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David Hingtgen

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Everything posted by David Hingtgen

  1. "Jet exhaust" paint varies a ton, even just the enamel vs acrylic version within the same company's line so it's always hard to tell what someone used. But I'd vote anthracite grey.
  2. I'm pretty sure Ranka's not directly being controlled by someone else at this point---much more like brain-washing. Though I wouldn't be at all surprised if Grace tries to literally control/possess Ranka----we know that it's Ranka's voice that's the key, and it's due to her infection/genetics, not her "skill" as a singer---so Grace knows that if she truly wants to have control, she'll need Ranka's voice. And if Grace has hacked the vajra network or whatever, and they're all linked and compatible, then maybe Grace can download herself into a new body again--Ranka's, via her gut crystals. Grace is ambitious enough to not be content with merely ordering Ranka to do what Grace wants.
  3. "But the JP ones have pointless neon chrome that ruins them!"
  4. You know, that flashed by so fast I didn't realize it wasn't Brera's VF-27 until people started talking about it.
  5. I wondered about that beep---didn't seem to be "from the show". Ok, now it makes sense--I thought CBC was "advertising" as opposed to "warning".
  6. At this point I'm just plain annoyed that we haven't seen Grace in her flight suit again... (I mean c'mon---a 1-sec tease, then she wears the same thing she always does for the rest of the series?) If anything it'd make more sense for her to wear the cyber-flight-suit in her virtual world, especially since it incorporates the "cyborg cheek things" like Brera has. And why even bother the artists to design the outfit for only 20 frames of animation?
  7. That CCCP beta worked fine for me, . But the inherent "let's put an entire doctoral thesis on screen" of CBC still annoys me. Bad enough when stations put a scroll of words at the bottom. As for subtitle re-timing using raw+ass with latest FFdshow---there seem to be multiple options for delay in multiple menus/locations, which one "works"? (first two I tried had no effect, even trying 25000ms just to see if it'd do something)
  8. The MKV has issues for me too. I downloaded that new version of FFDshow and it didn't change a thing. Is there some new setting to try? Regardless, the CBC broadcast simply sucks due to the INSANE amounts of captioning that put ALL OVER every single scene it seems. I'm not even going to finish watching the ep, going to find another way. (raw+ass I think)
  9. MG would be almost pointless IMHO compared to this, go all the way to PG if there's to be a bigger/better one.
  10. I actually like the new Cyclonus a bit less than I initially did from the early pics---jet mode looks too "bumpy" for no apparent reason. The old one had a crappy robot mode, but fighter mode was undoubtedly sleek.
  11. Black landing gear? That sucks. Why couldn't that have been molded in white like the armor? It's a whole lot easier to paint white plastic tires black, than to paint the entire black plastic strut white...
  12. The fins fold/flip forward into the leg, not down/back. The pivot point is at the middle or rear of the base of the fin. (Yamato's first toy was wrong in that regard) Big thing to consider--the FINS ARE CANTED OUTWARDS. Sharply. They can't fold straight down into the leg. When retracted, they must angle across, crossing from the outside of the leg to the inside. Yet still not get in the way of the gear bay inside the leg. The fins do not sit just barely inside the outer edge of the leg, between the side of the gear bay wall and the outer wall of the leg. They fit angled, above the gear bay. Bad rough drawing showing fins extended and retracted, and how they have to avoid the gear bay. Also, most valk toys have the gear bay taking up about 90% of the space inside the legs, so it's much worse than what I drew. I've fiddled with photoshopping various VF-11 fin shapes into the legs, with different pivot points as well as sliding--none work that I could find. As I said--you can't use the entire interior of the legs because of the landing gear, and the fin must go in at an angle. It's a 3D problem, a simple side-view won't account for the angling of the fin or the bay inside the leg.
  13. HLJ's "random shipping priority" strikes again. I ordered just before the "early bird" discount was stopped, and got my shipping notice. People who ordered much earlier didn't get theirs, and people who ordered only very recently got one.
  14. It's just plain physically impossible. The fins are bigger than the legs they fold into. How would a real-life 15ft fin fit inside a real-life 10ft thick leg?
  15. http://richard.ferriere.free.fr/3vues/F14_1_3v.jpg 62ft, 8in long. http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/comm..._FALCON.svg.png 49ft, 5in long (F-16 is a better choice to have a smaller plane to compare to an F-14)
  16. I'm doing Shin's shoulder mod tonight, and took a pic to show people the post that holds the armor on the shoulder----it's very shallow, around 1mm. You only need to just barely pry the shoulder armor halves outwards a bit to allow it to slip off. Note that there's a post on each side of the shoulder. (excuse the grain, I'm photographing by chandelier light) ::edit:: left arm armor was harder to get on and off--I think the posts are like 0.2mm longer on that side or something::
  17. That's a myth. And mainly because it used old aerodynamic theories/calculations. (not surprisingly, since even most colleges today still teach theories of flight that are utter BS and easily disprovable)
  18. From the link posted a few posts ago: "Canada – Loblaws, No-Frills, Sobeys, Canadian Tire, Wal-Mart, Valu-Mart."
  19. I think the pic is culled from 3 separate pics, each squished a different way, to make one weird pic that is squished assymetrically all around.
  20. I think the pic is squished. I mean, c'mon---look at the wings in the overhead view. WAY too high of an aspect ratio, and the fuselage is way too short. There is no way the new one has worse proportions than the old one.
  21. I have bigger copies of the transformation sequence, attached at bottom of post. Also, check the SHE kit's instructions: http://macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?act=...st&id=36537 http://macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?act=...st&id=36538 http://macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?act=...st&id=36539
  22. Anything can fly, some things are just better than others. A barn door produces pretty good lift with the right alpha--it just has very high drag. (and most drag problems can be solved with thrust) If you've got more lift than weight, and more thrust than drag, anything can fly well enough. And there's always "semi-lifting" surfaces. Notably the B-1 and F-14, where half their lift can be derived from their gloves and surrounding fuselage, which do not have "recognized" aerodynamic/lifting cross-sections.
  23. Clear---I'm currently planning on "hand-brushed flattened Future" if needed. I suspect it'll be needed, or there'll be "weathering dust" constantly coming off.
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