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David Hingtgen

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Everything posted by David Hingtgen

  1. The Wal-Mart that didn't have ANY animated until 10 days ago? They had the new wave of deluxes. Don't know if this is a full case, but they had: Oilslick x2 Snarl x2 Jazz x1 Soundwave x1 Bought Soundwave, haven't opened up yet. Came VERY close to getting Snarl (had in hand, put back)---still unsure on him. His club has NO paint on it---complete opposite of the prototypes.
  2. Ack, I did forget about FF4--and I'm not even buying CT again. It's not even revamped or anything. (Heck, I may still have the original SNES cartridge downstairs, will have to go check--I know I still have the PSX version). I played the original so many times I had full rainbow equipment for everyone with many stats maxed out. New Game+++++++. FF4---played the SNES so many times I had the entire party at level 99. Which is really annoying since Rydia is permanently behind, and the gap grows BIGGER as you level up. I proved it to myself in the last couple levels--Rydia continually needs more and more exp to level up than anyone else at the same level. Maybe one of the later versions "fixed" this, but it was very annoying in the 90's.
  3. I believe the SHE recasts came with most of the stuff a "real" SHE kit needed you to buy separately--mostly the screws, pins, etc for the hinges. Possibly WAVE joints and polycaps. AFAIK the hardest thing (asides from the sheer fact that it's resin) is getting the pins and screws in straight---you have to drill all the holes yourself. If you're off by just a little bit, then the parts will pivot/hinge at an angle, and may not transform correctly. Be very careful and make sure you're drilling/installing pins/screws at exactly the right angle.
  4. I'd bet a lot on Milia looking EXACTLY the same. She's not even a hybrid, she's pure Meltran.
  5. Thing is---there's like 3 people on MW that have one, and we already have 2 parts that broke. That's not a good sign. Normally it takes a week or two with dozens of people owning them before we get problem reports.
  6. 'twas my thought too---Mylene is frankly not that curvy below the waist. At least they kept her chest right compared to Sheryl.
  7. The last daisy cutter has been dropped: (was not used to attack Shin Kudo) http://www.af.mil/news/story.asp?id=123107470
  8. Regarding head/neck height: I'd suspect that the appearance could be adjusted by how you place the chest plate---if it's not "slid all the way down"---the head wouldn't look as high. I think that's what's going on in these pics: http://gamu-toys.info/goukin/yamato/60vf1s/02.html :edit: Specifically, compare these two pics: http://gamu-toys.info/goukin/yamato/60vf1s/DSC08668.JPG http://gamu-toys.info/goukin/yamato/60vf1s/DSC08685.JPG That's not the photo angle, the chest plate is several mm higher in one than the other.
  9. Too heavy, too late. Gimme a Challenger. (yes, the Challenger's heavy too-but that's because it's essentially a Chrysler 300---the Camaro is all-new and has no excuse for being that fat and gas-sucking) I'm a huge Camaro fan, but the more I learn/see, the less enthused I am. Whereas the Challenger had me from the first pic.
  10. I've always thought the YF-19 has no name (even unofficially)---both Alpha One and Eagle One are temporary call-signs. Same for the YF-21 as Omega One.' PS--about the VF-0. Isn't "Zero" the official name, with Phoenix as the nickname?
  11. Really? I thought the G8 looked much better in pics than real life. Looks much shorter and more G6-ish in reality than the pics lead me to believe.
  12. Target. The Target of no new Joes for 2 months straight. Still no carded figs at all, and the same couple of Scarlett comic packs. But they had DVD sets.
  13. The reactive armor only showed up for 5 secs. Even the GBP had more screen-time. And the VF-11's had more than that. But they all still fall under the "Star Wars cantina alien" category--people ask for them, no matter how little-known, unimportant, and barely-seen they are. The only valk that really needs to have full armor made for it as a toy is the VF-25. IMHO.
  14. Found the first 2 DVD packs--everything else still empty. Bought the Weather Dominator set: Lady Jaye has no lipstick. I'm sorry, but I have to remedy that. Her pink lipstick pretty much defines her cartoon appearance. Plus the obviously-sculpted lips look weird in skin-tone. Roadblock has no gun. Destro has but a single handgun. I might buy a regular carded Destro now just to get all the accessories, and maybe swap parts to make an "ultimate" Destro. Anyone want the Weather Dominator itself? And the MASS device piece? And maybe Roadblock? I have no need for them, and they haven't even been removed from the packaging yet. I'd most like to trade for Copperhead---or if anyone's got wave 9, General Hawk and/or a BAT.
  15. Somewhat related note--anyone know anything about the apparently coming in October "complete collection"? http://www.amazon.com/Complete-Collection-...9330&sr=8-3 Deepdiscount says it's from ADV, but little beyond that: http://www.deepdiscount.com/viewproduct.ht...ductId=48056160 I still don't have a copy of the original SDF:M so I could really use a set---my guess is that it's a slim-pack set of ADV's recent dub, and if it's that cheap, I'll definitely pick it up.
  16. Apeface and Snapdragon ROCK. Period. (I had a lot of Headmasters and Triplechangers---Decepticons only though) (In my house, Decepticons enjoyed about a 10-to-1 advantage---and that's mainly because of a half-dozen mini-bots)
  17. I just found this pic of the Super pack---have we seen it before? ::edit2:: A lot of the pics in fighter mode show the legs "too low/recessed" compared to the main fuselage---they're lowered for FAST packs like with most valks, but they should be raised up higher when clean. Any good pics showing a "properly transformed fighter mode"? Also, I really hope we get better "wing to leg" connections---every pic so far shows the whole wing/wingroots just kind of "floating alongside" the legs in fighter mode--giant gap from front to rear.
  18. Takatoys is still in business? I haven't seen/heard from him a while, and his website is half-dead. (I could use some YF-19 stickers from him)
  19. Apply stickers before clear-coating. But if you're clear-coating, try to acquire decals. (for decals, it's actually best to coat before and after applying them)
  20. That explains why she does the English bits of the songs far better than 99% of J-pop singers...
  21. OK, different question: Are there any names that would probably be WRONG to put on Roy or Milia? If determining the right one is impossible, are there ones that they certainly couldn't be? Checking my older valks, both valks themselves are labeled for Prometheus, but Roy's FAST packs are ARMD-1 and Milia's are SDF-1. (that's just my own choices back when) Would it be "probably wrong" to re-use those?
  22. Ok, anyone know what paint this guy used on his custom MP TC? http://www.actionfigurecustoms.com/blogs/2...ndercracker.php Also, this one is just as good, though has MP-style striping: http://www.tfcyberhaven.com/html/masterpie...ndercracker.htm PS--just a funny shot (and awesome custom) showing just how much kibble Movie SS has: http://i2.ebayimg.com/07/i/000/f6/24/5e67_3.JPG
  23. Nah, while the red face does make him distinct from Skywarp, it's also too similar to Tracks with the blue and all. But I'll agree that Armada TC is one of the best versions of the scheme. (even if it's not metallic)
  24. Link to Swoosh's photos from the previous thread: http://macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?s=&a...st&p=628271
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