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David Hingtgen

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Everything posted by David Hingtgen

  1. Hmmmn. G.I. Joe Modern Era Cobra 5 Pack. http://www.toyark.com/news/gi-joe-toy-news...artanviper-230/ Depending on price, I may snag it. I don't have a hooded CC yet (I'm picky about paint apps) but I really prefer the darker blue. But this one has staff AND cape. (but it's not a movie-style black and red cape). Good Baroness, good (if generic/bland) SS, but most importantly--a chrome-masked Lackey Viper. And they painted the goggles---though incorrectly IMHO. Must have chrome-masked Lackey Viper. PS--when is the chrome-masked CC coming out? I know I saw pics a while ago, but I can't even remember if he's a 2-pack or 5-pack or what.
  2. Hey, with my first couple choices being impossible due to no green/blue/purple hair available, I went with my "standard stand-by", because that hair style/color is ALWAYS available everywhere. Props for recognizing her, with what little I had to work with. (the dark coat being available helped a lot for the Scully look) Compared to this afternoon, Live is better in some spots, worse than others. I've already had a forced update today. Expect another one soon... PS--it seems backwards compatability is gone/broken for the moment, for a lot of games if not all.
  3. Hmmn. I've been wondering what could be done about his headlights, never considered blue, but it works well. Did you repaint his waist to match, or is it just the lighting? (because that looks much darker than the blue on mine). Now if someone can just find a good alternate paint for the face...
  4. I mentioned the ECM pods in the first version of my post(that never showed up)--ALQ-184 and ALQ-131 (couldn't tell what version of the -131 in the box though). Should only use one at a time, mounted in the outermost position--131 is generally newer and for CONUS, -184 is more for European-based ones. (the outboard pylons of an A-10 are always for defensive gear---ECM or Sidewinders)
  5. Half the marketplace is down, notably themes/gamerpics. Also---WTF is with not having any sort of anime-colors? I was all set to make a Grace avatar, only to find out there's no purple hair... (well, there is a fakey purple-maroon under the red category, which is contrary to their apparent "natural colors only" selection) Also, you can't change the colors of clothes. I found a perfect top for Grace, but it's white and you can't change it. Did find a "Ranka" dress and considered that for a second (right color and style, more or less), then I remembered there's no green hair either... (no, I don't intend to make my avatar resemble me AT ALL---no fun in that)
  6. Am I nuts, or are the front wheels bigger than the rear? It looks odd in those pics, or like the rear has way too stiff springs that are lifting it up.
  7. Interesting how the aftermath looks----a lot like cracks and potholes in a road! (the 747 wing test is far more impressive though---when it snaps, the whole building shakes) 787 program is in worse shape than before though, first flight and first deliveries have been delayed to "no specific date set".
  8. LOL, I was going to include the G8 as the 4th car, but thought people might say it's not muscle-y enough to be in that group. PS--it is just plain pathetic how long it's taking the Camaro to come out. It seemed to me that the Challenger was out right after they showed the concept...
  9. Gah, MW "ate" my post. Anyways--I didn't get the A-10. I liked it more than the F-22 becuase it looked like it was painted sandy-grey, as opposed to the very plasticky-looking F-22. Cost more, $39.99. Had *great* weapons options though, better than most diecast/model A-10's. It's not up at the site, but it was this brand in a similar box: http://www.toysrus.com/product/index.jsp?productId=3045233
  10. Just curious---anyone here considering a new Camaro/Mustang/Challenger anytime soon?
  11. Found Firebat---just not worth $16 IMHO. Found my 4th Copperhead, this one had the 2nd-worst paint (very similar to the 1st one), so passed on him AGAIN. Sigh. Also found a ton of those big F-22s at TRU. And a similar (but better) A-10.
  12. Ouch, no comment at all? (I only just tonight realized I missed the new ep, and just watched it at NBC.com)
  13. From their emails, I get the impression that Yamato sends a big package of parts once a month or so. Speculation: they don't do "invididual" orders per se----they see what they need from their emails, ask Yamato, Yamato sends out a big box of parts, then OD goes through the box and sends out what was asked for.
  14. I am surprised the gear/wheels aren't painted at all--especially with how nice he did with the canopy. ::envious::
  15. Darn it, if some people here are not getting the Trek trailer with Bond, then I surely won't. My area is king of "not getting the cool trailer we're supposed to".
  16. All the Charger stuff you could ever want is here: (I'd be surprised if you didn't know of this site) http://www.1969chargerregistry.com/ Brochure: http://www.1969chargerregistry.com/gallery/facts Interior colors: http://www.1969chargerregistry.com/gallery/interioroptions More interior: http://www.1969chargerregistry.com/interior.html Paint: http://www.1969chargerregistry.com/picture...e69paint_01.jpg http://www.1969chargerregistry.com/picture...paint_001_l.jpg
  17. Send me any "techy" aircraft terms you get. I've translated some katakana from various mecha, it's just that I don't KNOW katakana and it takes me 30 mins with a chart to do a single word sometimes. (so I do it rarely) But I do know the basic rules of how it works, and if you give me the phonetic translated katakana I can probably figure out what it's supposed to be.
  18. No posts about the 2010 Mustang unveiling? Rant/comment: One of my main complaints about ALL cars the past few years has been lack of color, inside and out. Lots of neutrals, very few actually colors, and rarely bright. And the interior--you can choose between dark grey and medium grey. I found a copy of the 69 Charger brochure that my dad must have ordered from, and the color options are amazing. (his was bright blue with a matching interior) Now, the new Mustang has a red interior option (like many cars lately)---but still, it's JUST red, no blue for the blue cars, no white for the white cars, etc. And it's only the seats with small accents elsewhere, no big swatches of color that I can see. The 04-06 GTO was the best car in 20 years I think for interior color options, but it still sucked that you couldn't order any "obviously cool and complementary" combinations like blue seats in a black or silver car. I mean, why offer RED seats for a black or red car, yet the "blue" equivalent is 99% grey with a small blue pinstripe? Why not make the blue seats just as blue, as the red ones are red? The "my color" gauges is one of the coolest things I've ever seen/wanted in a car, but the far more important paint and interior color options are severely lacking in 99% of cars made today.
  19. Already answered regarding fin names, but I was going to post anyways about the modex numbers on them--I'm *very* glad to see they're there. All of the 1J's from TV just simply have to have them to look right, as they don't have them anywhere else--not on the nose, not on the wings. So here's hoping Max and Milia get theirs. (honestly I'd really like Roy's to have had them on all 4 of his fins too, but they're much smaller and not as important on that scheme--he has them on the nose and wings already---they'd be nice to have, but not essential)
  20. I'm curious as to what the most time-saving "high-grade shop tools" are. Is there an electrical connector disconnector? I swear I spend more time trying to get those things apart than anything else. "Remove sensor A"---well, that's supposed to be easy, it's only got 1 bolt holding it on---and 1 connector---but it takes 20 mins to make the connector halves let go of their death grip on each other without breaking anything. (one of the main reasons I do my own work when possible---every mechanic/dealership always ends up breaking an electrical connector or two, because they don't spend the time/effort to get them apart cleanly--they just pull until they snap, then zip-tie the parts back together)
  21. It also violates MW's "descriptive topic" rule. You MUST say SOMETHING about what it is in the title. No "what do you think?" or "check this out" topic names allowed.
  22. ??? The VF-0, yeah. But the Sv-51 rocks.
  23. I'm surprised at that--that part's hinge is one of the most-improved areas compared to both the original 1/60 and 1/48.
  24. Yes. If you're not sure which is which, are you sure you used the right one?
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