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David Hingtgen

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Everything posted by David Hingtgen

  1. I'm still debating on encore OS. I mean, I had the original---but I frankly don't really remember him---despite his size. So maybe he wasn't that great? As opposed to Trypticon, which is the toy I want most of all from my childhood. Trypticon just ROCKS. (Metroplex is so inferior to Trpyticon it isn't even funny IMHO). But OS? I think I'll buy MP Megs instead. Unless somehow, OS is actually really cool, and I just couldn't appreciate him when I was 7... PS---Animated UM is PALE BLUE instead of WHITE? Deal-killer for me, sorry. That just screws up everything. Also, the "thumbs don't match the fingers" just looks stupid, as does the "not quite closing" flaps on the rear in vehicle mode. So close, yet "stupid little errors" crept in. I was almost going to buy him, but not for 40 bucks now. And the "likely Japanese version that's WHITE" will be too expensive to be worth it. Magnus=white and blue, not two-tone blue. BLURR is two-tone blue.
  2. Another angle of the America: http://www.navytimes.com/xml/news/2008/06/...america_800.JPG
  3. July 4th---nowhere seems to have gotten anything in just before or since. Also, my nearest Wal-Mart still has NO animated deluxe/voyager etc.
  4. Any reason not to upgrade XP to SP3 now? I'd like to do so before I install Mass Effect. (Like everything, the first 48 hours after release caused issues----but are there any issues with a current version?) ::edit:: Well, running SP3 now, checking things out.
  5. I assume that due to anime magic (as in, you can easily control a full battroid well enough to make it play the piano while standing on one foot using little more than current airplane controls) having a WSO etc to operate radar/weapons would be unnecessary.
  6. Hey, I like Leviathan a lot too. How about a review for that?
  7. That's what I thought. Anyone else notice that the pill was type 639?
  8. I'm re-doing Ninja Gaiden 2 on Warrior---will get at least to the half-way point before stopping and switching to A. Creed. Then it should be time for Soul Calibur 4.
  9. Yup. Hun-Grrr rocks. Due to him, Abominus has knee AND hip articulation, so he has the best posability of any "standard" combiner. PS--don't ever try to make Sinnertwin an arm. And Rippersnapper's head (robot) is quite fragile, be careful.
  10. ??? Looks very SR-71-ish with regards to the v.stabs to me, and the SR-71's are quite effective---they're slab surfaces, with a HUGE range of movement.
  11. Well, with rogue Zentradi always being a threat, I bet every fleet has at least 1 set of speakers for a Minmei attack...
  12. Took longer than we thought and it's not as big, but we DID get a new USS America carrier (and even got it to be the class leader). Behold, LHA-6, USS America: http://bp3.blogger.com/_3I_MsAGX584/SGkXlu...A-6+America.jpg Will replace the Tarawa-class. I always like to call LHA's etc "Harrier carriers" but that's no longer appropriate...
  13. Helicopters (real and model) will ALWAYS be harder to fly than a plane for a simple reason: there's more controls you have to deal with.
  14. I'd buy "cartoon colors" for nearly all those figs. (though a couple are already pretty close--no point in a new Beachhead IMHO)
  15. I didn't feel the need to mention him. Of course, if Sheryl attends a few more pilot classes, she could get a pink valk or something. Best though would be Nanase in a purple one...
  16. I consider Ozma and Roy's to be the same scheme. Close enough. (I mean, Ozma's was clearly DESIGNED to look like Roy's, it's not sheer coincidence, just like Mikhail's looks like Max's and Alto's looks like Hikaru's)
  17. I'm waiting until we get a "Ozma with everything on it" announced--or at least, an "Ozma's stuff will be sold separately and will fit on first-release Ozma" announcement. (He's got more than mere FAST packs IMHO, Alto frequently has just your standard FAST pack). (Yet Ozma's ep 1 stuff isn't GBP armor either) I also kinda want to see how Mikhail's looks. My VF-25 and 1/60 VF-1 purchases are linked---I want different colors. If I get Roy's VF-1, I won't get Ozma's. If I get Max, I won't get Mikhail, etc. And I only plan to buy 1 of each type. I'm kind of leaning towards Max and Ozma----I've never had a Max at all---but I also want to have "the definitive valk (Roy's VF-1S) in the new 1/60 while thinking Ozma has the coolest VF-25. Maybe if Mikhail ever gets the "full" armor Ozma has...
  18. I mean airbrake by "plastic flap with holes in it mounted on the upper surface of the wing trailing edge". And there's 2.
  19. Modern canopies are *amazingly* flexible when hit. If you ever find footage of an F-16 or F-22 bird-strike test, you'll be impressed. (They have the most advanced canopies of any fighter---F-35 should be the same) :;edit:: Found it--watch and wonder how they make this stuff:
  20. Night Raven: Sheer looks, sheer size alone is enough. But it's got the best gimmicks of any Joe plane. Landing gear plus airbrakes? Bottom-entry cockpit? Dorsal turret? Missile pods? All awesome. And work better than the Skystriker... That's my main fear of the "new" Night Raven---it may look like the original, but I kinda doubt it'll have working airbrakes and gear. Maybe "movable" but not "working" if you get what I mean.
  21. Hey, I've argued that detaching legs on the VF-1 are canon. (And they are, AFAIK, it's just that 99% of collectors don't care and want attached legs regardless)
  22. Way too much news to summarize, just go to HISStank.com now. Read this especially: http://www.hisstank.com/gi-joe-news/a-real...holy-crap-7427/ Anyways---Rattler confirmed, Target exclusive. Comes with Wild Weasel--who looks EXACTLY the same as the one already released. Means I wasted every penny I spent on the comic 2-pack. http://hisstank.com/gallery/Joecon-2008-Sa...rday_2008_00006
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