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David Hingtgen

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Everything posted by David Hingtgen

  1. There's a Cyclonus coming?!?!??!!? PS--saw a boxed Titanium Skywarp. Exclusive? When/where?
  2. Best Botcon ever. Period. I need ALL the new toys. I don't even like Ironhide, but he looks awesome. Everyone else doesn't really need comments. Except Silverbolt---now I'm leaning towards him being "like a kick-ass Soviet version of the FB-22".
  3. Little request: I know some people prefer the "Fred" figure from the comics as opposed to the carded CG due to the helmet. But I actually like the helmeted ones better for most troops, but like "Fred" unmasked (for variety). However, the only Fred I could find for a while had a little paint smudge or something on his nose, and it can't be removed. But, if he was masked, it wouldn't make a difference. So---anyone willing to trade a "Fred head"? I'd really like a "flawless" head so I can display him unmasked all the time. If you like using masked Freds, the condition of his nose paint shouldn't matter to you.
  4. Plus the fact that we did get Skywarp at "nearly" mass release (an exclusive yes, but one quite widely available and very cheap considering). There is no way anyone can argue that Thundercracker and Skywarp are not exactly equal in fame/fandom.
  5. http://www.shortpacked.com/d/20080215.html (personally, as G1 Thundercracker is my all-time fave TF, I feel similar) PS to FFN: But what about all of us who wanted just our all-time personal fave seeker? Thrust and Dirge would be neat, but I'm not spending 300 bucks for them. I'd pay a decent chunk of change for a Classics Thundercracker--but nobody split up sets AFAIK, and even if they did, the price is still insane just for one. No matter how much you may like a character/toy, it's simply too dear a price to pay. I'd rather have a valk (or TWO) instead of paying 10x more than what the same toy cost in a different color. PPS--I will be that guy in the comic, bitching about Classic Thundercracker's non-availability forever.
  6. Dunno, I'm not familiar with the Gripen's design details. (I can tell a F-16C Block 30C from 30D, but not a Gripen prototype from production)
  7. Basically "more". Better radar(AESA)/avionics, more fuel, more weapons, more thrust. (It has the Super Hornet's engine now, instead of the Legacy Hornet's) A quick blurb I saw said it can supercruise with an air-to-air load. There's not really an official name for it yet. Gripen N, Gripen DK, Gripen Demo are all used. I like Super Gripen. The first one will likely be a test-bed for the increased-thrust mods for the F414, 25,000lbs probably. (They're 22,000lbs normally). Technically, it's just a normal Gripen modified with a bunch of new features that COULD be used for a future Gripen E/F. But you can bet the next country to order Gripens will want some/all of those features, and others will want to upgrade their current Gripens.
  8. Really cool 787 article, worth reading for info about how composite planes are built alone. http://money.cnn.com/galleries/2008/fortun...tune/index.html
  9. Apparently Hasbro's wholesale price to retailers went up 25%, BBTS I think said something about it.
  10. Firebat would be nice, never had one. Anyways---any rumors of a 25th Ann. dress blues Gung-Ho? That was one of my all-time fave figures back when.
  11. Because I couldn't think of anything truly funny to reference Blitzwing...
  12. http://www.alert5.com/2008/04/georgia-behi...ions-putin.html MiG-29 shoots down a UAV. (as in it's an international incident--not training)
  13. I still don't think we've seen a properly transformed one. He's got a LOT of joints. And there's always the possibility of "official instructions don't match the designer's obvious intent"---there could easily be a better way. Or not. Regardless, robot mode rocks so much he's a must-buy for me anyways. (And I'm usually not big on robot modes) Also, TF:A Blitzwing has the "BW" effect for me, which hasn't happened in a long time--the actual CHARACTER is a big factor in my purchase decision, not purely the engineering/aesthetics of the toy. Blitzwing has quickly grown on me. I must take back what I said earlier---the fact that he's 3 subtle variations of "a stereotypical German" is actually very interesting, and props to the voice actor(Bumblebee's IIRC) for making 3 distinct, yet subtle variations. Turned out better than if he was 3 completely different personalities/voices. More like 3 different aspects of the same person.
  14. Lots more pics of Voyager (definitely) Blitzwing: http://www.tfw2005.com/boards/showthread.p...770#post2046770 I keep thinking--if only he had his intake shutters, he'd look a lot better in jet mode. The line art clearly has it, and a simple 180-degree flipping cover could have had it "swap" from jet intake to chest-mounted missile launchers in robot mode. But as it is, that part is "robot mode only" for appearance, and there's not even an indentation---he has no intakes at all.
