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David Hingtgen

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Everything posted by David Hingtgen

  1. Alto and Ozma have different "collars", and due to the design of the sprue, I think giving Ozma a unique one was a last-minute addition.
  2. Imzadi---one of the few good Trek books. Sequel sucked.
  3. Just because a show is on for a while, doesn't mean it's good. (conversely, just because it's good, doesn't mean it gets renewed)
  4. Wasn't "Enterprise" a "current era sucks, let's go back to the beginning" type thing? Didn't work so well.
  5. I've passed on all versions of the VF-0 so far waiting for a 0D. I will not buy a 0A or 0S, period. I want delta-wings.
  6. English and Imperial measurements are different, that's why I said English. US uses English, England uses Imperial. (since a large number of my aviation books are British but I'm American, it is an issue when converting between units--especially when "ton" is specified)
  7. Um, no. There is no such thing as an F-16MAXL. F-16XL---2 were built, a single-seater and a twin-seater.
  8. No, Mylene's valk only has the ENGINES of the VF-16. Her valk is based on the VF-11MAXL, which is based on the VF-11 and the real-world F-16XL, thus the name. Also, you really need to add a VF-19F/S in there. YF-19 vs VF-19F/S is 10x as different as YF-21 vs VF-22. (honestly, I'd eliminate the VF-19A from the chart and replace it with an F/S)
  9. I meant the new Camaro trunk---so it's a lot bigger than the opening? (a lot, lot bigger?) IMHO, trunk opening can be more important than actual trunk size--my current car has a larger trunk than my old one by a tiny bit, but it feels half as useful/convenient, due to the shape of the opening itself---have to lean in/over a lot more, I'm always pushing or pulling stuff to or from the front, etc. On the old one, I could always "plop stuff straight down from above" due to the lid covering most of the trunk space, vs merely being "like a mailbox door". PS---just got done waxing my car in preparation for winter. Pretty proud of myself, hard to get a decent reflection with metallic grey (it's nigh-impossible on silver): (pic would be better if I didn't have to use ISO 800 in a dark garage--might be able to get better pics tomorrow outside) (splashguards will be installed tomorrow, along with my other new taillight)
  10. My brother debated between a G8 GT and Charger R/T for a while, he went with the Charger. (I'm hoping my next car will be a Challenger or Camaro, unless they make a new Firebird/GTO from the Camaro) PS---seen the Camaro's trunk? Tiny little thing, was very surprised when I saw it the first time. PPS--yes, all G8 wheels seem to suck, except for the show car's ones from Australia--did they ever become available? (IMHO, most wheels suck lately--very bland, flat 5-spokes for EVERYTHING--or even "bland chrome", even the Challenger doesn't have anything good---though I saw the official Mopar accessories catalog has a nice IMHO set of 18's for the 09 model available---machined aluminum with black-painted spoke edges--nothing spectacular, but nice enough)
  11. Don't even know what or for what system yet, but I will buy it based on this illustration alone: http://www.bahamut.jp/
  12. Proportions seem much more wonky than the F-22 did. Nose too wide, engines/nacelles/stinger too skinny. Big points for including AA-11 missiles. I'm annoyed with myself that I can't identify the missiles on the left, of the bottom row.
  13. My guess is Fraulein is underperforming because there's really only like 3 sculpts yet 40 releases...
  14. Hmm? Last thing I saw it was way over 100 for the two, I never saw anything about them being individual. Guess it was just multiple import stores gouging and forcing you to buy both.
  15. The UUM-7 marking goes centered on the side of the "container" the UUM-7 missiles are in. RMS-1 goes just above the stripe on the side, but aft of center. I've never seen/heard of a "Micro Missile Unit" marking on a VF-1. Here's a scan from the Hasegawa weapons set:
  16. Just saw pics of Henkei Dirge and Thrust. If anyone wants to split a pack, I'm interested in Dirge. (though with how much they cost, even splitting a pack is pretty expensive)
  17. Aviation is measured in English by international law/standards. That's why a German pilot flying a French plane in Italy, reports his altitude as 35,000ft, and flying 400 miles per hour. Unless you used to be part of the USSR, and you carry around a bunch of conversion charts and have the occasional mid-air collision because of it...
  18. Bandai has above-average registration for a kit maker, but below average for a decal maker. Aftermarket decal makers (which are 99% made by Microscale or Cartograph) can have some insanely accurate stuff done. 4-5 colors, individually printed over each other, not even .2 mm off from from first to last color. In short---it could be done, and well. But not by Bandai.
  19. The backplate should also be different in shape for the head too, not just the laser slots---the backplate touches the "forehead" of Alto's, but the back of the head of Ozma's---Alto's head rotates 180 when it transforms, but Ozma's doesn't. (the blisters on the chesplate meet the blisters on Ozma's forehead)
  20. Slightly OT, but when I bought my last (and current) VCR, I vowed to only ever put brand-new, clean tapes in that I had personally taken out of the shrink-wrap. (based on the one time I ever rented a tape for the VCR before--took DAYS of cleaning before it played right after ONE gunky tape from a store) And you know what? A decade later, and it's NEVER needed to be cleaned, despite years of daily use (I'm the type that tapes stuff in the morning to watch at night). And it plays tapes better than anyone else's VCR--people often thought I was playing a DVD. My stuff is clean, somehow everyone else gunks up their stuff. I've taped and re-taped hundreds of hours of stuff, on tapes years old--and everything's still flawless. Because if you take a clean VCR, and only ever put in clean tapes---neither one will ever get dirty. Same theory applies to video games IMHO. Even if those discs don't have visible (or tactile) goo on them, they are not clean, and eventually all the microscopic bits of gunk that flaked off, will build up and screw with your system--especially the optical drive. And my NES carts never needed to be blown on or take 20 attempts to boot right, but all my friends' did...
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