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David Hingtgen

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Everything posted by David Hingtgen

  1. Veoh--yeah. Veoh always seems to be the first place to have subbed versions--but the quality's so poor I refuse to watch there.
  2. No comments? Am I the only one who saw it? My short take: Good, but I liked the TV eps better. If anything---too much pointless (and often juvenile) banter. The TV series had entire eps with little/no talking.
  3. ????? Still no ddl for ep 19, and I know GG's had their subs available for a decent amount of time.
  4. Found the new HISS, Trouble Bubble, Serpentor Chariot, etc. HISS driver has a color issue---his helmet doesn't match his uniform at all. While many "medium blue" Cobra figures have a bit of a color matching issue (especially the arms), this one is the worst I've seen. The uniform is very "faded" compared to the rich blue helmet. Pretty much ruins the figure for me (and I really wanted a blue HISS driver). PS---HISS has all-white markings. I was hoping for red...
  5. Did you read Graham's review? "However, a word of warning. The leg fins need to be gently pulled out a couple of mm (you'll hear a click when they are pulled out as far as they can go), before you try to fold them. Failure to extend the leg fins before folding them may resort in breakage"
  6. Armor is nothing more than a hope/rumor so far. I expect super parts to come with the valk in the box.
  7. SPACE MEGAFORCE. Must-play. Everything about it rocks--graphics, weapons, stages, and most of all---music. After that, Darius Twin and Super R-Type are both classics. I like Darius a lot more.
  8. Found Onslaught, and despite being a huge Onslaught fan, I passed. Just not worth 25 bucks. If they ditched the lights and he was just 20, I'd have probably bought him.
  9. Haven't seen Kei for a couple weeks, I've been going with GG the past few eps.
  10. That's a LONG question/answer, and not for this thread. You'll figure it out soon enough. The really short version (as I figure there's a lot of MW members here that have joined since Frontier started airing and don't know the story): He was banned for a long time, but we've decided he's "served his time" and allowed him back, hoping he'll behave. The details on why/how etc are probably going to remain "known to mods only" unless Graham or Shawn decide to make it public.
  11. Honestly, I've been very curious as to what Agent ONE thinks of Frontier.
  12. Ummm, yeah. EVERYTHING people send that you didn't ask for is a bot/virus/spam/trojan. That's how you can tell.
  13. A bit OT but useful: misterryno---buy some Sanyo "eneloop" batteries. Worth every penny. They're rechargables that DON'T LOSE THEIR CHARGE OVER TIME. I think I've only had to charge them once since buying them last year... They have a bit lower capacity than high-end modern batteries, but are equal to the capacity of "normal" batteries from a couple years ago. And unless you're doing extended photo shoots at an airshow or sporting event where you need every minute of power and flash-charging, the trade-off is well worth it. I keep 2 sets of batteries on hand for my camera---1 high-capacity set that I charge the night before an airshow etc (since they'll lose like 5% power each day just sitting there), and 1 set of eneloops that are kept in the camera at all other times.
  14. Am I the only one here who both desired and expected the model to be exactly how it is? Did anyone honestly think that it'd be like a Hasegawa kit, and NOT exactly like a transforming MG Gundam kit?
  15. Uxi--do you have a Sony with game mode etc? I know of no TV where game mode ONLY turns off processing---every one I've seen also alters the the color/brightness etc. (sometimes they even advertise that fact as a "feature" of game mode) If they ONLY turned off processing they'd be wonderful, but since they all (AFAIK) also mess with colors, they're worthless. Which is why I don't ever use game mode on my TV.
  16. Heck, line-art's inconsistent with itself even in the same mode! Just look at the hip area in battroid mode for the YF/VF-19. Side-view and rear-view don't match up at all. A bit OT rant: IMHO, all -19 toys/models should be done to match the rear-view, it works much better---the only thing I've ever seen done like that is SHE's VF-19S kit--it's the only way to make an F/S look right, though I believe that is how ALL -19's transform the hips/upper intakes, not just the F/S---it's just that the YF-19/A can get away without doing it and still look "OK"---but if done like SHE's F/S it'll look better in both modes. PS--of course, since the "Lego designs rendered in CG" era of Macross (Zero, Frontier) the 3 modes are much better at translating to 3D without "adjusting" things. Though the Sv-51 has the most "magic" of the group, it still works pretty well, ignoring arm proportions. The VF-0 and VF-25 do amazingly well, even compared to the "works fairly well in 3D" VF-1.
  17. I can't find it on the forums, though I know at least a few people here must have saved a copy. PS for clarity--I don't want the "original" version of the pic, I want the one with all the word balloons added in.
  18. I personally really like the Challenger's rear end, mainly because of the taillight design.
  19. Depends. Both on the game, your TV, how the TV's set up, and how much you notice it. Also---every "game mode" out there does far more than simply "reduce lag"--it will usually turn brightness and contrast to max, go "super-ultra-cool-blue" for color temp, and otherwise make it eye-searingly bright. IMHO, simply turning every image procession option "off" will accomplish much of the same thing, but leave the colors alone. All those nifty "black compensation" and "dynamic contrast" "noise reduction" etc add to the TV's processing of each frame--if you turn them off, it has less work to do, thus faster display of the signal.
  20. Eh, due to the merge being "backwards" the first post isn't the one intended----everyone ignored Graham's original "rules" for posting about 4 years ago... Keep posting like people have been doing this week, just ignore Graham's "number per scale only".
  21. I only pre-ordered my Roy from LAFtoys last week, and it shipped today. Cost me $151 including shipping. I expect to get it pretty quick, since it's only 3 states away. Would have been a bit cheaper if I went for parcel post instead of priority. Personally, I've had good luck with SAL from HLJ, but I haven't ordered anything for a while. I do plan to get my 1/72 VF-25 kit from them that way though.
  22. Sorry, but yes they'll look pretty bad. For some reason, SD video games look much worse than other SD stuff on HD screens, IMHO. Even the few non-HD games that offer 16:9 progressive scan still look bad. (some Xbox and PS2 games offer that). As to whether they're still at least "playable"---game by game, and you can rarely predict what they'll look like. I'm keeping my 20in CRT forever for this reason--to always have a "good TV for old games".
  23. I've sold off far more than I currently own. Current: 1/60 Sv-51 Nora 1/60 YF-19 1/48 VF-1J Milia (to be sold soon) Past: 1/72 YF-19 1/72 YF-21 1/72 YF-21 FP 1/72 VF-11B 1/72 VF-11B FP 1/60 VF-1S Strike Roy 1/60 VF-1J Milia On order: 1/60 VF-1S Strike Roy 1/60 YF-21
  24. This thread's REALLY close to getting closed. (Honestly I'm surprised it's lasted this long without becoming truly stupid/trollish)
  25. That is so not fair. Now he has TWO pics to use for his avatar. I'm still waiting for someone to make a Miang one... (which is unlikely to ever happen)
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