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David Hingtgen

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Everything posted by David Hingtgen

  1. More on Octane: 1. There's holes that have no other purpose other than holding the guns, on the sides of the truck cab. I think that may be their intended location, not on the rear of the truck using the fist-holes. 2. Waist-plate. Why is it hinged? I really can't see a reason for this being a separate part, and being hinged. Until I actually got him into robot mode, I thought it was a waist-plate, hinged for articulation, etc--except it's on the wrong side, and he can't turn at the waist 180 to use it. It's actually the small of his back. Abandoned step/feature? 3. I think the "alternate" way of doing the shoulders in bot mode may be the intended way---things work out too well, color/design/detail/joint-wise.
  2. Or, more importantly to Bandai--toy and model sales. If they sell a ZILLION VF-25's, that'll fund season 2.
  3. As the other Wal-Mart had everyone but Octane (I refuse to call him Tankor), I checked my closest Wal-Mart today while grocery shopping. Got Octane! They also had Leader Bulkhead--the first Animated figure they've ever had. They still don't even have wave 1 animated deluxes there. Currently have only seen 2 of Octane's 3 modes. The transformation is quite interesting, but the HUGE gaping hole at the rear with a cargo plane's cockpit halves inside is very detracting for truck mode. Maybe the worst "obvious compromise for a triple-changer" ever. (I personally think Astrotrain's rocket nozzles in loco mode are cool, and it's not a GAPING HOLE) Also, having part of the tank silver, and the rest grey plastic, is "US Leader Prime" cheap/distracting. Yes, I do plan to paint it silver--with a different type of paint than my last silver paint attempt... If someone comes up with a "covers the hole" custom part for the rear, it'd help immensely. I am a huge Octane fan, and I HIGHLY value new/interesting transformations, so I had to buy him. Conversely, that's why I'm not buying Animated Jazz. He may be perfect/awesome--but I've had that "transforming car toy" a hundred times before in slighty different sculpts/colors. ::edit:: Proto-Octane has an all-silver tank, and he's actually WHITE instead of very pale coral. That would have helped. Triple-changers really need to be voyagers. Same issue as Silverbolt and Galvatron--they seem to be picking the wrong guys for the price-points. If Galvatron and Octane were Voyagers, and Silverbolt and probably Powerglide(or Onslaught) were Deluxes, everything would have worked out a lot better.
  4. Bigger missiles often means bigger range, not just bigger warhead. More space=more fuel.
  5. It becomes AWESOME 4 mins in. (It's merely "funny" up until that point). Be sure click on "watch in high quality".
  6. Well, ep 14 shows that the full armor set is incredibly modular and toy-istic. I hope Bandai is able to engineer it that way. (I am pessimistic that we will only ever see standard Super/FAST armor, and not the full armor, despite how much its featured)
  7. They fold OUTwards--that's interesting. Just about every valk that ever had a tailfin fold down, folded it inwards. (VF-1, VF-0, VF-4, -19, -21---any others? VF-9 maybe) PS--found this on another thread--earlier, Alto has the fins folded down with the armor, as seen here: http://macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?act=...st&id=55619 Presumably one way is an animation error, but which way? Maybe Ozma's supposed to have them raised, too, and they're only lowered for taxiing, etc.
  8. Their symbol is a stylized version of the international "radiation hazard" symbol, plus later on the tactical status displays show "warning" plus that symbol around any area where one was detonated---and frankly, no other type of weapon leaves behind a "hazard zone" after its use. IIRC, "reaction" has been used since the original TV series simply because of the bad connotations of the word "nuclear" in Japan, since they are the only ones such weapons have ever actually been used against. Heck, they won't let any nuclear-powered US ship dock there. (though I believe just recently that policy has changed). Reaction missiles and reaction furnaces are just politically-correct ways of saying nukes and nuclear reactors. (plus allowing for a bit of overtechnology/sci-fi, trademarking, etc)
  9. I don't know how anyone could want a *non-armored* VF-25 toy after this ep... Anyways, regarding Quarter and Battle 25----if Battle 25 is attached to Island 1, where does Quarter attach to? (Until people here started discussing it, I didn't think there was a Battle 25, and that the Quarter was in its place as "the main gunship attached to the front of the main colony dome ship")
  10. Yup. You can easily find Region 2. (And the region 2 versions of season 1 and 2 have EVERY ep, FYI) We are really getting screwed here in the US. Season 3 for sale: http://www.forbiddenplanet.com/products/29...vd/Product.html
  11. Found tons of new Classics(Universe)---just no Octane/Tankor, the only current one I want. I want the NEXT waves---Sideswipe, Bluestreak, Galvatron. PS---underside of Universe Silverbolt in jet mode: http://i256.photobucket.com/albums/hh187/PascTF/100_4465.jpg I like the B-2 on his gun though, but no way I'm paying that much for a minicon-level transformation. And for all those who thought he wasn't nearly as bad as movie SS undercarriage-wise: http://i256.photobucket.com/albums/hh187/PascTF/100_4466.jpg
  12. David Hingtgen


    The whole wing swings up, the outer half swings down. So it can do high-speed mode. (and transform). Kind of makes an "M" when viewed from the front. Also known as gull-wings.
  13. The pic above is 1000x better IMHO. Honestly, the NSX is the ONLY Japanese car I've ever really thought looked cool. But the new one--not at all.
  14. It's a half-year or more late at this point---while it came out months ago overseas.
  15. Because it's COOL, and that's reason enough to do it. Why merely lower the flaps when you can get a bigger effect by raising the whole damn wing? PS---the F-8 is so sleek that even with a normal wing, that and the fact that it's the last of the gunfighters means it'd still merit being a "cool" plane.
  16. The coolest planes aren't that well-known. Heck, even people who like fighter planes often know little about the F-8, and bomber people don't know the Vulcan. PS---Ace Combat 5 has the Vulcan in it.
  17. I'm finding posts from January asking if it'll ever come out, and no word since then. I'm currently really doubting it'll ever come out---a LOT of the Buena Vista "90's toons on DVD" series have "stopped". I'd buy the R2 release, but I have no means to play it. (though I probably could just buy a really cheap DVD drive, set it to region 2, and leave it like that---but I really prefer watching stuff on my TV, not my PC) Season 3 has my 2 all-time fave eps, so having season 1 and 2 doesn't really help "satisfy" my desire for Tick episodes...
  18. Awesome job, but I agree on the weirdness of requesting the 5 be changed to 45. For those not in the know, "45" is impossible for any runway to be numbered. But 5 is fine.
  19. Will wait until full armor is announced. Or at the very least, normal FAST packs.
  20. Pretty sure it's vintage. Sorta on-topic: Iran photoshopped their missile launch: http://thelede.blogs.nytimes.com/2008/07/1...many/index.html
  21. The last couple years have proven to me that ANYTHING can be riced.
  22. transfan52---you've been temp-banned before for flaming. And it was for a response to an old post last time too. Quit bringing up month-old discussions for the sake of arguing with someone.
  23. Oh, Wraith. I don't really see how he's "robot-y". Thought the very-obviously-robotic BAT was the topic of discussion.
  24. You mean the BAT? That's one of the best-known figures/characters. That's one of my most-wanted figs since I heard about the 25th line. (technically it's B.A.T. but few people use the periods) Anybody know of final/comparison pics for Dusty? Is he only in that DVD pack with Serpentor and the BAT? Because I'd prefer a red-mask BAT, and I do want Dusty, so I might just buy that pack instead of those 2 individually--but only if the DVD-pack Dusty is very "normal". (His face stripes look too "extreme" from that pic)
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