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David Hingtgen

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Everything posted by David Hingtgen

  1. Gaijin, thanks for your experiences. I was going to pick up my TV this week anyways, but now I just got a 12% off coupon (even better than the 10% off I was going to use) and your comments help "ease my fears" a bit. And yeah---the opening Blackout scene in Tranformers is just "dead", sound-wise. I have old Saturday morning cartoons on DVD with more bass.
  2. I have Thundercracker, that's enough for me on that mold. I'm just waiting for a leader-class movie SS from the second movie now... (And hopefully a leader Barricade, and a $100 "perfect" Prime)
  3. No, I've looked at and "played with" Leader Brawl many times in the store though. He just "looks weird" to me. Especially with his main gun hanging off his hip. He's got most of his armor plates behind his legs instead of on the sides, but visually, dlx Brawl looks better to me in every other aspect. Leader Brawl just has funky proportions, especially his upper torso/back.
  4. 6 cars that will save the world and cause you to lose your manhood: http://www.davesdaily.com/funpages/Environ...ndly%20Cars.htm
  5. I'd just like to restate that Dlx Movie Brawl rocks. Fixing the shoulders is quite simple, and just like Dlx vs Ult Concept BB---I think the Dlx one looks better than the leader. PS---Deep Space Starscream at Target.com, says it ships in 24 hours: http://www.target.com/dp/B00102V2ZY/ref=t_th_em_is
  6. I'd like to re-state that I went through the past month+ of email---there was nothing. I didn't do the standard "click on an email link to my ebay account"--I didn't even GET any emails from ebay (real or fake) other than my daily favorite searches. And those don't even ask for your account info nor for you to log in, they just take you right to the search results. Can I have more info about this firefox keylogging? I run my net browser fairly "locked down" and don't allow that much (activex, script, java, etc) by default--nearly every site is personally added by me to trusted sites before it's allowed to do anything----but I'd need to know exactly what settings do/don't allow that to know if I have it already prevented.
  7. I'm guessing that too (hole in ebay security)---googling around, some guy in Romania managed to get 1200 ebay passwords/accounts last year at once---no way THAT many people are gullible to even the best phishing email. And I've been going through my last month of emails---all are valid, none are even slightly suspicious. (unless it's SO good a fake that even looking for a fake ebay email made me miss it again) But again---it would have to be a fake of my specific "daily item search", not a generic "problem with your account" email. I know every "account problem" email ever sent in the world is a fake. And after 5 scans, 2 of them in safe mode (one of which took 5 hours and scanned every single byte on the hard drive), no program has yet to find any sort of virus/adware/malware/trojan, and all of them have todays latest updates. (Avast, AVG, Spybot)
  8. I'm going to go into safe-mode and do deep-level scans for a couple hours. Still haven't found anything from the "quick" scans from 3 different programs but I have to be sure there's no keylogger snagging all my passwords.
  9. Ok, the last time I used my ebay password before this was a few days ago, I got a "favorite searches will expire" email----are those ever faked so well that they're 100% correct-looking? As in, it even had the search terms correct? (I use very advanced searches, with commas, parentheses etc). Could it have been a phishing favorite searches fake, that was so perfect that even I was fooled? But how could anything know what my saved favorite searches were. Spybot found nothing, now checking with AVG. (AVG's finding some website cookies as always, but those are nothing) PS--ebay says that an ebay account can be gotten into by someone having access to your email account--but that's nigh-impossible for me, for as I said--my email password is a random string of numbers and letters, and cannot be guessed no matter what. And I've still found no evidence of a key-logger, trojan, etc that could have recorded my mail email password.
  10. Any particular program that'll look for keyloggers? I normally run Avast for virus protection, and AVS sometimes. I have my PC "immunized" with Spybot search and destroy, and am running a check with it now just in case. If there's a keylogger, I have to change EVERY password. (And I just changed my Amazon one too, gah)
  11. Also, Ebay wants me to fill out my complete name, address, phone number etc to "verify" who I really am--however, I am currently suspecting that *ebay* is not secure. I have not been to a spoof site, gone to any "bad" websites etc. Just check with hijack this etc and there's no password stealers etc. Now, I was on ebay last night and did have to type in my password to log in to check completed auctions---but I can't imagine any way someone was "watching" to steal it. Since I currently am not trusting ebay, I do not want to type in all my private info to them, especially through their live-chat help window. Of course, if ebay itself is compromised, everything of everyone's stuff is compromised--which is hard to imagine.
  12. Now, this is the reply I sent to ebay: <<<<<<<<< How the hell did this happen? My ebay password is not guessable--you could literally throw the oxford dictionary at it and not get it. And it is utterly unrelated to friends, family, places I lived, pets, or anything else anyone might possibly know about me, or even find out. Nobody could possibly guess it, and only one person in the world that knows me would recognize what the word was/meant if I told it to them. <<<<<<<<<<<< Personally, I also think Ebay should send out letters to all the people that were spammed, and not have ME tell people what happened. Also---they say in part 1 that I should change my EMAIL account password. Must I? That one is super-secure--as in, a fairly long string of random sequence of numbers and letters. There is no way my Ebay account or info would "know" what my email password is. I'd hate to have to learn/memorize another long string of random things. Sigh---I was JUST about to change my password anyways this week, as I'd had my current Ebay password for a very long time.
