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David Hingtgen

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Everything posted by David Hingtgen

  1. IIRC, Whittle's very first jet engine had around 600lbs of thrust. I've always considered that remarkably impressive---that basically the first "proof of concept" had enough power to actually be usable in a (small) plane.
  2. Magic Square is clearly just a re-hashed MP-10, but I don't see it as any better at all, in truck mode. If anything, it's a bit simpler, more toon-style, and actually slightly worse in many areas. Just like all the others---they are absolutely "throwing away massive amounts of alt-mode looks/realism" in exchange for small tweaks to robot mode. That is NOT a good exchange.
  3. I haven't watched it in a *very* long time (erm, it was on tape...) I'll definitely watch it again, in HD.
  4. Yup, and Thunder Manus is also a legally distinct entity, who also coincidentally bears a resemblance to the Powermaster version of a certain Autobotâ„¢ leader. Anyways--anyone else snag tickets to a Dec 8 early showing?
  5. MP-44 may be the best, but I don't really like any of the new Primes. Will keep waiting. I want one "less ridiculously toon-accurate, they all go past the point of ruining truck mode for 1% more screen-accuracy". No one seems to be able to strike a balance, between toon/toy/real. Yeesh, I shouldn't have to, or even still be able to, say "G1 Prime had the best, most realistic semi-cab, of them all, by far". I long for the days of MP Sideswipe/Bluestreak/Wheeljack. "Try to get the most toon-based bot mode we can, but don't totally throw away alt-mode realism to do it". I'm sure they could do Sideswipe even better nowdays, with new techniques etc, and give him a narrower chest and remove the ankle guards. But you just know a Sideswipe 2.0 would be a bland, featureless lump of an alt-mode, and not "an even better Countach".
  6. No silver stripe on truck? No silver accents for steps/grab-bars/wipers/nameplate etc? Super-easy pass, it's another "let's make a real-world alt-mode, as simplistic and fake-looking as possible, because CARTOON UBER ALLES". Yeesh. Probably no tail-lights, either, going by Prime's toes.
  7. If the budget's that crazy, let's use a real Space Shuttle for those scenes. Fly one back out to Edwards AFB...
  8. Sounds like it'll be a long wait for Max and Milia then...
  9. I'll agree with that---the ailerons coming off are a minor inconvenience, but high-speed mode wing-hinges pretty much ruins the YF-19, making it a floppy mess.
  10. High-speed-mode is at least screen/art-accurate. "Giant one-piece ailerons" are like no real plane that comes to mind, nor the VF-1's actual design. They're a gimmick of the worst sort---"lets just add in some plane-esque features for play value, because some planes have sorta similar things there".
  11. Plus they're not even right---VF-1 seems to have no ailerons (like the F-14), should be nothing but Fowler flaps across the whole trailing edge (single-slot outboard, double-slotted inboard) ( (At least VF-1's actually do have that style of airbrake, when they add it in---but those are SO not outboard ailerons in the lower-right pic)
  12. The entire world will be disappointed if it doesn't have a "roaring howl" sound though, and just goes more like "buzzzzzzzzz".
  13. Saw it, liked the first one better.
  14. Nah, a diecast model needs to be XFA-27, X-02, or CFA-44 (Strigon Leader!).
  15. I had a similar thought-----"half the set" is just perfect IMHO, so I'll probably just try to find someone to split a set with.
  16. It always seems lazy/uninspired to me, whenever a character "looks like their famous voice actor". It seems to be even more common in video games than movies, but either way I always think "they could have done something more unique/interesting, being free from the limitations of live footage".
  17. I do. But it's the only way to get the "G1 toy colors" on the "G1 toy-esque" mold.
  18. The -29 had several changes, the original was the worst, though it certainly wasn't 'bad' as I recall. Most notable is the revised "support strut" for Gerwalk mode (wider/thicker, with a longer and possibly off-set tab?). I believe the VF-25 renewal had a somewhat similar change to improve Gerwalk. The -25 renewal also later modified the intake area (Michael and Luca's?), for the Super Part hip armor to clip in better (I really wish my Alto had that mod).
  19. I'm especially surprised CF-18's were never upgraded considering the existence and success of the F-18A+ program.
  20. It's so incredibly meta, with "Rex Dangervest" basically being Chris Pratt, playing Chris Pratt's other characters... Also---while more classic spacepeople of any color (assuming Jenny is a girl!) are always welcome---we REALLY could use black and/or red in that set instead of white. White already had 1, if not 2 relatively recent re-releases, and that's not one of the "first wave original spaceman colors". And we even saw a red one in the last movie. Plus---my kingdom for a "regular generic blue spaceman"----pristine logo, un-cracked helmet. But I kind of figure they might never release a blue one again, to keep Benny "unique". (or at least, not release a blue one anywhere near the release of a movie--only like 3-4 years before or after) But, rant aside---that's still "better than I'd hoped for"----multiple new space suits, in mostly classic colors, in a single, cheap set. Only thing better, would be if there's a new SPACESHIP! still to be revealed, even bigger and better than the last one.
  21. Yeah, we're discussing mold changes/upgrades (and downgrades) as they progress through various releases of the same basic design. And the -19 is the latest DX from Bandai that shows how things change. (since the -31's all seem nigh-identical)
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