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David Hingtgen

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Everything posted by David Hingtgen

  1. Pretty much that. Prime has silver/metal/chrome accents, not white. No more than Superman's hair has blue streaks in it... You know, nobody ever makes his stacks white---somehow, "common sense and logic" always prevails there, no matter how "toon-accurate" they try to make it elsewhere.
  2. I really wish someone would use that amount of care and engineering, to make a real-world-accurate-truck-mode, instead of trying to copy an old drawing of a truck...
  3. The Navy paints all interior surfaces of airbrakes bright red, so that when they're open, it's a sign to 'stay away, in case they rapidly close'. The Air Force doesn't highlight them at all usually---they used to generally be white inside, now they're often the same color as the exterior. (F-15 airbrakes are HUGE, and have separate struts just to hold them open when the plane is shut down). F-16 airbrakes are much smaller, but I bet they could still cause serious injury if you were in the wrong place when they closed.
  4. No it's not. Every YF-19 and VF-19 mold before the last 2, did fine without it. It's adding in the extra hinges that are SOLELY for high-speed mode, that "ruined" the wings in fighter mode. Just "rotating backwards for battroid mode" doesn't cause any issues at all.
  5. I honestly wish there were two ventral fin designs for most valks---with a "solid, study, non-folding version" used for all the VF-1's that never did wear the armor. It's a common weak-point, all done for the 5 secs that like 3 valks ever wore it on-screen. It's akin to the YF-19's "high-speed mode"---it introduces massive compromises to a specific area, to replciate a "blink and you'll miss it" scene. Even when it does 'work', it still creates huge ugly hinges in what should be a smooth seamless part of the plane. Or even better, make them swappable, and include both types in the box. Never going to buy/use GBP armor? Then install the semi-permanent solid/sturdy set that has no hinges and has almost no chance of breaking. Use GBP armor? Then swap them out for the folding version.
  6. Pretty much. The announcement that all of the sudden, the USAF was buying F-15X's, was also the moment that Shanahan became acting SecDef.
  7. How exactly did you do the gold? One-step paint, or like clear yellow over silver? (exact paints please, that's a better match for the Bandai gold-plating in the original kits than the vast majority of ones I've seen)
  8. Because they released BB, SpiderMan, and Aquaman, all simultaneously. Pretty much the same audience. BB's "early" release a few weeks ago should have been its main release.
  9. Which is why I've only bought like one 3P figure this year... (and that was to finish off a combiner from earlier) (I still want Thunder Manus, but am waiting for a second run with fixes etc---I like it, but it's not "mind-blowingly awesomely gotta-have-it-----so I have basically no tolerance for putting up with any "issues" at the moment)
  10. Humbrol glue should work decently well, but in my experience, solvents specifically intended for ABS plastics work better on most Valk plastic, as model-kit-cement tends to be optimized for polystyrene. But generally what mechaninac said---if it has "methyl" in the warning label, it's probably good. If you've got any acetone around---give that a shot. Raw ACETone works quite well with ACETylbutylstyrene.
  11. Strange, since it listed different deadlines for different bonuses. I had decided a few weeks ago to pass on that version though, as reading carefully, I don't think it came with much (any?) of the DLC. I think for the same money, the 'season pass' versions etc will give more value.
  12. I'd collect more valks than I do, but Bandai doesn't seem to want my money. "Wake up at 2AM, hit refresh--not available. Check 5 secs later---pre-order sold out". Been like that for 3 of the last 4 valks I considered buying. Won't pay 2x for aftermarket, so I just go without most of the time. "I've quit collecting, because they won't let me buy anything new any more".
  13. Oh, you don't even need to watch the trailer---I haven't, but was still spoiled. People have been spoiling it for months (super-early test screenings), and youtube is putting it right in the title of all their "suggested" vids---you can't avoid it. I haven't watched any new trailers etc for weeks. But people still spoil left and right... Honestly, I get spoiled by youtube more than anywhere else nowadays---it WILL suggest to you, every "trailer reaction/analysis" vid that comes out, and people WILL put spoilers in the titles of those videos. Just going to youtube.com, will spoil you. Don't even type/search anything. Just have spoiler-vids pop up. (I never even log in, so it usually only has a vague sense of what I watch, and it still plucks up a lot of "movies I'm interested in, that I *don't* want to see any more analysis/trailers/spoilers for) "If you don't want to be spoiled, don't click!" doesn't work when people spoiler-title their videos and threads... Sorry for the rant, but it always irks me to be spoiled, when I do my darndest to not check anything beyond "the 2 main official trailers each movie usually gets".
  14. I think part of it is that real one-piece helmets are too big/bulky to easily get on/off. The only way to have a "well-fitting" one is to have it be multiple pieces, that is "assembled around the head" when needed for filming. But never actually shown being taken off or put-on. I noticed it a lot in Ep 7, how it always cuts away for Kylo. Short version: neck-opening too small for head to fit through. Must be disassembled, or CGI'd. Or go with a much bigger helmet overall.
  15. Yeah, it's VERY clearly intended to "teach a new generation the basics of the universe". (not that that's a bad thing, but it almost seems patronizing at times the way they word things) But more/different takes on Vader's Rogue One scene, are always welcome.
  16. Did I miss it, or is there no Narrative-version Dijeh yet? They're clearly not the Zeta coloring.
  17. Gah, I forgot the CFT's, despite looking at them 30 secs earlier to see how the missile pylon-adapters were mounted. Well then, they might actually have decent fuel. Still, 1 tank for 2 missiles seems a poor trade IMHO.
  18. You mean, the toys look more real, than the real thing... (when a doll has smaller eyes than the face it's based on....)
  19. Not having the center tank is almost unheard of I think, for an intercept load-out like that----you can consume the fuel just in takeoff and climb/acceleration, then ditch it and have no drag penalty as you start hitting Mach 2+. But without one---you'll probably be at bingo fuel 30 secs after you start mixing it up.
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