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David Hingtgen

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Everything posted by David Hingtgen

  1. Thanks much for that--I'm still finishing up a few other things before starting my "practice Gundam", hopefully I can decide/perfect my technique before I actually get to the VF-25. Got a lot of things to try...
  2. Digi-repaints from TFW2005---look at what COULD have been:
  3. Jarrod--did you decal over the bare plastic, or did you clearcoat first? Also----you mentioned you've done washes before over bare plastic--what type of wash?
  4. Uh oh. "Final" Cyclonus pics. He's about 60% tan and white. (no, not the pics from a few days ago that were obviously samples). http://www.tfw2005.com/transformers-news/u...-wave-1-165935/ How the **** do you screw up Cyclonus' paint scheme?
  5. I believe credit for creating that sequence goes to EXO. Dante did one, too: http://macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?s=&a...st&p=567188
  6. Yeah, but we're not a TF forum and we've yet to get complaints, since we're "off the radar". Not that a mod could condone such things...
  7. There's been a carrier version of EVERYTHING proposed. Including the DC-9 and 727... FYI, the Naval F-16 carried Sparrows on the main gear doors.
  8. They made the Nyan-Nyan mascot and bikini Sheryl, but no Grace at all? Though that does give hope--if they're already doing THOSE two, surely they have at least one Grace figure planned--hopefully in flightsuit.
  9. The longer the thread gets, the harder it is to check for previous stuff. Fairly recently made Michel/Klan AMV: Hatusne Miku/Rin duet "Interstellar Flight": http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cDdMicLPXA4&fmt=18 (fully animated, too) ::edit:: And now in 3D! Some vocaloid owners have WAY too much time on their hands. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P2lcAVKwE9I&fmt=18
  10. That is beyond lame. The G1 *cassettes* had better 2-bot combiners...
  11. I'm not sure if these have a dedicated thread, and I'm not even sure these pics are new: http://www.toysdaily.com/discuz/thread-76082-1-1.html
  12. I've seen several "new" Conquests around town, but never another Rattler. Anyone get some Cobrastickers.com stickers yet? I still haven't stickered my Rattler.
  13. Pre-net Macross fandom? None. I never saw Robotech until just a few years ago. "In the early days of the net" I was looking for Transformers----and remembered that my brother's Jetfire was one of the best ever. That lead to finding out it was one of the most expensive G1 toys to "re-acquire" and that it actually came from a series known as Macross. Soon thereafter I discovered Plus, Alt.Fan.Macross, and then there came news of the Toycom valks.
  14. The complete guide to Future, featuring every known "what it is called in other countries": http://www.swannysmodels.com/TheCompleteFuture.html
  15. I could edit the poll, but the numbers would be VERY screwed up, since the most popular answers seem to be the nonsense ones.
  16. You know, they could sell a zillion "girls of Frontier" pin-up calenders... Heck, I'd buy anything that had "Grace in flightsuit"... Did she actually build it herself? Kinda looks that way.
  17. Mr Mark softer will only make the decals conform to the surface better, and *slightly* increase their adhesion to the surface. It will not seal/protect them. As for coloring the canopy and visor----Tamiya clear paint (various colors) works, but it is sticky, and behaves strangely due to being transparent. Put it on THICK. Flood the thing. Do not "brush" it on in my experience--that will lead to "varying opacity". And only use it on the visor. Using any ready-made colored clear paint will be WAY too deep for the canopy. I'd go with 'dip it in tinted future' for that. Food coloring is popular for the tinting. Or probably a bit of Tamiya clear paint mixed in would work---try it out on something else first though. PS---paint clear parts from "behind".
  18. 3 Fei-Yens? I always assumed I was the biggest Fei-Yen fan here---and anywhere. (though I haven't even built my Marz one)
  19. The new neck joint has so many hinges etc, I can transform it without opening the "head hatch".
  20. I thought in the "burning" scenes set on Gallia 4 etc that Grace looked like a cyborg (mainly how her left eye was drawn more than the injuries) so I think she was an "early adopter" of the technology. So her plans (and Galaxy's) could go WAY back.
  21. As I said, http://www.hlj.com/product/GNZGM02 is almost black----it'd show up against anything short of Panzer grey. (and Ozma is nowhere near that dark)
  22. I own http://www.hlj.com/product/GNZGM02 and it's "almost black". It's kind of a dark purple-grey and somewhat translucent. I only use it on white. I've wondered about that #21 Sumire grey, I think it may be more 'grey' as opposed to te almost black of #2. Miriya---thanks much for the report. I've got a Gundam Wing HG kit I'm going to build to try some things out on, including the "dark dirt" wash. I'm going to try hand-brushing flattened Future on it too. Will try putting the wash over a flat clear coat vs over bare plastic too. I plan to "perfect" my technique before I build my VF-25. Current theory/plan after your comments: Build, decal, slightly flattened future, wash, flattened future. Because I want the wash over the decals, and a double clearcoat will help really seal in the decals (as we know they can't take many transformations it seems). TCracker---how much did you paint on yours? Fingers, head lasers, canopy frame, and....?
  23. If the dogfight wasn't important and only radar power and long-range missiles mattered, the F-14 and MiG-31 would be the best fighters in the world at the moment, and the F-22 wouldn't have been designed to be the most agile US plane ever and thrust vectoring would have been omitted.
  24. Thought I just had: Why is Grace in her standard outfit at the end?!?! Did she change back from her flightsuit between the end of ep 22 and actually getting in the VF-27? I mean, for both plot and fanservice reasons, she really should have been in her flightsuit for the entire last 3 eps, and only been wearing her standard outfit for her "mental self-image". Unless she keeps a spare set of clothes in the VF-27 and changed for some reason before arriving to save Brera... That also changes the interpretation of the "floating down the hole to the queen" scene----I think everyone initially thought that was symbolic of her mental self "hacking down" to the queen (since she'd just left her VF-27 hovering nearby yet wasn't in her flightsuit)----but now I think that was a literal image of her flying down.
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