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David Hingtgen

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Everything posted by David Hingtgen

  1. Request: Has anyone ever seen a hooded Cobra Commander like THIS: http://www.yojoe.com/action/variations/cob...mander25var.jpg The one on the right. See his buckles on his leg? I really want one with the "fixed" buckles---but I've never heard/seen of anyone finding one other than that one at YoJoe.com Even apparently "new stock" CC's still have the all-gold buckle. If anyone hear knows of/sees one with the more detailed (read: more black paint) buckles, please let me know---or just buy it if you find it at retail, I'll buy it off you. (secondary request---I kinda like the mis-matched dark-hood one, and it is canon to me, so that'd be OK too---basically I want any version other than the most common one--I just can't find any of them)
  2. NG2: Tactical Ninjas. Coolest enemy ever. For anyone who's ever wondered just how bad-ass a "ninja with a gun" i.e. SnakeEyes can really be, they're the answer.
  3. Same here--I always want Y-axis inverted. However--it's the horizontal that often messes me up. Generally, I want 1st person and 3rd person horizontal to be opposite--and few games offer horizontal axis movement inversion--and even fewer allow separate 1st and 3rd person.
  4. IMHO, it's strange that word didn't get around, even without an official mandate to do so. There's what, a couple dozen B-2 pilots, all based at Whiteman.
  5. I see it clearly in the second video. I'm going to stand by my previous statement--it's more of an optical illusion, where the condensation rolling off the nose meets the markings on the side of the runway.
  6. Heh heh---hopefully that means "less jagged" movie bots, as opposed to "more broken-up" toys...
  7. I meant dullcoat as a generic term referring to any flat clear finish. Not specifically Testor's Dullcoteā„¢ (which is yellow when it's in the can/bottle--I doubt it turns clear as it ages)
  8. If you're talking about what I think, it's the markings just to the side of the runway. You can see the same thing at 1:56, it's just not lined up with plane at that point.
  9. Flankers have retractable inlet guards (well, more like screens) mounted just behind the lip, on the bottom of the interior surface, much like the MiG-29. They lay flat inside the intake normally, and pivot up when needed. ::edit:: Here, the 2nd pic: http://mysite.wanadoo-members.co.uk/flanke...ges/intakes.htm ::edit 2:: This might be better: http://aeroweb.lucia.it/~junap95/fighters/images/intake.jpg
  10. Should a separate movie thread be started? The main TF sites are 50% movie rumors now. And I personally don't want ANY movie spoilers in this thread. Related note: Anyone heard any toy rumors for known movie characters for next year? Like Prime and BB? I would love a $100 (or even more) "amazingly perfect" movie Prime. And at least a $20 Barricade and $40 BB. (As in, good/accurate transformations---not another Supreetor/UltimateBB debacle) I've heard we're getting all-new toys, and that's to be expected--no one's going to buy the same molds AGAIN with even more "slight repaints".
  11. B-2 crash footage from 2 different cameras: it's the second one to takeoff, skip the first half http://www.brightcove.tv/title.jsp?title=1...nnel=1213897972 again, skip the first half
  12. I still haven't seen Premium BB, but I did find the deluxes and Megs/Prime 2-pack Animated stuff today. Snagged BA. Debating on Prowl and Ratchet--waiting for more reviews. (Namely, Dave Van Domelen's--he seems to have very similar likes/dislikes in a TF as I do, so I take his opinion pretty highly)
  13. Hmmmn. Maybe I should restart it and play "norma". (I'm still in the first level). Of course, I never was very good at the first. (I beat it, but some areas were through sheer luck/repetition)
  14. Played it just a bit before going to bed last night---"just like the first, but more". I'd say it's faster, but also a bit easier. Unless the difficulty selection at the title screen was actually easy/normal, and not normal/hard. I chose "acolyte", which is what it defaulted to.
  15. Nope, no finer. Exactly the same, or maybe like .001 bigger. Maybe a bit "harder" tip though. And poor tips on Sakuras---it happens. You can get 3 in a row that last a while, others that last 5 mins. I've never been able to "use up" the ink though---the tips always wear out long before the ink does.
  16. I snagged NG2 today, hope to be able to play at least a bit tonight. It will be the first game for which "the first time I played it, it was in HD".
  17. A grey Gundamā„¢--brand marker is about 99.9% identical to a 005 Sakura Pigma Micron, just "not black". IMHO, it's more like "transparent black" than "grey", if that makes sense. Useful at times, but I rarely use mine. (I also find the Sakura-brand stuff to be much easier to smudge/erase/blend/fix mistakes with--just how the ink behaves) I might use it all on my 1/48 Milia though, as "black" would be far too stark, and I want a more subtle look on the red.
  18. I expect there will be many "guys who didn't appear in the movie" in the new movie line, that look exactly how their 25th Ann figure would have been.
  19. Probably my fave, and proof that GIMP can do wonders.
  20. I plan to post "chrome-wear" reports as needed. I also plan to paint even more of him with my best silver paint. If possible, I will have no grey plastic---only silver paint and chrome. Debating whether to use Reprolabels or paint the taillights myself. (I was disappointed to see the rear bumper area is still unpainted, even on a JP premium) ::edit:: Ordered from Reprolabels, but might only end up using half of it. Hood flames etc for sure, will have to see for windows/lights. Also, Lost and Found Toys is already sold out of the first shipment, more coming in 2 weeks.
  21. Look what showed up at lunch today: (lighting sucked, best I could do, plus most of the chrome's on his back in bot mode)
  22. "The Target of no restock" is now down to only four Scarlett two-packs. (No single-carded figs, again)
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