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David Hingtgen

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Everything posted by David Hingtgen

  1. Heck, Yamato never releases truly final photos. Their "final" YF-19 photos are still hand-painted resin prototypes. And their "final" Nora, while made of plastic, still has pre-production paint applications.
  2. Rules of engagement often negate the use of anything with decent range. And even with "visual confirmation"---friendly fire happens.
  3. Can't be final, it's still hand-painted resin. It may be the final SHAPE, but definitely not final materials/finish. I do hope those are incorrectly-transformed shoulders---otherwise they REALLY got that area wrong. But sculpt-wise---all I really want are fixed head lasers, and movable hip guns. (I assume the chest angle is just poor posing/transformation) PS---look at the shield. It's totally flat on top. I bet that can't be final---no valk has a FLAT shield. While the official art is pretty flat and featureless, it is still curved somewhat, like any plane in that area. It needs to be "humped" some.
  4. Hmmn--both Swoosh's and Graham's have the right fin skull a bit crooked---and I am VERY picky about that---I may wait for a second run. Of course, it could get worse with the next run. PS---hey Yamato--what's up with the bright shiny silver screws? All the other VF-1's and the YF-19 etc use dull black screws which are FAR less obvious. Use black ones next time!!!!!! PPS--why no printing on the boosters? They even did that on the early 1/60.
  5. Shouta---I just found out about the new BtM show, so I've started watching that too. This has been my biggest year for anime in a long time.
  6. F-22 drops first SDB supersonically: http://www.edwards.af.mil/news/story.asp?id=123107101 USN Hornet shortage even worse than thought, Boeing gives unsolicited offer for additional 170 Shornets at discount: http://www.govexec.com/dailyfed/0708/071808cdpm2.htm First female Shornet demo pilot (no pic, sorry): http://www.daytondailynews.com/n/content/o...airshowweb.html
  7. Bumping this because I just did it----works great, easy (but slightly time consuming) mod. This will not allow the shoulders to move foward, but it will allow them to move all the way DOWN so they don't stick up at all. Use an emory board/sanding stick, and just go back and forth along the "inside wall of the inner calf"---right where it's circled. Make it half as thick as it is from the factory, maybe even thinner. (assuming 1st release YF-19--maybe later ones are different). Just compare the inner and outer walls where the shoulders touch the calf in fighter mode---try to match the outer one. Doesn't have to be QUITE as thin as the outer one, but a lot thinner than it starts out as. You do not need to thin where it starts curving down towards the knee--just the straight area. You do NOT need to take apart the legs, and I would highly advise against doing so. Just take out the 3 screws in the calf, and you can then easily remove the upper half of the leg and the feet to make it easier to work on.
  8. I'll pretty much second that statement. I would SO buy "New Bioware Game". I'd pre-order the limited edition of it.
  9. Said it before, I'll say it again: Revoltech BGC figures. They'd sell zillions. Could do every variant/series.
  10. They're saying, the YF-24's specs were used by the conspirators to estimate how the (then still under development) VF-25 would perform in battle---but the actual VF-25 is doing much better than they expected. I think the VF-27 was designed specifically to counter the VF-25 and beat it--but since the VF-25 is better than they thought, the VF-27's superiority isn't so big/guaranteed. Plus the VF-25's doing better against Vajra, capital ships, alien queens, etc than they expected. Episode 1 gives the impression that the Vajra attack on Frontier was probably the first time the VF-25 had ever seen combat.
  11. Just an FYI--Graham's on vacation and won't be visiting MW much for a little while---that's why the mods are posting the reviews etc. (but he finished the review just before he left so it'd be ready in time for the official release) PS--pic request for Swoosh---could I have pics of the left and right tailfins so I can see exactly how straight the skulls are printed?
  12. Sigh---MP TC looks less cool with every new pic. He's NOT G1-toy-blue---too dull, not "blue" enough, and not metallic either. And the new face sculpt SUCKS. Sigh. Maybe he'll get a US release---but with my luck (and all of Hasbro and Takara's past Thundercracker releases) he'll probably be in cartoon colors--which are godawful baby-blue. I don't think "real" Thundercracker blue has been used in any way besides the original toy and re-issues. I swear I would buy a car in that color. (And almost did--Camaros in "medium quasar blue metallic" are pretty darn close in color---it's one of the two paint colors I've found that are closest to G1 TC) (someday I plan to make a 1/48 F-15 model--in G1 TC toy colors)
  13. G1 Octane's "top of the tanker" is done very similar to Classics Octane---G1's just doesn't split apart---it's a shield in robot mode. But has NOWHERE to go in jet mode--like seeker fists. Also, it "bent around" to cover things up from behind in tanker mode. And it was CHROME. As were the tanker sides. I think Classics sacrificed too much for "perfect" transformation--being able to ditch the tanker top (and cab) would have helped plane mode a lot. But removable parts (besides weapons) are pretty much taboo now in TF's.
  14. It's 10AM in Tokyo---means we can post Graham's review: http://www.macrossworld.com/macross/toys/V...-1S_review.html Enjoy.
  15. I'm noticing a lot of visible screws on that last pic Swoosh posted of the backpack area---the previous 1/60 had covered screw covers. While it's not as obvious on a black/white valk, I think that the silver/black screws will be pretty obvious on a Max or Milia.
  16. I meant old-school referring to the tailfins---they're the non-retractable type. Those were gone long before the Paveway III seeker head came out----there's still a LOT of Paveway II seekers out there, but fixed fins are long-gone. ::edit:: I think it's a GBU-10 Paveway I regardless though.
  17. Old-school Paveway and a Standard. Very Vietnam----rather appropriate for the camo.
  18. Slightly OT, but Swoosh--is your YF-19 a 1st release or 2nd release? Have you modified it in any way? The shoulders in fighter mode caught my eye, as do the extremely well-fitting leg seams behind the shoulders in fighter mode.
  19. I agree---but I have little hope of anyone ever drawing Miang doing the pose for my avatar.
  20. The others are just the CF VF-25's we've seen before--always sitting in the hangar undergoing repairs. That's the only time we've seen them fly I think.
  21. Are all copies of the Kei .mkv corrupt at 19:50 in? I know it's not just me (but it could be that particular download place), but does anyone have a working mkv? I finished watching the ep with the .avi, but it's not as high quality. (Not that there was much to watch in this clip episode anyways)
  22. I've yet to play an MMORPG, this'll be my first. (Assuming it's good)
  23. MicroSol etc only affects water-slide decals, won't do anything to a sticker. Best advice (besides replacement)---heat them up with a hair dryer and try to get them to re-stick when they're hot---the extra bit of softness helps them conform. (It's best to apply them the first time using a hair dryer, too)
  24. The YF-22 had diamond wings, though sorta delta-ish. But it was changed so much when it became the F-22, that it has at best "clipped semi-delta diamond" wings or something. It is by definition still a diamond, but barely---it's really close to a delta wing in function/aspect, and the h.stabs were "un-diamonded". The YF-23 (and F-104) are much more clearly diamond-winged and diamond-tailed. Diamond(my own guess at the definition): Trailing edge sweeps foward, leading edge sweeps back. While a delta has an unswept trailing edge, and a swept-back leading edge. Note the YF-23's trailing edge sweeps sharply forward, while the -22's is only slightly swept. (still waiting for my Ep 15 subs before I watch the ep--I expected them by this morning) So for the F-22--if it looks like a delta, and aerodynamically performs like a delta---but is technically a diamond...
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