  15. I have spent many hours staring at both 720p and 1080p TV's. At 32in sizes, I do not see a difference, except for angled segments of static letters in large fonts--they are slightly less jaggy. Admittedly, BestBuy and Sears are not feeding their demo TV's the best source material. However, I plan for this TV to spend 70%+ of its time getting 720p stuff from my 360. Price is not really an issue---I've stated many times before I am buying the TV I think looks best, regardless of price. I still think that Samsung makes the best-looking 32in TV's period. Though it will be a couple of weeks until I get my money----if the 32A550 actually comes out somewhere, I'll certainly consider it. (Though I'd have to wait for another paycheck after that to afford it). (The 32A550 is basically a 1080p version of the A450 from what I can tell----only it's not listed at Samsung's site at all, and no physical retailer has any--seems to be online only, with no reviews)
  16. Yeah, I wondered if they based it on the Energon mold, or it was simply "coincidence"---but the way the legs/feet are...
  17. I don't know what the new one is. Doesn't strike me as being especially C-130-ish as often reported. The original art made him CLEARLY an A-10: http://i40.photobucket.com/albums/e219/Foo...23/DSC00033.jpg But note that the photo next to that art is entirely different--an A400M (with altered tailplane location). Was he changed at some point? Jetfire replacing him?
  18. http://www.bestbuy.com/site/olspage.jsp?sk...d=1202648740213 http://www.samsung.com/us/consumer/detail/...&fullspec=F A few months ago, the Samsung 3253 had the overall best picture IMHO. But, that particular model had several issues--notably, tearing via component inputs, audio sync/dropouts, and "corner pixel" issues. Plus it had a glossy black frame. My "alternate" was the Sony 32S3000. Almost as good a picture, no real issues. But cost more. But now, Samsung has come out with their 2008 models (and changed the numbering system). The 3253's replacement is the 32A450. It's better in every way than the 3253 picture-wise (contrast, response time, handling of SD sources), and has no known issues. (Asides from an occasional audio glitch from HD cable TV--and Samsung's pretty good about releasing updated firmware to fix audio issues). It still has a glossy black frame, but it's "not as bad" as last year's model. So, being 200 bucks cheaper than the Sony, and having a "2 steps better" overall picture, it's definitely the one to get. There is no such thing as a "perfect" HDTV with no flaws/issues at all. They're much like Yamato valks---99% of posts about them are complaining about their problems. PS---shopping at BestBuy? Go to the post office. Pick up the "change of address" packet. Inside is a coupon from BestBuy for 10% off any TV over 400 bucks. 10% off coupons for HDTV's at BB are pretty common, but you never have one when you need it. Good until May 31st. (but the packet's only going to be available until the end of April it seems)
  19. He's a passenger jet with a hump. That narrows it down a LOT.
  20. Yeah, I plan on getting those too. (I'm going to make a pretty big order from them soon--those, the Movie Ironhide set, some Cobra sigils, Decepticon and miniature insignia, maybe anime Onslaught) Unrelated rant: Why does everywhere say G1 Octane is a 767? He's not. At all. He's a twin-engined 747. Much like a Cobra Rattler is a three-engined A-10. May not exist in real-life, but that's certainly what they are.
  21. I think everyone who's ever read this thread will buy the M+ ones.
  22. I'm actually going to buy my HDTV soon (I've got it picked out and am literally waiting for my next paycheck) but have a quick question: Best calibration disc out there? I probably won't be getting a PS3 for at least a few more months (but who knows, maybe BestBuy will have a good combo deal in the next few weeks), so I'll need a DVD-based one. Or--are they even really worth it? Many negative reviews of DVE stating lack of explanation. Is it really that much better over simply running the THX optimizer? I find that my "by eye" calibrations are usually dead-on to the THX ones, for brightness/contrast/sharpness at least. But color is something so difficult to do--mainly because every source and channel is so different. IMHO--why even calibrate the TV's color to a standard, when no source will be outputting/matching it? Example: Match NBC. Make things look normal/nice. Then ABC will be REALLY off. And vice-versa. (ABC is pale/desaturated, NBC is very saturated and red---CNN has the best color IMHO) Wouldn't it make more sense to calibrate the TV so that say, my fave channel and 360 look "right", rather than to some fairly arbitrary standard that maybe, just maybe, some channel will match up with and look right?
  23. I see you "not really a redhead" Scarlett, and raise you "actually has really dark hair and looks hot with glasses" Gina Gatto as The Baroness:
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