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David Hingtgen

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Everything posted by David Hingtgen

  1. Thanks, that was enough for me to find it. Here: http://www.starwars.com/kids/read/cwspotte...822.html?page=7
  2. Though I think whoever said it earlier wasn't being serious, I think they really are adjustable... (hey, makes it a lot easier to impersonate a guy for secret restaurant meetings with Leon)
  3. Mod warning: The pic's already been quoted twice, no need to quote it again.
  4. We need more Grace art. I was all hoping for a lot more "flightsuit Grace" in ep 23, but we didn't see it at all. Here's hoping for ep 24...
  5. Based on the number of corpses, I think she fought her way out without a scratch. We are still only on "Grace body #2" IMHO.
  6. This scene (and ep) would have been so much better if they'd simply drawn Grace as she actually is now (in her flightsuit) than in her "mental image" Grace-network incarnation. Also---hmmn, with how interested Grace is with Ranka, and being "connected" and the network and everything, is Grace going to try to "possess" Ranka or something?
  7. Does anyone have a good guess for the kit's weight and box size? I'm trying to figure out how much it'd cost via EMS based on other MG kits of equal cost, but that's not working at all---there are Y3000 kits that cost 36 bucks to ship EMS, and Y4500 kits that cost less than 20. If it'd be like 15-18 I'd do it, but no way am I paying 36 bucks... ::edit: Is EMS based more on SIZE than weight in some cases? (because many Zoids cost a ton, despite being fairly light---just big)
  8. I was re-watching ep 9, and capped these:
  9. Remember people--the better this sells, the more likely we are to get a season 2, OVA, or movie of Frontier! TV shows are funded by their merchandise sales.
  10. How tight is the friction in the pins holding the shoulder armor together? I'm thinking back to my YF-19 leg pins shearing apart rather than coming out of their holes (what a nightmare to fix that was). Is there one pin on each side of the shoulder? You use both "pin" and "peg" in your description---are these the same, or are there 2 different sets/things? Is it "pegs hold shoulder armor to shoulder, while pins hold shoulder armor together to itself?"
  11. And if you pay attention to the launch sequences, the animation doesn't match either!
  12. First of all, the ones in Frontier are Queadluun-Rea, not Rau. Second---have you checked Mr March's site? http://www.new-un-spacy.com/macrossf/queadluun-rea.htm There's also the official site, with a slightly larger version: http://macrossf.com/mechanic/mecha10.html Though if you want cannon references, it might be best to just screen-cap. Episode 4 has very unique angles for both Q-R's and VF-25's that haven't shown up in any artwork.
  13. Gah, this came up like 1 page ago. IGNORE HLJ, HLJ IS VERY OFTEN WRONG. It is snap together like every other Bandai mecha kit ever. I'm wondering what shipping will be---I currently have SAL selected from HLJ, but lately it seems that it's been taking a really long time. But I also don't want to spend 50%+ of the cost of the kit on EMS...
  14. Anyways... Shin---we need pics, and a more descriptive method of shoulder armor removal. Sorry, but you're going to have to define "side" and which direction to pull it off, etc.
  15. If they were cheap enough, I'd buy a bunch. Moving swing-wings please. No need for working canopies IMHO---what could you see?
  16. Anyone tried parts-swapping? Can you mix parts between GN-U and Revoltech? (not just Revoltech valks, but ANY Revoltech figure?)
  17. Macross Design Works book has a final(?) version drawing of battroid dated March 1995, that has a head exactly like the "finless" SHE one. I honestly don't know where the finned one comes from. Somewhat annoyingly, none of the drawings in the Design Works specify a variant (G, etc)---they are simply "VF-4". The "finned" SD one seems to match a very early concept sketch head. The SD is dated 1990.
  18. Eh, give my a GN-U Mylene's valk---my Bandai battroid kit just doesn't cut it any more.
  19. Semi-random question: While rifling through the Titanium ships looking for BSG ones, I noticed all the recent ones seem to have what looks like "Aayla Secura in form-fitting Storm Trooper armor" on the borders of their artwork. Is that just outright fan service or what? Googling didn't bring up anything.
  20. If we're doing Super Robot Wars, M+ is the best IMHO: This guy has a ton of SRW stuff: http://www.youtube.com/profile_videos?user=ShinigamiDuo
  21. If the back of the shield is a body flap, then it should work like the space shuttle's----the entire assembly moves up and down, just like an elevator. (A lot of people don't know that part of the shuttle is movable).
  22. Anime magic. The VF-11 is one of the most "realistic" valks, especially for a non-CG one. Except for the tailfins---they just can't be anywhere near as big as they are drawn, yet fit in the legs.
  23. The new Yamato VF-11 will be a lot better... But anyways, the heatshield/canopy cover is split in two when retracted. Half comes from above, half from below. (or if you're going by fighter mode, half comes from the front/nosecone, half from the rear)
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