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David Hingtgen

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Everything posted by David Hingtgen

  1. Night Raven. Period. Would rather have that than ALL OTHER VEHICLES COMBINED.
  2. Bump (hey, I'm a mod, so it's OK) PS--the toys do rock, saw them at TRU
  3. Oooooh, Techno-Viper: http://hisstank.com/gallery/albums/Hasbro-...r_Room_0090.jpg Plus Paraviper design sketch: http://hisstank.com/gallery/albums/Hasbro-...r_Room_0071.jpg I'm not sure about the Night-Viper, awfully big helmet. Is there a name for the "Cobra truck"?
  4. Robotech is more than "edited". I'll leave it at that. Knock-off may not be the perfect word (let's face it, Robotech is unique in how it is compared to the original source), but knock-off is a lot closer than "merely edited for TV".
  5. Shamelessly solen from NeoGaf, but so perfect: Look at the Duke poster. Now imagine if it said "Mass Effect: The movie". It'd work SO much better.
  6. Um, I was just abbreviating. I consider his "full" codename to be Lieutenant Falcon. But that's a lot longer to type and harder to spell. Same for General Hawk.
  7. You know, I'm *this* close to painting the beast-mode eyes on my Terrorcons. More so than any other TF's ever, these are "obviously missing paint-apps". Trying to get the "official" colors, too: Hun-Grrr---pale blue? (most official drawings do NOT match the toy---Hun-Grrr's heads have a visor like Jazz, not individual eyes--the only official thing that matches is Abominus' box art, and they're blue there) Everyone else: red
  8. Much like the YF-21, "high speed mode" is inherent to the transformation of the VF-11. If it couldn't do high-speed, it couldn't transform to battroid. The YF-19 is AFAIK the only valk where "high speed mode" involves a unique hinge/motion that is not used in transformation. (And is impossible to do in actual 3D as far as anyone can come up with a feasible design)
  9. Hmmn. Of all acrylic silvers, I find Testors Model Master the worst. Simply "coarse", flake-wise. And very translucent.
  10. I plan to experiment on my "scrap" Prime parts now, will try Tamiya's AS-11, which is an AWESOME silver in all respects. (And since that paint is specifically designed to be used on bare injection-molded plastic, it should be fine) Basic problem of silver paint: The more toxic/harsh, the smoother/better it looks. Silver is the one color acrylics really can't do well (unless airbrushed, and even then it's only "acceptable"). And lacquer is better than enamel. But most lacquer will eat even 'strong' plastic.
  11. It's really close as 80's Joe figures go... A whole lot better than the new comic pack. At least they got the "overall color is brown" thing right. I mean, Falcon is THE movie character and the movie is THE canon reference for his design. If it doesn't match the movie, it isn't Falcon.
  12. Yeah, we really need Dusty. In the 80's, desert camo was "fairly unique and rare" honestly, for US forces at least. But now---we really need some desert camo guys! As for Falcon: Note coloring. Original toy matches that perfectly. (yes, I chose that pic on purpose--it's just awesome in so many ways) And for sheer Falcon camo reference, this one's very good: http://www.joetoonarchive.com/albums/Movie%204/0151.gif
  13. I've wanted a Pythona figure since I was like 12... (And c'mon, Nemesis Enforcer and Lt Falcon have already had figures--Pythona has NEVER had a figure) PS--are Falcon's colors "wrong"? I recall him being much more brown, camo-wise.
  14. Proposal---anyone want to "upgrade" their non-Premium Prime with some Premium parts? Like say the sword? One possibility is for me to buy a new Premium Prime, and just take the lower legs from it. Then I could sell off the sword, "silvery thighs", and new head to help recover the repair costs. Anyone interested in some Premium Prime parts like that to upgrade their older Prime? (Prime's very easy to take apart, so long as you avoid the electronics in the chest) Short form: a new US Prime is 40 bucks. I'd like to recover half the repair costs if possible. So I need to find a "junker" Prime for 20, or sell off 20 bucks worth of Premium parts from a new one. As it is, my Prime's leg damage is so severe he cannot stand up in robot mode at all (since his ankles have lost 50% of their plastic) and I'm not sure he can even hold together in truck mode since some of the pegs are gone now.
