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David Hingtgen

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Everything posted by David Hingtgen

  1. I would use something like "ejected limbs" or something. Since "de-limiter mode" is invisible. (Well, it does make the main display in the cockpit have those bars go all the way to 11...)
  2. Just FYI, most passenger jets and turboprops can back up under their own power. It's just that fuel's so expensive, it's cheaper to use a tug to push them back. (Plus, severe FOD hazard if you run the engines up at the gate) You'll see NW DC-9's and AA MD-80's do it all the time though at their hubs.
  3. My post was more "an informative FYI to all members of MW egarding YF-21's" than directly responding to you. Delimiter vs limbless has come up a lot the past few months (and usually in the wrong way).
  4. Seconding that, to prevent mis-information. De-limiter is purely "software"---the safeties built-in to the flight computer's programming (that are there to prevent damage to the pilot or plane from excessive manuevers) are turned off to allow "extreme" moves---at the risk of damage or even destruction of the aircraft. And Guld used it to its fullest. "ripping the limbs off" is nothing more than battle damage---but due to the YF-21 being different from every other valk (engines aren't in the legs) losing the arms and legs leaves enough of the airframe intact to still fly. Guld decided to risk it all (literally) by turning off the limiters BECAUSE the plane had lost its limbs---he was frankly losing, and there wasn't much else to try. De-limiter mode was activated because of and after the loss of limbs----but the two are not related. Many real planes have software limits programmed in just like the YF-21----but not many have an "over-ride" switch. (The Super Hornet and Flanker do, I bet the F-22 does as well). None can over-ride the limiters with a mental command though. Any plane can be commanded to do/attempt manuevers it will not survive---but computer-controlled planes etc can be programmed to stop right before the limit of what they can do. It's a safety feature---kind of like anti-lock brakes, but instead it's "anti-shatter flaps". No airliner can have those limiters disabled, and few fighters can (because even most fighters couldn't physically perform THAT much better than they already do--no point in eeking out a 2% better turn rate if it destroys the plane in a quarter-second)---but some can go so far "beyond the limit" for a few seconds that it may be worth it to get that one last, desperate shot that wins the war or saves the girl. The YF-21 is one of those, so it can turn off those limiters in the software.
  5. The Kalitta 747 is much more "interesting"----there's still people talking about it. It didn't "break" so much as "split along the seams it was built". Many are wondering if there was a structural failure. Many pics here: http://portfolio.lesoir.be/main.php?g2_itemId=192634 Just plain freaky.
  6. Scratch one A320 (and just a week after the Kalitta 747 under similar circumstances):
  7. Well duh, it's the coolest-looking plane ever. (Well, the XB-70 might surpass it---The 23 is definitely the best-looking fighter though)
  8. Question: My only CC is the "pale blue" one from the TRU 3-pack with the basic trooper and officer. (It's the best-looking helmeted CC IMHO). However, the helmet is notably miss-shapen----very asymmetrical--the left side "poofs out". Any way to fix it? Will heating it up and re-shaping work? ("normal" bending has no effect). I doubt there's any way to get just a replacement helmet, and all other CC's have a darker blue. (the stripe's painted off-kilter too, but EVERY striped CC helmet I've ever seen has that problem)
  9. This is supposed to be the most recent pic of it, being rolled out, though the EXIF data says 1998. (I'm guessing the camera's date is wrong)
  10. Grey Ryder, did you paint the silver on the goggles, or is it just mine that has ALL black goggles? PS---found a Mass Device crystal CC today. SLIGHTLY darker blue than "normal" masked CC. Same paint scheme otherwise, besides helmet stripe. Also found V1 Snakeyes, with a Wave 7 "build date" stamp.
  11. I need a Rattler and Moray far more than even a Skystriker. (I never liked the Joe planes much, despite having several---Rattler and Night Raven are just 10x cooler---and the Moray is THE best "aquatic" Joe toy period)
  12. I'm still waiting for another Fräulein figure that I actually know the character... C'mon Namco/Bandai, we know you're half-sponsoring the line, where's the Tekken/Soul Calibur ones?
  13. Which is annoying----why keep making fighter mode "solid and more tight" with each release---if they still don't have the top half of the battroid locked at all? All the YF-19 needs is SOMETHING, just one little peg or hinge---and they don't give us that. But they seem to add more tabs and posts to fighter mode---why? The Sv-51 sorta holds together, but that's more due to pressure/tightness than any peg or lock. Dear Yamato: LOCK THE CHEST DOWN IN BATTROID. Forget everything else until you do that.
  14. I thought the YF-23's restoration was done? There were pics a while back of it being "rolled out" and it looked spotless. As for the Phantom---a note at the end says it all (tongue in cheek): "Regarded as a monster in its day, the F-4 is about equivalent in empty and loaded weight to the Super Hornet and Joint Strike Fighter. It has rather less power than those aircraft, but (depending on variant) is about 500 mph faster and has a similar weapon load. Technology has clearly advanced a long way."
  15. Any Storm Shadow is decently rare, but especially his "hooded with grey camo spots" look. As is Snake Eyes packed with his wolf.
  16. They totally skip on how the shoulder transforms though, and show nothing about the gear.
  17. Frameless=defeats the point. Having lensless frames would look much more correct. I will admit, looks better than the early promo pics.
  18. I've put the pics side-by-side, and the only difference I see for Onslaught is the silver on the face, and the "waist lights". Am I missing some big obvious change? As for Silverbolt--I actually like the US one better. Still don't know if I'll get him---he looks like he might have G1 *limb* Aerialbot transformation.
  19. The thing is--if you put dullcote over white paint---then the dullcote stays clear, but the white paint itself yellowed underneath---could you really tell *which* layer yellowed? (often brought up in "what clear coat/white doesn't yellow?" threads)
  20. About that "2-packs as single cards"----would that include, say, Copperhead any time soon? Or will there be like a year delay, and we'll start seeing Ripper singly?
  21. HISS driver is a very good figure IMHO. Simple, minimal accessories, but the best torso-joint of all. (looks a bit weird twisted to the side due to the chest plate, but the range of motion is the most natural and useful I've found). Going to repaint the black part of the mask though---none in the stores has the black paint in quite the right spot--either the "mouth" or visor have too much or too little paint. Is it that hard for the factory workers to follow the indentations? ::edit:: Except the one at JoeBattleLines, they got a "perfect" one--http://joebattlelines.com/reviews/toys/25thanniversary/cobrahissdriver.htm HISS driver's awesomeness means I might buy a black HISS just to get Rip-It. Unless someone's army-building HISS tanks and doesn't need all those Rip-Its. (I really only need one HISS, and I like the blue more than the black, so I'm already all set, HISS-wise) PS---going to paint the silver rims on the Lackey Viper's goggles, too.
  22. I mean compressed, as in compressed so much there's a notable quality loss. Like a 99% vs 60% JPG.
  23. I just pre-ordered Japanese shiny chrome movie Prime from LaF toys. Thundercracker is still too expensive--"only half of Botcon" is still too much for $9.99 toy. Not getting TC funds my chrome...
  24. A LOT of cable HD isn't HD, it's simply "upscaled". And even if it really is filmed in HD---most companies squeeze a zillion channels into just a bit of bandwidth, causing lots of image/compression problems. All just depends. Unless you're using a Blu-Ray player or a PS3 or a 360, you're probably not getting full, pure, uncompressed HD. Unless you're lucky.
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