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David Hingtgen

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Everything posted by David Hingtgen

  1. ghostryder---mine's exactly like yours I think (to the point that camera/angle distortion is the biggest thing I notice). Left perfect (or darn close to it), right just a tiny bit off. IMHO, the people reporting "both straight" are just less critical than I am, and have them like mine, Graham, swoosh, and yours. I notice that the one in the instruction manual's like that too. I'm betting 90%+ are just like these, with only a few rare "off" ones.
  2. Really old news, but still cool. SW has always had the coolest capital ships in all of sci-fi IMHO.
  3. I was noticing---the upcoming TV Hikaru VF-1J doesn't have a modex number printed on the ventral fin. Now, no Yamato DYRL valk does, because they're tiny, and they already have large modex numbers on the nose and wings. But Hikaru's TV 1J *only* (canonically AFAIK) has its modex numbers on the ventral fins---so without them being printed on the ventral fins, that means he has none at all. And that sucks IMHO. *Every* valk should have its modex number printed on it SOMEWHERE. I understand that a few of the tiny ones aren't printed on Skull squadron ones, etc----but when a valk *only* has them on the ventral fins, and they're large, they should be printed. This will also affect Max and Milia---they also have their numbers ONLY on the ventral fins, not the nose or wings. We need to convince Yamato that the TV 1J's need their numbers printed on their ventral fins---or we will be getting a lot of 1J's that have no numbers printed on them at all. What valk each number has is an important fact, based on how often it comes up in MW discussions. For TV 1J's, Hikaru is 101, Max is 202, and Milia is 303. But those 3 valks only have them printed on the ventral fins, unlike nearly every other VF-1 which has them on the nose and wings. If Yamato isn't printing them on the ventral fins, then we're missing some MAJOR markings of the TV 1J. I mean, what's the point of all the little danger/intake markings on the new 1/60, when the large and distinctive modex numbers aren't being printed? Forget the little red triangle under the canopy, I want a big "303" on my Milia!
  4. Kyp--I think yours matches mine---lining up the fin edges to your pic, mine then has a vertical skull---but that's because the valk itself isn't quite level at that point, but slightly nose-down. Try this---fold the fins over each other. Then see how the skulls look. (I have an incredibly critical eye for things like this, so I'm curious and picky, about both mine and other's, for comparison)
  5. Hey, would people with "perfectly straight" skulls post pics? I just opened mine up, and it seems the same as Graham/Swoosh's--slightly tilted on the right fin only. Also---has anybody pointed out that the gunpod is printed the same as the Revoltech, so that one side is right side up for each mode? (which also makes one side upside down for each mode). No missing parts so far, but haven't transformed it.
  6. Honestly I like the grey suit thing more than most of her outfits.
  7. Gah, I just looked up the "new" Y-wing. It's hideous. They totally ruined one of the neatest ships in the saga. http://www.starwars.com/theclonewars/news/...080403_2_bg.jpg The "conjectural" fully-armored Y-wing looked so much better: http://images.wikia.com/starwars/images/c/...inal_Y-wing.jpg It made a lot more sense, too. I don't know of any car/ship/plane that has a structural frame totally unrelated to its exterior--but the Clone Wars Y-wing does.
  8. There was a Thrawn clone? (I've read like 5 SW books ever, with the Heir to the Empire set making up most of that)
  9. Gaaaaaawwwwwdddd, even as "stupid TSA stories" go, this one's bad: <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< Nine American Eagle airplanes were grounded Tuesday after a TSA inspector, conducting an overnight security check, used sensitive instrument probes to climb onto the parked aircraft at Chicago's O'Hare Airport, aviation sources tell ABCNews.com. At least forty regional commuter flights were delayed throughout the day, according to American Airlines. "We think it's an unfortunate situation," American airlines spokesperson Mary Frances told ABCNews.com. The TSA agent, as part of spot inspection of aircraft security, climbed onto the parked aircraft using control sensors mounted on the fuselage as handholds, according to a TSA official in Chicago, Elio Montenegro. "Our inspector was following routine procedure for securing the aircraft that were on the tarmac," Montenegro told ABCNews.com. The TSA agent was attempting to determine if someone could break into a parked aircraft, according to Montenegro. <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< This is why people who couldn't get a job at MickeyD's and don't know the SLIGHTEST thing about aviation, shouldn't be allowed to mess with multi-million-dollar aircraft. And I'm betting replacement pitot probes etc for the SAAB 340 aren't that easy to come by nowadays.
  10. 8.1 is pathetic. My first car could do better. Sigh--I don't know if I'll be able to afford gas for a 2011/2012 or so Challenger R/T. Might have to keep my current car longer than I'd hoped.
  11. I think that was the ONE time something like that happened, and it was believable because it explained how that species was (basically) like Vulcans, but to an even more extreme step--purely logical, with pure order. Everything nice and patterned with straight lines and right angles. So an attack comprised of purely "random" patterns and curves probably would be darn-near uncounterable by them. It's not like he plotted an entire war based on some little manuever that humans aren't good at countering based on his study of Matisse. Frankly, there'd be a zillion ways to learn that "whatever species it was" was basically incapable of comprehending "random 3D curves" or whatever---and you can bet every commander in the fleet was probably aware of that and used it to their advantage whenever possible. Thrawn just liked to show off via art...
  12. Graham only teases, serving out little morsels of info to hungry fans...
  13. And we still don't know exactly how micloned Meltrans age---Milia's the first, and is basically "an experiment". I wouldn't be surprised if she shows up looking exactly the same as she did in M7. How old do Zentradi live? Britai was very old IIRC. But he's "special" and not your typical Zentradi. Milia's Meltran, for starters, and is presumably "more special than average, but not as special as Britai/Laplamiz".
  14. The problem with Clone Wars has NOTHING to do with the fact that it's "TV shown as a movie". The older TV Clone Wars mini-series eps shown before ROTS were inherently better. Cheaper to make for sure, but I enjoyed them far more. I often watch them straight through as a 2-hour movie. It's a sheer quality of plot/writing issue here.
  15. It's the ATD-X. Just a mock-up. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mitsubishi_ATD-X
  16. Attachments are auto-thumbnailed. Only embedded images are shown full sized (if they fit).
  17. The animation's definitely "stiff". As opposed to the very smooth TV eps...
  18. Yeesh---I thought this thread was JUST ABOUT to get back to ep 19 and not "MKV's suck" but it's still going on. Encoding/playing etc discussion ends NOW. Go talk in our "fansubs and how to play them on your PC" thread here: http://macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?show...5914&st=480
  19. I think we need a video for "transforming the shoulder without breaking it".
  20. Eeeek. And you even said like 3 posts ago you're careful. I'm kinda afraid to open mine and transform it... (mine just arrived)
  21. When City 7 is 'stolen' and Battle 7 arrives on scene with only seconds to spare and prepares to transform to fire the cannon but they don't have time so Max cancels the transformation and just rams the other ship, don't you think that if it was at all possible to fire the cannon in ship mode, he'd have done so? Near the end of the series he even does 70-80% charge firings to save time, but still always waits for transformation to finish.
  22. I thought they were cosplayers---just look at the other cosplayers---the people on Frontier have GOOD costumes.
  23. No, but the theater had grape Icee, which I've never had before, and was awesome. Icee>movie.
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