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David Hingtgen

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Everything posted by David Hingtgen

  1. Watching the GG version of Ep 15 for the first time, I get the impression that LAI developed the VF-25 from the "whoever" YF-24, and it's unique to the Frontier fleet. And that "someone else" developed the 27 from the 24, etc. So that in essence, multiple fleets have planes derived from the 24, but all are variations, and some are more like the 24 than others, etc, and some might even have a production VF-24. Whoever made the 27 just guessed what the 25 would be like, but since all 24-derivatives are unique, they really didn't know how the 25 would be---but it was a surprisingly good variation, better than the assumed VF-24+, VF-26, VF-28 etc in other fleets. Of course, that's reading into and assuming way too much.
  2. Bandai is remarkably good about the cleanliness of their molds etc---if there's any you don't NEED to wash, it'd be Bandai. Personally, I'd just wash the white parts.
  3. The problem is, there's WAY more than 200 people who'd buy this. Heck, NeoGaf alone would account for 200... I'd love one, but have low expectations of actually getting one.
  4. Yup. A one or two paragraph plot summary should do for Season 2.
  5. It's not that the YF-24 is bad, it's that the VF-25 is so much better. Generally, production models are pretty comparable to prototypes---or often worse due to trying to cut costs/features for mass production. To be notably superior is very rare---and they didn't plan for that.
  6. I think the plan is to include a code to download the game for free, for whatever one you buy the set for.
  7. Seriously, should we lock the thread until there's REAL news/pics? It'd spare people a lot of hope/disappointment when they see there's a new post. I mean, we've had 2 full pages of nothing but "I saw a post and thought there was news, but there isn't". And that just leads to more people...
  8. I haven't even watched the trailer. I hate spoilers, or even "hints". PS---the graphic novels have been very "side-story"ish lately. Little point reading them if you haven't been, easily skippable. (It used to be that the graphic novels filled in gaps between eps, or expanded on character's backgrounds---now it's "new minor character of the week that'll never be mentioned again")
  9. Is that accurate for the Rattler specifically, or just that case? Because I was at mine yesterday and only found Conquests, but the site says "limited availability". Did they put more out, or does it only know that a case of them is there, and not that the Rattler specifically is gone? ::edit:: Ack, Conquest has same DCPI, so it doesn't help me. I already know every store around here has a bunch of Conquests and no Rattlers... Which is annoying--I checked Target this week more than ever before, and they never had anything---until yesterday, they had Conquests and no Rattlers. I can't check EVERY day... Sigh, who decided on a 2:2 case assortment when the Rattler is 100x more popular? Probably the same guy at Hasbro who decided to pack as many Ric Olies as Darth Mauls in the early Ep 1 assortments...
  10. I'm thinking "non-alcoholic" like hard lemonade or wine coolers---it can be sold as such, but it's still illegal for kids to drink, as it DOES have some alcohol, and if you guzzle down a lot like Sheryl, you can certainly get pretty drunk off it.
  11. Paper airplanes are highly relevant to Frontier, especially the last couple eps. They're used more often as metaphors than fold quartz now... Surely someone's got some Freudian analysis of the the different planes made by the different characters...
  12. Well, mainly, it was discussed in the Ep 15 thread about 3 secs after it aired in Japan... And of course, the main Frontier tech thread around the time ep 15 came out.
  13. It's based more directly off the F-2 than the F-16. But the F-2 is itself based on the F-16.
  14. I made Alto's last night, and IMHO it sucks. Seems to be VERY unpredictable, and generally has two options: 1. Nose dive right to the ground. 2. Make an immediate loop. Practically a boomerang, comes right back. I got ONE decent flight out of it.
  15. I was really hoping that'd be Sheryl's valk too. We've never had a valk with purple stripes.
  16. VP1 runs better on my PS2 than it did on my PSX, and my PSX was as well-running as anything I've ever owned. But VP1 was the one and only game that could make it have issues. If you've played it once normally, and are now going for an A---it is WELL worth it. It's not the "A ending", it's really the "A second half of the game". Chapter 4 is where it really changes. Unless you are one of those people who live by the FAQ, and "played 99% of the game as "A", but made an extra save and went and got the B ending and said it wasn't that different". That doesn't work, you then missed out on the B "second half of the game". So many people miss this. The A and B are completely different for the entire second half of the game. You can't "cheat" and see both in a single play through---you may see both ENDINGS, but you'll miss the STORY of one. IMHO, seeing a totally normal "B" game and ending, then going through and seeing an A game and ending, is the greatest replay, and "alternate story/ending" in the history of all video games. Nothing else comes close. (I'm a huge VP fan BTW, only Xenogears outranks it) IMHO, 95% of "PSX on PS2" issues are solved by simply running the game "normal" and not with fast-loading. (texture resampling always works and is always better, so always use it except on purely sprite-based games like Megaman X4/5/6 and VP)---but fast-loading is SLOWER half the time, and screws things up the other half)
  17. Guess I'm glad I picked SAL then. I'm getting dark dirt. Light dirt is like white, it's for highlighting things on black, and isn't really for "panel lines" per se.
  18. Just FYI, but far larger, $75-$125 diecast models usually don't have that. (moving stabs are an exception---they also happen unintentionally due to design) I doubt they'd show up in little plastic ones.
  19. Alto's helmet clearly has a "rapidly retracting" visor, so I presume Brera's does as well.
  20. ::cough:: I'm trying to sell my Anasazi decal sheet for a 1/60 Roy, and it includes VF decals for the feet ::cough::
  21. Talos--if your VF-11 is still "in progress", I'd suggest checking out all the other lineart for the tailfin shape---the much-publicized "side view" completely conflicts with every other drawing and animation. I did a quick variant showing "official sideview, vs how it looks in every other drawing and animation". (tailfin should be bigger too, but I didn't get around to rescaling it) PS--love your "all 4 Zero variants" drawing.
  22. Valk Profile 2 has possibly the best final boss music of all time, FYI. Also one of the hardest/longest final bosses in a long time. How far along are you? Story keeps getting better as it goes on. Did you play the first? The further you get, the more you'll get out of it having played the first, ESPECIALLY if you got the A ending.
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