  13. Is there something going on today? When I checked my email today I found a bunch of spam--from myself! (In Spanglish and part French it seems). Very weird compared to normal Ebay spam (which that particular email account rarely gets) so I checked my ebay account--and couldn't sign in! Very soon thereafter, I got this email from ebay: A26 TKO NOTICE: Restored Account - ******* Dear ********* It appears your account was accessed by an unauthorized third party and used to send unsolicited emails to other community members, including email offers to sell items outside of eBay. It does not appear that your account was used to list or bid on any items. Additionally, the email address on your account may have been tampered with, which is why you may not have received any emails about this activity. At this time we have taken several steps to secure your eBay account. Rest assured that your credit card and banking information is safe on the eBay site. This information is kept encrypted on a secure server and cannot be viewed by anyone. To regain control of your account, please complete the following: 1. Change the password on your personal EMAIL account to verify that it is secure and cannot be accessed by anyone other than you. 2. Change the password on your eBay account. To do so, click the "Forgot your password" link on the eBay sign-in page and change your password using the instructions provided. 3. Follow the steps below to secure your account: > Click on the "Security & Resolution Center" link found at the bottom of most eBay pages. > Click on the "eBay Account Protection" link in the "Online Security Resources" box. This will take you to the help page titled "Securing Your Account and Reporting Account Theft." > Follow the instructions provided in "Securing Your Account". As you take these steps, please be aware that you may need to repeat the instructions provided above or use the "Back" button on your Web browser to return to the "Securing Your Account" page. To learn more about these fake or "spoof" eBay emails, visit the "Security Center" link found at the bottom of most eBay pages followed by the "Stopping spoof emails and Web sites" under "General Online Safety." Password guessing If you use a fairly simple or easy-to-guess password, it is possible that someone could guess it after repeated attempts. For this reason, it is important to use a password that consists of a combination of letters and numbers and is not related to your user ID, name, or anything you buy or sell. It is also important to use different passwords for the various online accounts you use (email, PayPal, etc). Computer viruses There are a number of computer viruses in circulation that log and record keystrokes. It is recommended that computer users keep their virus alert software up-to-date and regularly check for operating system and web browser updates. A firewall for high-speed internet users is also highly recommended. Any inquiries regarding your password or other information about your account can be sent to us by clicking "Help" on any eBay page and then selecting "Contact Us." If you are contacted with questions about the messages that were sent from your account or other related issues, please refer those individuals to the web address provided above. Regards, eBay Trust & Safety
  14. Are they actually yellow, or just how those captures look? Because IIRC they were distinctly G1 lime green from their brief pre-appearance in the "out camping in the snow-filled forest" episode. Or were those 2 Decepticon-logoed-construction-vehicles unrelated? (and I still do see the occasional lime green construction vehicle out there--they're still around)
  15. I finally got a Movie dlx Brawl, after reading about a fix for his shoulders here: http://www.angelfire.com/mech/jinsaotome/J...Toys/Brawl.html(scroll down to bottom) I've done the first part (filing grooves in the tabs on the turret sides) and it seems to work quite well. Has anyone actually tried this besides me? Filing grooves where the tabs stick into seems difficult at best, and it'd be very difficult to make them "match" the grooves on the turret tabs to actually grab together. If it can actually "lock" the shoulders together I'd try, but right now I'm (almost) satisfied with the improvements gained just from filing the turret tabs. PS--Brawl suffers heavily from "guy writing the instructions forgot a lot of things". Namely, the entire turret and what can be done. He looks much more screen-accurate with the main barrel removed, barrel base slid down on its track, and turned 180. Plus turning the upper turret 180, sliding out the rocket launcher "arms" then fiddling with the rocket launchers until they match the leader-class design.
  16. Umm, yes. Compared to every other A/V machine on the planet. People always say "black" is the foundation of an image--the blacker the black, the better the whole picture. Well, sound's foundation is silence. If there's a constant background noise/grind/hiss, it messes with ALL sounds ALL the time.
  17. Looks like a Rei repaint or something, with an injured arm. Maybe it's just an extra piece added to the next batch. (She's sold out, but they're doing another run)
  18. Quick question---for people with 32in TV's, what's your viewing distance? Conversely, for people who sit 4-5 feet away, how big is your TV? (I'm talking 16:9 HDTV's) (I just want to make sure I won't notice individual pixels/lines etc watching a 720p 32in TV at 4ft viewing distance--I may be able to knock it back to 5ft, but that's pushing it based on screen-to-wall (and window knob) clearance)
  19. IMHO, the YF-21 is probably Yamato's best design to date engineering-wise, taking into account the sheer "impossibility" of the YF-21 actually existing in 3D like the animation shows. The YF-21 has more anime magic in its transformation than all other valks combined. I mean, c'mon--the ENTIRE FRONT HALF OF THE PLANE is only the chest plate? And the legs are 3x bigger than the chest in battroid mode--yet fit into the belly, with room enough remaining in the fuselage for the arms, engines, and intakes? The YF-19 may shift "shape" a lot, but it doesn't grow and shrink major parts of itself by 250%. The Sv-51 is very well engineered/translated, but it's a much more "plausible" design to start with--not much "magic" besides the arm proportions. And thus, Yamato did even better than the D'stance IMHO. Certainly in fighter (it has landing gear and the forward fuselage isn't 50% too long), and debatably in battroid.
  20. The DVD sure was messed up. I thought there were a lot of complaints for the HD version as well.
  21. Wal-Mart was still IG Destro/Snowjob. (they're basically across the street from each other, I can check both in less than 15 minutes)
  22. Yeah, but that's still a "severe career limiting" move. Damaging a perfectly good airplane? He'll be flying a desk soon.
  23. My point exactly. When my 360 dies, I'm keeping the HDD, selling the rest, and buying an Arcade SKU. My (future) PS3 will be my Blu-Ray player--reliable, and QUIET. Even a 360 just playing arcade games makes more noise than a PS3 does at full-bore AFAIK. Heck, my Sony DVD player makes more noise than I'd like playing a movie. Unlike most games, movies often have long periods of near silence, and the "small background noises" are everything for the scene. Don't want to hear a 360 grinding away during those times.
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