  15. I just got a set of miniature symbols from Reprolabels. They are the same size as G1. The smallest is "combiner limb" symbol size, the next larger one is "small Autobot car hood symbol" size. (All Reprolabel symbols match "official" G1 sizes---the largest size on a normal Decepticon sheet is "seeker wing" size)
  16. Update: Had a large chunk fall out as I was sitting here investigating things. I'm starting to suspect it's the paint (I just painted a few details on the ankles like many people have---the big circle at the bottom of the inner leg is just begging for some silver/bronze paint). But that would be a first, as I've painted many a silver detail on TF's with the same brand/type/color. It's my main "TF detailing" paint pen. If this particular TF doesn't like that paint, it's a first, and it reacts VERY quickly. I've had TF's painted with that paint for years without the slightest signs of a reaction. ::edit:: Yup, it's the paint. Just noticed stress marks forming on the red parts of the chest. Sigh. There's only a small amount of paint there, and it's never under stress, so hopefully it'll just be "some small stress marks". Or I'll wake up tomorrow and they'll have fallen off. I can't replace any chest pieces, that assembly is pinned and a bitch to get apart anyways. If I don't find any junked Primes, I'll probably just have to buy a new American leader Prime and use its lower legs. (And maybe arms too--they look ok, but they are the same plastic and were painted the same way). WEIRD note---the grey plastic is fine! Totally fine. Not the slightest reaction. (so far). But the red and blue? Falling apart before my eyes. Warning: Sakura "Pen-touch" silver marker/pen does NOT like the non-grey plastic parts of a leader movie Prime. Man, 40 bucks if I have to buy a Prime just for parts... (guess I'll definitely pass on Ratchet and Lockdown and Lugnut at that point)
  17. Yeah, but it's at the opposite end of the circle--they peg at the "top" and it's the bottom that cracked. The chunk missing fits the ankle joint's shape too well though, I suspect it's that more than the peg.
  18. Aww crap. I've just noticed my movie leader Prime (from Japan) is cracking apart at the ankles. (The chrome is fine BTW). The dark blue parts of his lower legs? One has a chunk missing, and the other has a large crack. (the very large circular detail on the inner side of the leg at the very bottom) Anyone hear of this happening to any other leader Primes?
  19. Well, I have found out that copper Sharpies have been out of production for years, and there's no way to get one now. I did find a few "similar" items, but even the finest of them (that are the right color) are still too big---I could only do the "hip pads" on BA, and even then only by "erasing with spit" (which works well when metallic pens are used) before it dried. No way I can "outline" the chest, arms, wrists, etc though. Anyone know of some other very fine-tipped markers/paint pens? The best I found was a "Zig Painty Fine Tip" in "copper". But it's still a lot less fine than I need. Everything else finer was simply "gold" and likely too bright/yellow. (Hey, at 3-5 bucks each, it costs a lot to experiment with colors)
  20. Looks SHE (or some other resin kit) to me---it has a bunch of pins at all the joints.
  21. I'm waiting for the 2nd release----but NOT because of any potential issues. I just want a different scheme. I've owned two different M+ ones, I want something new. M7 CF is very bland though. VFX-2 is awesome, but licensing is an issue. Possibly M3? Then we could get Max and Milia and even Moaramia... (C'mon, you know a purple VF-11 would be awesome)
  22. The "first run" hooded CC is actually pretty close to cartoon accurate (in idea, not shade) AFAIK---it has the "medium dark" body of the other hooded CC's, but an even darker hood. It is overall darker than the cartoon, but it does have the "mask is a BIT darker" effect. The pic of CC variants again, look at the left one: http://www.yojoe.com/action/variations/cob...mander25var.jpg See, I want either the left or right one (darker hood or better buckles---or both!) but 99.9% of hooded CC's out there are the one in the middle.
  23. "Only" pinging? What would you consider bad? "Only" bone-jarring explosions?
  24. Sorry, can't really help---my Grand Prix(s) simply never got very dirty inside. (I am so very strict about not allowing food etc in my car---and don't even think about getting inside with muddy shoes). I have read at the GP forum that Meguiar's (not McGuire's) Leather Wipes are pretty good/recommended. Most of the time I just like using a damp towel for most interior cleaning (basically dusting) Steering wheel and door panels sometimes gets "a tiny bit of palmolive and water" via damp towel.
  25. Hey, if I have to paint the stabs, I might paint the stripes too---TC's are pretty simple. (Even if MP SS actually has TC's wing stripe pattern)
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