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David Hingtgen

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Everything posted by David Hingtgen

  1. Here's pics of where it breaks and what to look for: http://macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?s=&a...st&p=653985 ::edit:: This pic's good too: http://macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?act=...st&id=56990 (you should NOT be able to see any metal--the exposed end of the pin is because the plastic broke off, and so the arm is now only held on by one end--which of course will stress the other end, probably causing that end to fail too)
  2. David Hingtgen


    Absolutely identical.
  3. The Eurofighter really is THAT picky. But that's not that new---back in the 60's, the 727 had such close fitting parts that when the main 4 fittings for the wing-to-body join was done for each plane, they had to stop all other work/people/machines in the factory, adjust the temperature of the air, tools, and parts all to within .1 degrees, and the guy installing them needed to wear rubber soles to absorb vibrations... (side-comment----the automotive industry has no idea how close "close-tolerance" really is)
  4. I think there was at least one broken stand-alone Roy.
  5. Quick video on stealth from Lockheed engineers: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_-GzBNdjaFA
  6. Looks more like an F-18 to me (nose, canopy, wings, tailfins, overall proportions). Nosegear is an F-18's turned 180. Wings are an F-18's with extra panel lines textured on (even the wingfold hinge fairing is still there). Nose isn't a direct copy, just very very "F-18ish".
  7. Anyone here have both MG and PG Zero? I have PG, and am wondering if getting the MG is worth it. On one hand, almost everything I read says the MG is better. On the other hand--I already have a high-end Zero! The money might be better spent on something I don't have at all, like a Zeta Plus or Unicorn. On that note--what are the odds of a 2.0 Zeta Plus?
  8. G is a force acting upon an aircraft. It is mainly dictated by the aircraft's speed. This is why an F-15 pulling 6G can "out-turn" a missile that is pulling 20G. G-limit is simply how much stress a plane can take without breaking. The faster you go, and the more weight you have, the more stress. An empty F-15 pulling 6G is under a LOT less stress than an F-15 with 5000lbs of stuff under each wing---at the same speed and turn rate, the loaded one is experiencing more stress, and thus has a lower G-limit at that moment. (because at 6G, that 5000lbs of stuff is then inducing a 30,000lb force on each wing) The REAL way to measure a plane's turning capability is how many degrees per second--in other words, how long to make a full circle. Of course, that is then split up into instantaneous vs sustained turn rates. Which is why aircraft have maneuvering "envelopes" composed of multiple 2D graphs trying to explain life in 3D under varying conditions. There is no simple number/stat/answer to describe a plane's agility. Classic example is WW2. Roll vs turn. Spitfire vs Fw190. Basic Spitfire turns rapidly, rolls slowly. Fw190 is the opposite. Then they clipped the Spitfire's wings to make it roll faster to match the Fw190's roll--but that made it turn slower so it lost its turning advantage. You can't have everything.
  9. I'd buy any Decepticon Gestalt if done right. Expensive, but worth it.
  10. Heck yeah. I've been thinking about going that route, and just making "whatever I want it to look like, based on no-one and nothing". My current: (I have to adjust the height though--I made her TOO short--and the 360 does it wonky--more of a "head proportion" change than anything---and it only exaggerates the freakishly long hands inherent to the 360-Mii)
  11. MP Ultra Magnus is my vote---not quite to scale with MP Prime (he'd cost like 3 or 4 hundred bucks otherwise)---just, bigger than Prime and all-new molding. Or Trypticon. If we don't get Encore Trypti, then I want MP. (and hey, there's at least 1 remold/repaint for him)
  12. Ok, making sure---in battroid mode, if the rough end of the pin is up, that's bad?
  13. One of my fave eps. (and retro-continuity, we later find out it was the Founders/Changelings behind it all---sorta)
  14. Quit teasing us non-Canadians with your non-spoilers!
  15. Whoops, didn't see that "in terms of proportions" note. Take away 1 Sv-51 vote and add 1 VF-1 v.2 vote...
  16. <---still waiting for Grace merchandise. You know actually, just a new head and new paint from that Klan figure wouldn't be far off...
  17. And a bunch of new G8 GXP pics: http://www.gminsidenews.com/forums/f14/gm-...p-photos-71713/ Surprised they went with the smaller GXP badge the Solstice uses, not the big one the GP/Bonnie used.
  18. It's a mandatory update to the dashboard itself, and will start force-loading itself onto your system with new games--I think one game already out has it on the disc. The only way to avoid it would be to stop buying any new games, and only play what's already released.
  19. Yeah. Alto's VF-25F was "discontinued"---until they made the next batch. Then it'll be discontinued again--until the 3rd release...
  20. Replying to Apollo Leader: My biggest complaint is the new guide appearance---white text on grey boxes. And no theme changes that. The dashboard is very colorful, but the new guide is even more boring than the old one--you could at least choose a background pattern for it. Now, it's plain, plain, plain dark grey... PS--you've been playing with MilkManX a lot? That would explain why he's been shirking his mod duties lately...
  21. I thought I read something about there being an "animated" head sculpt for her coming--or did that turn into the pilot headsculpt?
  22. I haven't posted a "wallpaper pic" in a long time---here ya go, a great F-22 shot: http://www.holloman.af.mil/shared/media/ph...F-0502F-006.jpg
  23. I haven't seen ANY battle packs in stores since the first 2. (though all I really want from the last couple is a red-masked BAT---I really have no desire for the others from that set, presuming a better Dusty comes out---the face paint is just too thick/heavy, plus the random dark brown head-wrap thing) PS---is there another "normal" Scarlett coming in the future? I didn't like the original face sculpt, and the new pilot one---I just don't like all the "pilot" stuff, honestly. ::edit:: Gah, and now I just find out about this pack: http://yojoe.com/magazine/2008/11/14.shtml With a truly "toon-accurate" Lady Jaye. Heck, looks to be mostly new parts. Maybe I can trade my DVD-Jaye for something (her filecard and stand are still sealed) (I pretty much only want 1 version of each character--the "best" version--which to me is generally "animated movie appearance") Man, I really only want the Lady Jaye from that set---but I assume everyone else has the same opinion, and she'll probably sell loose for almost what the 5-pack costs. I gotta stop buying "good enough" and wait for "perfection" since it seems Hasbro is going to do every subtle variant possible. (still waiting for a brown-shirt animated Flint, and same for Falcon--and need dark green vest V2 Roadblock)
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