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David Hingtgen

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Everything posted by David Hingtgen

  1. Too much to take in with just one viewing---plus it is hard to hear some dialogue. Did feel the pacing was off. Am I nuts for possibly liking the first one better overall? If the entire movie was the Joker, it'd be the best movie ever. But he's actually not in THAT many scenes.
  2. Have we ever seen UNarmored Ozma? (excluding when he ejects it)
  3. Hmmmn. If the "real" VF-25 was designed to be slender so as to look better in full armor---does the "not as slender" Bandai VF-25 imply armor won't come? (or if it does, it'll be so bulky it'll look weird)
  4. Confirmed, EA/Bioware making KOTOR MMO: http://www.1up.com/do/newsStory?cId=3168871
  5. Probably the highest-quality online footage of the F-22 so far: (Farnborough demo) http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/business/7510364.stm Of course, like most videos---zoomed in too close to actually tell the motion. 2:04 is a "vectored loop" but hard to realize, 2:56 is a tailslide.
  6. http://vimeo.com/1300197 Adorable/awesome video. Also--coming this fall for about the same price as a Yamato valk, the ultimate Wall-E toy:
  7. I want the FULL armor mainly because I feel that's the VF-25's defining characteristic. How so? Because much like the VF-0, the VF-25 is overall "more of the same". The VF-25 is VERY traditional as valks go (as opposed to the distinctive -4/19/21). There's really nothing unique about it that's worth my money. EXCEPT---it can actually transform while wearing full GBP-style armor. Only valk (ignoring Stampede) that can be in fighter mode while fully armored. THAT makes it very unique--and very fun to play with, especially if we get the "each bit can be attached/ejected individually". It's clear Kawamori is trying to make valks that more easily translates to toys (starting with M:Zero), but the FULL armor may be too much even for Bandai--but I sure hope we get it. But bare fighter mode? It's basically a VF-0, which is itself a modified VF-1. It just folds its wings back 90 degrees, instead of flat on its back. And has a few Sv-51-ish bits in the transformation. But overall, it's a "new" VF-1, kinda like the VF-0 is, and VF-11 was.
  8. Before I commit my irreplaceable Anazasi decals, I'd like to be sure of what ship names to use on the tailfins of my VF-1's. Now, on my first Roy VF-1S, I had stickered it with Prometheus, as that's a cool name and the only one that is a name and not a hull number. But I'm wondering if that's right? The instructions for the Hasegawa kits have Roy's VF-1S with SDF-1 on the tails, but Max and Milia and Hikaru's -1J's as being from the Prometheus. I doubt it's ever seen on-screen but are there any canon refs for which ship each valk belongs too? Skull squadron on SDF-1, Vermillion on Prometheus? PS---the Hase kit instructions for the STRIKE VF-1S for Roy has the boosters themselves marked for ARMD-1 (tailfins not visible). Is the difference TV vs DYRL? FAST packs vs the valk itself?
  9. 36 is the max. If you exceed 3 parallel runways (I.E. 25L, 25C, 25R--DFW has a "C" runway) you start "fudging" the numbers and go one off---so you can have 25L, 25R, 24L, 24R----even if they are all really aligned with 247 degrees and should technically ALL be runway 25. That allows 6 runways "straddling" the same true magnetic heading. San Francisco is a famous example of "4 perfectly parallel runways, but with 2 different numbers". (28 and 29 I think)
  10. Just in case anyone ends up not using them: I'm very interested in the UN Spacy kites--if there's any spares from anyone's sheets, I'm willing to buy just the kites. (I only need 2) If anyone uses just two kites from the sheet and has one spare---if two people do that, I can buy one from each.
  11. Pic is taken a bit "from above" and lighting was actually TOO white (should have toned down the flash) but anyways-----Octane's alternate shoulder position, plus random "Asuka wearing Rei's plugsuit because it looks cool":
  12. How is it pilot error? Nothing I've read indicates that. If anything it was "bad procedures".
  13. Same here----Targets around here now have ONE peg for carded figures, if that. (not one peg full---one peg AVAILABLE and tagged with a price/label) (Still flooded with old comic two-packs though). I think the "way too many" old comic packs are making them decide to stop carrying the whole line. Nobody, I mean nobody, wants "bright blue CC with flourescent yellow stripes".
  14. Animated Grimlock has the best eye light-piping ever.
  15. Like F-14's? Like funny stories? Then you can spend HOURS reading the Hoser chronicles: http://www.tomcat-sunset.org/forums/index.php?topic=2441.0
  16. ...still waiting for a new figure that I recognize. Honestly, I want more video game ones than anime. Street Fighter's still not out (and I want a Cammy and Vega), where's the Soul Calibur and Tekken stuff? The line's half Namco-Bandai anyways.
  17. Found Grimlock everywhere I went today, strangely enough. Anyways---much quicker/easier fix for the "arm won't slide all the way in" issue----just loosen the screw a bit.
  18. Scale is everything to me. Plus---things shouldn't all be the same size! I mean, what if you had a Roy (the character, not the valk) and Mylene figure side-by-side---and they were the same size? Giant Mylene. Or tiny Roy. You'd probably want them to be the same SCALE, as Mylene SHOULD be a lot smaller than Roy. Making her bigger by adjusting her scale to "fit in" just looks weird. Same with valks--a VF-1 should be smaller. Because it is smaller! Making it bigger to match the others is the same as making Mylene (or Ranka) bigger to match with Roy (or Ozma).
  19. That's hard to answer. Do you have Texmod? If not, it's even harder to explain. As it is--you cannot dig through ME's files and find a file that is the texture for anything. It's not made that way. What the armor mods really are, are more like "interrupts" to the PC's own RAM while the game is playing---so that it looks for the altered texture, instead of reading it from the game's files.
  20. Red with grey? Kinda bland, but I'll try it when I get it. (or more likely, learn to use the cheat console to acquire it, otherwise it'll be quite a while). I use GIMP for image editing, as it's free. I know several ways to swap colors with GIMP, and one always works for ME armor so far. PS--light, medium, or heavy Colossus? Also--I always mod female armor, as I tend to have FemShep more often, plus Liara and/or Ashley in the party.
  21. Play from hard drive?!?!?!? Hmmmn. That's a bunch of console sales for MS. I suspect many people will be in my situation: 20GB HDD, "dying" disc drive (and/or noisy). Putting the games on HDD will save a lot of wear and tear on the drive, maybe adding years to its life. But will need a much bigger HDD to hold all our fave games, thus needing to buy either the new 60GB or Elite model---or just the new HDD. Question--is it going to be newly-developed games only? I kinda doubt (but hope) it'll allow older games to be put on the HDD. coughMASSEFFECTcough
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