBTLE difference. Not as subtle as the 2 shades of magenta on Hotrod (THAT is subtle), but it shouldn't be "smack you in the face obvious". His forearms are a BIT different color than the rest of him. They shouldn't look like they're from someone with an entirely different paintscheme... A well-colored/on-model Cyclonus, has SLIGHLY more reddish forearms/knees. Not strikingly obviously different from the rest of him.
  8. I'd probably buy it, but I don't expect it to be made.
  9. Yup. Kinda glad I never switched from original to (semi)renewal---they never did end up making super parts for it. (Sure, not on-screen canon, but when has that ever stopped someone from releasing valk accessory packs?) I'm still kinda torn----the renewal is physically better in some ways, slightly worse in others. Colors---stripes and feet etc are clearly better (grey vs lavender) but the main color is just so, so very wrong. Bright Xmas green compared to olive drab---heck, even the original may be too green, they're nearly brown at times in the show. If I ever find a broken one, I may swap some parts...
  10. Pretty sure he's wearing a VX-31 patch: ::edit:: Hmmn, Maverick's new ride looks like it'd fit in pretty well with their own Super Hornets: Blue instead of red, and more black, but overall similar theme of "black tail, straight bold stripes on fins".
  11. The launch code for nukes for many years, in the early days, was "000000". One guy's job was basically to check every base/weapon, and make sure that it was. Goal/thinking was "if we ever actually have to launch, we want to be absolutely sure that we get it right, the first time, without delay, as every second could be another city lost". Preventing accidents seemed to be a "distant second", concern-wise.
  12. David Hingtgen

    Hi-Metal R

    Well, I'll be doing like I often do---bookmarking the VF-4 page of the main sites, trying to stay logged in 24/7 to all of them, and checking for orders being reopened for just a minute: When I wake up. When I leave for work. At lunch. On break. Walking to the car. When I get home. Before I go to bed. When I wake up in the night. It sometimes works, it's how I've gotten at least 2 valks. But it shouldn't be that hard...
  13. I came THIS close to achieving it---there was one VERY tough pin preventing me from doing so, but I got 95% of the way there. Should have taken a picture. Honestly, should have just forced it, accepting it if it broke, just to show how utterly separate the two modes were. To this day I complain about how phoned-in it was---the few spots that DID offer some "internal volume to hide robot parts", were ignored and left hollow. They didn't even seem to try. "Let's just put 100% of the robot underneath" "But what about the big empty engin----" "No, I said 100% of the robot underneath!" Yeesh, he's got 2 big empty engine housings, and his engine-thighs are completely separate parts, hanging down below...
  14. David Hingtgen

    Hi-Metal R

    HLJ's site MIGHT load and finish logging me in by then...
  15. Hope they fix the engine paint before actual release---bright BLUE exhaust on the Executor?
  16. I'm curious what the combat radius is, for F-35 vs A-6, both carrying 18K loads. And considering the Marines used both, I wonder what max payload for a still-VSTOL-capable F-35B is.
  17. Yeah, you'd think that with the F-22 being the star of the series, the country that actually has them, might be a decent market for the game...
  18. Infinity did have a tier system, but it was far too simple---medium and god-like were in the same tier.
  19. Why stop there? Heavyarms Supernova has twice the gatling guns:
  20. Eh, not quite IMHO. The F-35 is supposed to be a cut-down F-22 ('90% as good for half the cost'----only the final result was backwards), and/or a "jack of all trades" replacement for everything from the F-117 to the A-10. The P-38, was designed to be the fastest, ultimate interceptor of its day. No compromises, no other mission. The P-38 is more comparable to the F-22 in that regard. Really dedicated to a single specific role, to do it extremely well. Vs "well, what's the best we can do across A, B, and C, for X dollars?"
  21. Don't know why 3P companies use "Hasbro awful milky-grey-plastic", when "deeper metallic silver" plastic is very much a thing. Airfix and Revell model kits have had nice metallic silver for decades, and Lego pumps out "metallic pearl silver" parts every day. No, they're not as good as actual silver paint, but they are 10x "deeper" and more metallic-looking than the awful stuff Hasbro (and UT apparently) use. There is NO reason to ever use that awful stuff unless you're either trying to save money, or you don't know "the magic formula" to actually make sturdy, injection-molded silver plastic.
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