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David Hingtgen

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Everything posted by David Hingtgen

  1. I was unaware it was actually changed. But then how is it arriving deformed (or at least, extremely borderline), factory-fresh, from a newly-created mold?
  2. Don't worry, in a couple years Kawamori will say they should be pure red... (though he'll probably also make Arad's valk emerald green too)
  3. I'll be waiting for Max/Milia TV 1J's, with super packs. They should be "peak" releases---all the kinks worked out, and with "ver 1.2" upgrades---but still new enough that they're not suffering from mold tolerance degradation. (though the DX YF-19's tailfin molds are already worse than the VF-19ADV)
  4. Haven't seen it in years, but I remember liking it.
  5. Anyone else have a local theater doing the early screenings on the 8th? I got my ticket---it's the ultimate way to avoid spoilers---see it before everyone else.
  6. That gives me an idea---let's have a B-52 movie...
  7. I believe that was part of it---the Navy allowed ONE real missile launch to be done for the film. So they had to make the most of it. Nowadays a movie could have 50 unique missile launches in the furball to end all furballs, but they'd all be CGI. While Top Gun did use some radio-control models, there's a TON of real F-14 footage, and a REAL missile launch. We're unlikely to see anything like that again. "Straight and level, or gentle turns"---that'll be the real Hornet. Everything else---CG.
  8. Pretty much. I remember being *NEAR* MGM studios a few weeks after it opened, and the cars were backed up for miles.
  9. Honestly, seriously--I hope so. How could Walken in a circus NOT be great?
  10. Wow, those are some seriously curvy lower legs. Inspired the YF-19?
  11. Yup, that's where F-15's keep their dispensers.
  12. Hmmn---the deluxe editions says you get the PS4 theme if purchased before Jan 16---do they mean pre-ordered, or charged? As in, do they charge immediately, if you pre-order it now?
  13. Yeah----unless the -22 is WAY bigger than I think it is (i.e. far larger than a large fighter jet) there's nowhere near enough room for hauling an idol group in the leg-bay.... (because even after removing the legs, the engines and lower halves of the nacelles still protrude into the area, among other things)
  14. This. I'm 99% sure the leg gimmick is why my Yamato -21's thighs cracked apart. Both the -19 and -21 always seem to end up severely compromised for those gimmicks. They are not worth it at all.
  15. It's an Israeli chopper now? (Going by the markings). Just made me realize I know what jets Israel has very well, but I have no clue about their helo forces.
  16. The alt explanation has little credence IMHO---programmed not to respond below 100ft AGL? That would mean the plane was designed to not be able to perform go-arounds nor touch-and-gos, and had never done so during the prior year of certification testing. I think at best, they are arguing that "it should have responded quicker to commands, and possibly have saved the aircraft from the dangerous situation it had been put in". In which, it's far better NOT to put the aircraft "in a descent, at 100ft off the ground and dropping, with engines at idle, and NOT plan to be on the ground soon thereafter..." in the first place. You're supposed to be level and stabilized BEFORE you do your pass, not 'drop right into the crowd and hope you stop your descent in time', even at airshows. "If only it'd had 300,000lbs of thrust and afterburners, it could have cleared the trees..."
  17. Yup! Couldn't understand a word of it, but it was probably mostly half-truths anyways. (pretty sure they had a plasma-stealth mention in there, with the "disappearing" T-50 scene). But I still learned quite a bit just watching the thing fly up close, and see how it uses its control surfaces. Dang, it would have been ginormous. Never realized just how big it was.
  18. Flame Toys is technically Third-Party, even if licensed, so it's ok to be here, even if the thread is 99% unlicensed stuff. Every Konami, Capcom, Square, etc NES cartridge ever was the very definition of "licensed Third-Party". (Nintendo made and supplied the actual cartridges, the software companies developed stuff to put on them--but the actual cartridges were still 100% Nintendo's, nobody else could make them--and Nintendo even had yearly restrictions on how many different games a company could make, all tied into the licensing agreement)
  19. This always bugged me about the Yamato---the fin sticking off the forearm at an angle: Is the Sv-51 supposed to be like that? Or is Arcadia just copying the Yamato's flaw, and the tailfin is supposed to lay flat and flush against the forearm in battroid mode?
  20. Like the Su-57/T-50/PAK-FA? How about an HD documentary? http://video.sina.com.cn/p/mil/doc/2018-11-12/194769071146.html Interesting version of the "digital speedbrake"--uses the vertical fins angled in (slab surfaces, not rudders). (YF-23 used the flaps and ailerons, F-22 and Super Hornet like to splay the rudders out) As for the J-20-----the belly-bay is getting all the attention, but it's the side-bays that are FAR more interesting/revolutionary---like being able to fire with the doors closed: Why? The full answer is here: http://www.thedrive.com/the-war-zone/24841/chinas-j-20-stealth-fighter-stuns-by-brandishing-full-load-of-missiles-at-zhuhai-air-show But the short version is---if you've reduced the range to the point that you're now in a knife-fight using off-boresight missle launches---stealth is no longer a factor, manueverability/aerodynamics/timing is paramount---and keeping big draggy bay doors open at low-speed high-alpha is a bad thing, as is the delay in opening the door, letting the seeker confirm its lock, then firing. By getting the missles into a "ready" position---they can start locking on immediately, while preserving flight characteristics---and the instant you're ready to fire---so is the missile. No bay-door/ejector-rail delay. 1 second delay could easily be the difference between winning and losing in those situations.
  21. That was my thought---a "cyborg-d" Sheryl, like Brera, to pilot a VF-27. Cyber-Sheryl could be a very interesting character---she already had a good arc in Frontier, so adding in "fighting her implants" would just be another layer of interesting things to pursue for her story development.
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