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David Hingtgen

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Everything posted by David Hingtgen

  1. VF-11 has a cover for the head on the underside, a lot like the YF-19's. It ends up behind/below the neck in battroid. It's the piece with the small slots behind the "shoulderblade" parts. It LOOKS like it's attached to/between them, but it's not. I'm very curious how the new Yamato will do it, as it frankly sucked on the old one. As for the tailfins--they rotate forwards, sliding INTO the legs. They are actually barely visible in the lineart when retracted, if you know what you're looking for.
  2. I've gotta go to Ohio now: http://www.nationalmuseum.af.mil/factsheet...a.asp?fsID=7152 YF-23 #1 fully restored and put on display this week. 18 years old now, and still looks like "the next generation" of fighter jet.
  3. I'm surprised (and disappointed) we haven't seen a bunch of new Grace fanart lately--we had more when she was all covered up!
  4. See, I pose it rarely, so if I let it happen "naturally" it'll take years. (Of course, it's a catch 22---the reason I don't post it often is because I'm so afraid of breaking something, and I have to hold the hinges and re-position the chest plate every time I move it)
  5. It was easier just to post my own copy than to find the original: Can anyone translate to see if it says anything other than "this opens up to allow the ventral fin to fold in".
  6. I've seriously considered that. And VF5SS---that's extremely trollish behaviour.
  7. You know, I've wondered since we first saw the schematics of how the leg-side-doors open up to allow the ventral fins to fold, if they could be used as airbrakes. Huge ones for sure, but they could do it F-15-style and open only a few degrees, with their large surface being averaged out by the small amount of deployment. It does seem to be a needlessly huge part for just the ventral fins to fold. Do they have some other function? They open "the wrong way" for a missile compartment and there's no evidence at all of there being any there. Also---have we ever actually seen those doors open up? I've never noticed it animated, the ventral fins always seem to magically/instantly be in their folded position. Then again, I've never freeze-framed a transformation.
  8. Well, it's a lot easier to scream a vowel than a consonant. Rankaaaaaaaaaa works much better than Sheryllllllllllllll.
  9. Zoids were advertised in the US as "action figure model kits".
  10. No matter how good The Secret of Nimh is, the book is better. Different name though, you need to find "Mrs Frisby and the rats of NIMH".
  11. Wow, I've never seen an F-16 kit that had the stiffeners molded on. Reminds me of the Tamiya 1/32 F-14 and F-15 kits--they copied a real one so closely, they even included that specific plane's patches/repairs---which just means you have to sand them off.
  12. Every report I've seen on MW of using mkv2vob has resulted in no subs, but xvid4psp seems to work fine. I'd try xvid4psp---it's what I use for my 360.
  13. I believe the latest batch to Los was held up in customs at the last minute. Lots of stuff from Japan seems to have been delayed lately.
  14. And it's a very neat track, as good as the best of the rest of the songs. I wonder if the 2nd battle theme will be included. I never knew where/when it was supposed to be used. Not a great track IMHO, so no big loss it wasn't included in the original release. Random thought: The Legend of Dragoon is the only game I know that has a seemingly random (and fairly rare) alternate battle theme. (as opposed to a specific alternate battle theme always used in certain places, like in FF8 when using Laguna, or Suikoden II in the forest to Gregminister) I wonder if CT's 2nd theme was a "random" one, or intended for certain areas.
  15. Never trust HLJ for skill levels, even after things are released. It's going to be like every Bandai Gundam kit ever---a couple different colors of sprues, and nothing more. You can paint and ink it if you want, but you don't need to, and nothing's going to be done for you from the factory.
  16. Is the email on your site still current? I really could use a set of YF-19 stickers.
  17. I figure Klan is kind of a decoy/spy---either going to sabotage NUNS, relay info to SMS, or try to convince Luca and Alto to rejoin---all while being publically loyal to the fleet.
  18. Leave the spoilers for the "Frontier news" thread, that's what it's there for. (really, it should be renamed the spoilers and rumors thread) Anyways--I just watched ep 3 again, and at Guillame's funeral, Ozma mentions to/warns Alto that there's no tombstone or funeral for SMS. So how was Klan sitting at Michel's grave? Continuity error, or was he considered a student/civilian still? ::edit:: Nevermind, just found it was already discussed. (it's hard to track the ep threads without being spoiled---I never watch the eps or read the thread until after I've seen subs)
  19. Hmmn. I am not liking that "support" under the belly in fighter mode---that's clearly a dedicated kit part, and not your typical "hunk of generic clear plastic thrown in for a photo shoot". I wasn't concerned at all from the previous pics, but now that the final, final pics show a specially-designed piece right there...
  20. Just don't watch the ending credits, then you'll have a completely PG-rated M7 experience. (Protip---they're the same every time, so you're not missing much)
  21. Academy parts? Contact Lucky Model. http://www.luckymodel.com/ They even keep individual sprues in stock for sale for some kits, and the owner posts on ARC---might want to contact him that way. http://www.arcforums.com/forums/air/index.php?showuser=1022
  22. I so want that. But am not buying a Wii to play it. You know, 90% of the games I want for the Wii, are downloadable. Mario Galaxy and Metroid are the ONLY actual "Wii" games I'd have, if I had a Wii.
  23. If they'd just made the orange parts from the same purple plastic as the rest of him... I still say Universe Silverbolt and Galvatron have the most utterly pointless use of bright orange plastic ever.
  24. Wow, I'm very different from the norm then. Hated Sheryl at first, now I'm rooting for her---she has good odds of being my eventual fave. Didn't like Klan then, don't like her now. Ranka---thought she was very cute and was my fave for a long time, but I've gone from "meh" to "she's just a complete idiot" over the past few eps. Grace started "just above the middle" and has climbed slowly but surely. Didn't really like Cathy much early, she goes up and down (not because of Leon).
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