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David Hingtgen

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Everything posted by David Hingtgen

  1. I haven't been able to open that site either. Flash just sucks IMHO----the only thing that ever crashes my browser is due to poorly-implemented Flash. And updates never change anything. It's just "blahblahblah version E.ocx" crashes instead of version D...
  2. I'm thinking about picking up a PS3 soon (more for Blu-Ray than games), I'm waiting to see if there's any inkling of a price drop (unlikely) after the next 360 drop next week.
  3. Eh, forget more Ranka and Sheryl singing, we need more "action AMV with rockin' BGM" This one's my fave: (I went through the thread and didn't see it posted yet)
  4. Agent ONE *is* his avatar. He even mentions that fact in his sig for the newbies...
  5. Personally I'd rather have Battle 7, Quarter, or Battle 25-----more complex/involved transformations. (yes, still quite simple, but more than SDF-1's)
  6. More Ep 14 armor things: 1. The full armor has a piece that goes over the rear canopy. It hinges downwards in battroid mode. A lot like a heatshield. But it SHOULD hinge upwards in fighter mode to allow the canopy to open---but when Alto has his canopy open when he first gets the armor, that piece is clearly "level" with the canopy poking THROUGH that part of the armor. 2. Same piece of armor over the canopy rear----Ozma's has his logo on it. When we first see Alto's---has Ozma's logo! Then it's gone. Then it's back again.
  7. Maybe. But if they go for cartoon-accurate Thundercracker, that'll ruin it. We need G1-toy-color TC. Skywarp--doesn't make much difference.
  8. I personally don't like Dynamite Explosion at all. But, Holy Lonely Light (duet) is the best Fire Bomber song. Any song's better with Mylene. For raw "sound of voice" my fave is still Mylene, followed by Sharon (all of them), then Ranka, then Minmay, then Sheryl. Heart and Soul might be the best M7 song of all though. (yes, this thread inevitably will become a "best song" discussion)
  9. Official (I think) photos of MP-07, probably the best-lit and most-accurate: http://www.amazon.co.jp/%E3%82%BF%E3%82%AB...ref=pd_sim_t_13 Hmmmn, pretty nice blue.
  10. I was going to ask about Ultra Fire too---the only M7 CD I have is unofficial I think, but it's closest to what's on Ultra Fire. It's basically Ultra Fire + Heart and Soul. "Best Collection".
  11. Yeah, but in fighter mode, the Super (and armor) pack closes the intakes which may be needed when flying on a planet... Anyways---I just now noticed that a full-armor pack has a bit of armor that goes over the rear part of the canopy. In battroid mode, it hinges down to make a sort of heatshield. (And Ozma's has his logo on it). In ep 14 though, I don't think they animated it fully, as Alto has his cockpit open, and the canopy is clearly going THROUGH that piece of armor. (in "real life" it presumably can hinge up and down, but I think they forgot to animate the upwards hinge for fighter mode). The first appearance of Alto's armor also has Ozma's logo on it, but it's gone for the rest of the ep, so I think that's just an animation error---would have been a neat opportunity for a custom logo for Alto. (I'm thinking geisha with a parasol) ::edit:: It shows up again later---I still say animation error, as only Ozma should have that logo.
  12. If he's still making them, I'm interested in a -19 set too.
  13. Not to mention that Yamato style just plain looks stupid when they're "open", since the compressor fan's about 1 inch from the intake lip...
  14. If the hip joints were moved, the whole battroid would look better---a visually longer/narrower torso. Really, it's not so much the legs themselves, but how the whole waist/hip area looks due to positioning. (and I'd blame the thighs if anything, if you want to put some blame into the actual leg--the lower legs seem fine)
  15. To me, that's the most glaring, pointless thing. A single hinge in the right spot could make the shield collapse into half its thickness, yet still have room to store the hands.
  16. Very large, good scans of the animation models of all 4 main VF-25s in practically every mode with every armor/pack variation: http://macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?show...mp;#entry622964 (every Frontier fan should have a copy of these scans just for sheer reference value) I doubt that every valk was entirely redone prior to the final animation. A weird pose in the OP doesn't counteract every other image. What we really need are some good screencaps of a "bare" battroid in a "normal" pose for comparison.
  17. That pic there has me wondering what finish is used---you can clearly see the parts seams, so it's not puttied/sanded/painted----but it is awfully smooth for not being overtly glossy---yet the big wing piano hinge is not the same shade as the rest of the plane. Un-puttied seams and painted? I'm trying to figure out what I'm going to do--I am NOT going to paint the white--not on something with this many moving/scraping parts, all white areas will be left white plastic. But I'm wondering if I should use pens for panel lines, a wash, or what. And then do I seal it? Again---I intend for mine to be "played with" and "toyistic"---thus the finish needs to be durable, and not impede anything. Layers of paint and clear may cause clearance issues. I never seal pens, and that one is clearly penned with pure black ink--and it looks remarkably good for that---if that's over base white plastic, I may go with that. But if that's penned ink over painted white, I may go with a wash, to really eliminate as much "plasticy" look as possible.
  18. Zero was a nice "bump" but pales in comparison to the last year, and especially the last few months.
  19. Man, I really should try to find that article again, if my memory of a translation is going to be used as a reference...
  20. And I was speaking just for myself, not as a mod. (though this thread has been closely watched by all of us since the first post--threads like this never end well)
  21. I wasn't being literal, more like "I agree with previous descriptions of how bad Escaflowne was hacked up".
  22. Seconded---Escaflowne on Fox is only slightly less hacked up than Macross was in Robotech...
  23. I thought I noticed that Brera's eye color seemed different. (plus his uniform)
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